Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1192: Hope can only be seen in the Chinese

After listening to Maleshevsky's words, Zhuang Jianye did not immediately express his position, but frowned slightly.

You should know that the technical data of a model is not a Chinese textbook for middle school students. Just a few memorized texts can get things done. It can be described as a vast ocean of smoke, and often a detailed calculation requires tens of thousands of pages of manuscripts.

If it is all the data, it is even necessary to use the unit of ton to measure it.

Although the human brain is said to be the most sophisticated organ in the world, it is difficult for even the most talented person to remember so many things.

What's more, Maleshevsky in front of him is already an old man who is over seventy.

I guess I can’t even remember what the newspaper I read in the morning is. How can I remember the technical data of the Yak-41M vertical take-off and landing fighter aircraft?

Maleshevsky is really not very smart in business, and it can even be said to be very naive, otherwise it would not be so easy to jump into the trap set by Lockheed Martin.

But for so many years in the Soviet system, he still has an outstanding eye for words and expressions. At first glance, Zhuang Jian did not speak and because of his face, how could this old chief of the Yakovlev Design Bureau not know what his new boss was? idea?

So he led Zhuang Jianye to his office and wanted to take out a bottle of vodka from the wine cabinet. The two of them sat down and drank and chatted, but found embarrassingly that there was not even a glass in the wine cabinet, let alone wine.

As a last resort, Maleshevsky could only let Zhuang Jianye sit on the single sofa next to the tea table, and he moved a chair to sit next to it. It was not that Maleshevsky didn’t want to make a sofa. The main reason was that the pair of Sha found that there is only one left. Next, the other didn't know that the missing thief with the smoking thief was moved away grandiosely, so that Zhuang Jianye and Maleshevsky could only sit together in such a nondescript manner.

It is impossible to say that it is not embarrassing, so at the beginning, Maleshevsky could not find the topic at all, so that the scene was very boring, but after speaking, Maleshevsky gradually found the feeling, and then Regardless of the embarrassment completely forgotten: "Mr. Zhuang, I don't know if you have heard of Professor Nepobetime?"

Zhuang Jianye frowned when he heard the name Nepobetimee. He only felt that the name seemed familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a while. After a while, he said, "Is it right? Former Soviet Union." Times. Chief designer of Oka short-range ballistic missile?"

"Yes, it is him!" Maleshevsky nodded and continued: "Do you know that he has recently successfully resurrected the completely destroyed Oka short-range ballistic missile..."

As soon as this remark came out, it was like a thunderstorm, causing Zhuang Jianye's eyes to suddenly widen, and then he narrowed slightly, leaving only two thoughtful and deep eyes.

To resurrect the Oka short-range ballistic missiles, this short sentence contains too many things.

You must know that the Oka short-range ballistic missile, which is the star weapon that used the "Iskander" vest to ramp up the international arms market and geopolitical hotspots a few years later, but in the late 1980s, when the United States and the Soviet Union signed the Intermediate-Range-Range Treaty Soviet ace equipment officially included in the complete destruction list.

The reason for this is simple. The accuracy of this short-range ballistic missile is high enough and the number is large enough that the air defense firepower of the United States and other Western countries simply cannot hold.

Therefore, the Americans were very scared of this weapon, for fear that someday the Soviet Union would release this missile as raindrops on the US military in Western Europe. Therefore, the Soviet leaders at the time were both soft and hard, and they just pulled this Oka missile into it. The INF Treaty shall be destroyed.

This kind of destruction is different from Lockheed Martin’s tricks to pit the Yakovlev Design Bureau to destroy its own technical data. The destruction of the Oka missile is confirmed by a treaty and is personally supervised by US military observers, whether it is The technical data is still the missile entity, or the production line or even the engineering. That is to the bottom, no one is left, all is erased from the earth, not even a scum is left.

In the words of the U.S. military observers responsible for supervising the destruction, it means that for the Oka missile, a Russian letter, a screw, or a piece of patent leather cannot be left.

Let me tell you, the book-chasing app I am using recently, [\\mi\\mi\\reading\\app\\\\] cache reading, offline reading!

It can be said that he went to grandma's house completely.

So wanting to resurrect the Oka missile can’t be done in one sentence or two sentences. The difficulty is basically the same as creating a new model from scratch. However, Professor Nepobetimy insisted on this. The impossible became a reality.

Zhuang Jianye was surprised by this, and he naturally understood what Maleshevsky said. Professor Nepobedimei was able to successfully resurrect the Oka short-range ballistic missile, and Maleshevsky who was sitting on the opposite side naturally also It can replicate the success of Oka and make the Yak-41M vertical take-off and landing fighter.

Realizing this, Zhuang Jianye was not entangled in specific details, but asked straightforwardly: "How sure is it?"

When Maleshevsky heard this, his wrinkled face showed a gratifying smile unique to an old man who had gone through vicissitudes of life: "Mr. Zhuang, you have to believe one sentence. Good products are also made by people. In the 1970s, when we made product descriptions to the Soviet Central Industrial Committee, the manuscript in hand never exceeded 15 pages, but we had to face the sixteen members of the Soviet Central Industrial Committee to ask questions in turn, often all night long. It is difficult for a thin 15-page manuscript to cover so many problems, so we must develop a super brain and memorable skills, otherwise we will not be able to sit down.

I know you want to say whether I can remember it when I am such an old age, but please believe that when something that persists for a long time becomes a habit, or even the biological instinct of Jinghua City, then there is nothing impossible for me. in this way……"

As he said, Maleshevsky straightened his waist, and his face showed the unique pride of the Russian nation: "As a Yak-41M vertical take-off and landing fighter, Professor Netuvac, who designed and calculated the theoretical strength of the resultant strength, is the same; aerodynamics The same is true for Professor Vatutin, the head of the academic project; the same is true for Konesovsky, the project director of the R-79 turbofan vector engine~www.wuxiaspot.com~ even if it is responsible for the production of the Yak-41M vertical take-off and landing fighter verification aircraft. The workers at the Ural Third Aircraft Factory are all like this...

And the brains of these people are like pieces of scattered jigsaw pieces, bringing them together is the design drawings, process architecture, and manufacturing process completed by the Yak-41M vertical take-off and landing fighter!

The Americans can destroy all our archives designed by Yakovlev; they can also erase the backups of the Moscow Central Archives; they can even wipe out all the shadows of Yakovlev in the world, as long as there is our People are there, Yakovlev Design Bureau is there, Yak-41M, Yak-44, and Yak-130 are there. After all, talent is the foundation, not cold words. "

After listening to Zhuang Jianye nodded, this kind of principle of saving people and losing land, both people and land; why does Zhuang Jianye not understand the principle of saving people and losing land, but the problem is...

So Zhuang Jianye raised his eyes to look at the old Professor Malesovsky: "Why should it be placed in our Ascendas Group?"

Yes, since your Russia has the ability to resurrect the Oka missile, it is not difficult to resurrect the Yak-41M vertical take-off and landing fighter by analogy. Russia can’t do it now, it doesn’t mean it will not do it in the future, so why put it in China?

In this regard, Maleshevsky was silent for a moment, and then said slowly with a somewhat determined and hopeful tone: "Now I can only see hope in your Chinese comrades, so if you need me, Will do what it can."

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