Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1194: A different kind of dragon Ⅴ

Therefore, Zhuang Jianye was very tolerant of Maleshevsky's requirements. Didn't he just want to learn the operating experience of Ascendas Group? Learn to learn, what is there? As long as you keep the technology of the carrier-based aircraft, you can learn how you want to learn, even if you let him, Zhuang Jianye, the Ascendas group, do a pole dance.

Even if the core business is liberalized, Zhuang Jianye is more generous in terms of funding. Didn't Maleshevsky ask for 3 million US dollars? Zhuang Jianye directly approved 6 million US dollars with a wave of his hand.

It is required to complete the trial production of the Yak-41M vertical take-off and landing fighter model and the Zhenlong V model within two years.

Maleshevsky agreed very simply. He punched his chest with his fist and it was a thumping sound. He proudly said that if he couldn't do it, he would hang himself naked outside for ten and a half days in the winter.

All in all, just one sentence, leave this to me and you can put your heart in your stomach.

Facts have proved that Maleshevsky, an old comrade left over from the Soviet era, is still very reliable. Starting in March 1996, Maleshevsky has successively convened those who had worked in the Yakovlev Design Bureau. University professors, technicians in research institutes, and skilled workers in factories.

Started to organize the data of the Yak-41M vertical take-off and landing fighter. In less than half a year, a total of six tons of technical data were collected. Then based on these data, the Yak-41M vertical take-off and landing fighter and others mapped out the Yak-41M vertical take-off and landing. The design drawing and process production template of the fighter.

And on this basis, the original Yak-41M vertical take-off and landing fighter was systematically optimized, thereby upgrading it to the Yak-41MK vertical take-off and landing fighter, which is now being built by the Ascendas Group. In the final assembly line of the Pulse III aircraft in the No. 0 workshop, the adaptively produced True Dragon V vertical take-off and landing battle.

"This fighter. It uses a WD-70ST turbofan vector engine with a maximum thrust of 15.8 tons, a total mass of 1.82 tons, and a thrust-to-weight ratio of 8.3..."

After introducing the ins and outs of the True Dragon V vertical take-off and landing fighter, Zhuang Jianye began to talk to the two leaders about the specific performance indicators of the True Dragon V. The leader has been amused, but the military leaders listened. Is very serious.

Seeing the two leaders, Zhuang Jianye continued to say: "This engine is our Ascendas Group. The Aero Engine Manufacturing Co., Ltd. has improved on the basis of the Russian R-79 turbofan vector engine. The biggest feature is For the nozzle to be realized, the downward deflection of 60 degrees can provide up to 10.5 tons of lift, and the lift of a WD-28ST turbofan lift engine at the rear of the cockpit can achieve 4.2 tons of lift to realize the true dragon V vertical lift. Drop operation."

"As far as I know, the Yak-41M vertical take-off and landing fighter uses two turbofan lift engines." Hearing the words of the military leaders here suddenly interrupted like slime. Interrupt Zhuang Jianye.

Zhuang Jianye nodded: "Yes, the old chief, the Yak-41M vertical take-off and landing fighter uses two RD-41 turbofan lift engines, but this layout is obviously too complicated, and the maintenance and production costs are too high. We Based on this, the two turbofan lift engines have been streamlined into one. This is also the biggest feature of our True Dragon V which is different from the Yak-41M vertical take-off and landing fighter."

Hearing that the leader of the army did not say anything, but with great interest, he circulated the True Dragon V vertical take-off and landing fighter that had been assembled to a certain shape for two times, then rubbed his chin and asked thoughtfully: "It seems that there are some discrepancies in the layout from what you declared?"

The implication of the words of the military leaders is that the aerodynamic shape of the True Dragon V seems to be different from the Yak-41M. Obviously, the military leaders have seen the Yak-41M, otherwise it is impossible to see two at a glance. Difference.

Zhuang Jianye's face was not red and heartbeat, and he was full of pride. After all, the real dragon V evolved from Jacques-41MK in front of him. It would be a **** if they were the same.

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So I immediately replied: "We did make some changes. The relevant information has been compiled and will be reported in the near future. Because before the production of the prototype model, we found that the previous design was problematic through theoretical calculations and wind tunnel tests. In the aerodynamic layout, a series of changes have been made, such as the addition of a large wing..."

With that said, Zhuang Jianye made a gesture at the front of the wing root of the True Dragon V that was being assembled: "The side strip wing of the previous initial design version was only at the front of the wing root, a small side strip. Now we have not only enlarged it, It also extends the side strips to the intake port, so that the aircraft gains extra lift while also obtaining extremely strong maneuverability. In addition to..."

Before his words were over, Zhuang Jianye pointed to the inlet again: “In the initial design, the inlet adopts a rectangular inlet similar to the MiG-25. After our calculations, the efficiency of the inlet at the subsonic low speed is It's not the best. On the contrary, it works very well in terms of supersonic speed. Therefore, we borrowed the adjustable air inlet of F-15C and added an adjustable device."

"There are wings..." Zhuang Jianye turned around and patted the wings behind him: "We increased the wingspan from the initial design of 10.1 meters to 12.4 meters, and adopted a more advanced wing folding device. The overall flight performance is better, and the folded space area is roughly the same as the original design... By the way, we have also changed the inclination angle of the final vertical tail from the original 3.5 degrees to 12.5 degrees. Not only that, we also Incorporating the new technology of full-movement vertical tail, the maneuverability of the aircraft has been qualitatively improved..."

Zhuang Jianye gave a very detailed introduction to each of the parts and uses of the trial-produced model of True Dragon V that is being assembled. The leaders and leaders who listened to it were amazed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But everyone When he felt that this was an impeccable advanced combat aircraft, Zhuang Jianye changed his mind: "Of course, the application of so many advanced technologies and techniques has also paid a certain price. The most influential factor is the total structure. The maximum take-off weight of 28 tons has been increased to 32 tons, and the weapon load has been reduced from 2.6 tons to 2.2 tons.

However, we are making the next improvement plan and strive to further increase the proportion of composite materials inside the aircraft, so that the current 25% will increase to 38%, and we will strive to maintain the maximum take-off weight of the Dragon V at 29 tons after the improvement. The maximum load is increased to 3.2 tons, of which the maximum load during vertical take-off can reach 2 tons, and the remaining indicators are not lower than the third-generation combat aircraft commonly equipped today. "

Speaking of this, Zhuang Jianye paused, and then led the leaders and the military leaders to walk outside the No. 0 workshop while continuing to introduce: "These are the first two stages of the development of the Zhenlong V vertical takeoff and landing fighter. In the future, we will carry out the third phase of improvement, that is, on the basis of the improved True Dragon V, combined with the application technology of the next-generation combat aircraft, the radar stealth version of the vertical take-off and landing fighter will be launched.

Of course all this depends on the current development situation, but our Ascendas Group is confident that for the cause of the People’s Navy, it will inevitably turn its ideals into reality! "

After listening to the military leader, he nodded approvingly, but the leader who had not spoken, suddenly stopped when he walked to the door of the No. 0 workshop, and then looked at Zhuang Jianye and asked a sentence that made Zhuang Jianye’s heart beat faster. : "After re-establishing China on the basis of Ascendas Group, what are your main directions besides supporting naval aviation?"

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