Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1184: Jacques-41M and Real Dragon Ⅴ

It's no wonder that the military leader will be like this, he is really surprised, VTOL fighter! How many countries in the world can do it?

Up to now, apart from the British Sea Harrier fighters, only the former Soviet Union’s Yak-38 carrier-based fighters, and the rest, including the United States, have no similar models. Of course, the United States’ JSF project is progressing smoothly in recent years. It is expected to be finalized at the beginning of the 21st century and even enter active service.

But the rest of the countries really do not have the ability, and there is no way. The vertical take-off and landing fighters test not only the comprehensive strength of the so-called aviation industry, but the most cutting-edge core technology. Comprehensive inspection.

To make an inappropriate analogy, if the ordinary third-generation aircraft is the general college entrance examination; then the vertical take-off and landing fighter of the same level is the super difficulty of the international high number competition level.

Because the smooth vertical take-off and landing of a fighter of more than ten tons is by no means an excellent aerodynamic shape and a powerful engine. If you don't have extremely deep knowledge in this aspect, you don't even have to think about it.

The French aviation industry is powerful enough. When the British made the Sea Harrier, the French were jealous at the time. They wanted to build a vertical period fighter similar to the Sea Harrier on the basis of the Mirage F-1 fighter. The result was tossing for several years. , After spending a lot of money, it became a feather.

The same is true for Americans. In the 1960s, General Motors used F-5 fighter jets to make vertical take-off and landing fighters, but it was not very successful. Later, they dug up a lot of engineers and technicians for the sea harrier project from the British, and even ended up simply. I bought the entire Sea Harrier project, changed the name of the AV-8 model, and dignified it as my own, thus laying the foundation for a vertical take-off and landing fighter.

From the experience of France and the United States, we can see that vertical take-off and landing fighter jets are really not an easy task. As a result, the Ascendas Group was able to do it, the military leader. How not surprised? How can you not be shocked?

Zhuang Jianye nodded sincerely looking at the surprised look of the military leader: "It can't be said that this is done, we are just. We have made some changes on the basis of True Dragon II. What is the specific situation? Looking at the follow-up test flight, but according to Professor Maleshevsky, the chief designer of the Yakovlev Design Bureau, our True Dragon V comprehensive level is basically equivalent to their Yak-41M!"

"Oh..." Hearing that the military leaders were even more surprised: "Professor Maleshevsky? He really said that?"

As soon as I heard this, Zhuang Jianye knew that this military leader seemed familiar with Maleshevsky.

The fact is true. When the military leaders were still working as technicians in a military factory, they had exchanges with Maleshevsky, who was an expert in aid to China. In the early 1990s, the military leaders frequently During the visit to Russia led by a delegation, many things were successfully completed through Maleshevsky matchmaking. Therefore, the personal relationship between the two is still very good.

If others hear that the relationship between their big leaders and partners is good, they might be more cautious. The question is who is Zhuang Jianye? His face is really thicker than the armor, so he nodded without hesitation: "If the fake is replaced, Professor Maleshevsky's evaluation of our true dragon V is very high. That day, the old chief could talk to Maleshevsky. If you contact the professor, you can ask him in person if our True Dragon V is on the same level as their Jacques-41M!"

What Zhuang Jianye said was full of self-confidence, righteousness and courage, and with his tall waist, he undoubtedly revealed the domineering attitude of the head of a modern high-tech enterprise.

However, if these words were heard by Professor Maleshevsky in the office of the chief engineer of the Yakovlev Design Bureau in Russia, it is estimated that he would be able to fly over from a long distance and grab Zhuang Jianye by the throat while shouting. Smelly shameless; while wishing to send Zhuang Jianye this dead girl to see Hades.

And NM said that it is even with Jacques-41M?

How did you Zhuang Jianye say the export? It is clearly your real dragon Ⅴ imitation Jacques-41M, OK? From the internal structure to the external pneumatic layout, one thing is completely copied, and even the rivets are not changed.

As a result, after changing the title of True Dragon V, he said he made it by himself? Is it improved from True Dragon II? Why don't you open your dog's eyes and look at your Real Dragon II, but it has a double hair, and it is changed to a single hair. Why are the lengths different from beginning to end? Actually embarrassed to say that it is an improvement?

Where's the face? Can I have a face?

Of course, if Maleshevsky really dared to question this, Zhuang Jianye would not blush, but would justly ask: "Since we feel that our True Dragon V is a bad name, I can't forget your Jacques-41M, yes. Spit out the six million dollars I gave you!

Then let our JJ-7MAX meet your Yak-130 in reality in the international market. Regardless of other things, the unit price will always be $600,000 lower than your Russian products under the same performance. Who is afraid of competition? Who is that?

Anyway, the life and death of your Yakovlevsche Design Bureau has half a dime relationship with our Ascendas Group? "

Even if Maleshevsky was upright, jealous, and helpless, after listening to these words, he had to say to Zhuang Jianye with Yan Yuese: "Excuse me, Mr. Zhuang, I just remembered it wrong, our Jacques 41M As a verification machine, it still stays on the drawings. As far as the paper performance is concerned, True Dragon V is indeed no worse than ours, and even better."

It's not that Maleshevsky has really changed his sex, but that I have to say that in the past few years, the life of their Yakovlev Design Bureau is really difficult.

Civil regional airliners not only face the frontal competition from Canada’s Bombardier, Embraer, France’s Dassault, Airbus and even Boeing, but also face the attack of Ascendas Group and Indonesian Airlines, and their market share has shrunk sharply.

In the case of civil aviation airliners, the field of military aircraft is even less optimistic.

As the exclusive development and production unit of the former Soviet navy's carrier-based aircraft and trainer aircraft, the Yakovlev Design Bureau of the Soviet era had a good life.

But since the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the size of the navy has shrunk sharply, and it can't maintain a huge fleet of ships, and it can't support the corresponding fleet of carrier-based aircraft.

The same is true for trainers. Neither the Air Force nor the Naval Air Force nor the Homeland Defense Air Force have the ability to purchase a new generation of trainers. They can only be repaired on the original old trainers~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so it was sent to you. The highly anticipated Yak-141 vertical take-off and landing fighter and Yak-130 trainer have been in a state of half-dead.

In order to survive so that years of hard work will not be wasted, Maleshevsky, as the chief designer, can only reluctantly reduce its projects in order to retain the key projects with better development potential, that is, Maleshevsky. Jacques-130 trainer in person.

This means that the Yak-141 vertical take-off and landing fighter that was established in the Soviet era will be ruthlessly cut off, of course. Maleshevsky, who has been ruthlessly beaten by the market economy for more than a decade, will not discontinue the project as it did in the Soviet era. It will somewhat transform some real interests.

So there was a lot of news in the international market, ready to transfer the improved Yak-141, Yak-41M vertical take-off and landing fighter's complete production technology.

The higher the price is $12 million.

As soon as the news came out, many buyers, including Ascendas Group, were like sharks smelling blood, cracking the blood basin and rushing forward.

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