Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1201: Voucher boarding, childishness

No wonder the officers and soldiers of the peacekeeping forces of other countries are so surprised and shocked.

You must know that windshear is the absolute killer of air crashes in recent years.

Because this kind of weather is really weird and unpredictable, it is difficult to track and measure with ordinary weather equipment.

As soon as it appears, it's like a slap on the plane, whichever kind of plane you have and what kind of performance you have, it will be shot on the ground and smashed into a pile of scrap iron.

This is the so-called power of nature.

If it is in a large airport with complete facilities, it will be equipped with instantaneous wind detection equipment under current technical conditions.

The Australian Air Force C-130 will provide instantaneous windshear warning before landing, so that the aircraft that is about to land can make timely response.

But the problem is that the Timor-Leste Airport at this moment is just a field airport that temporarily flattens the sugar cane fields. It is already very good to be able to build a temporary open-to-ground guidance radio station. If you want that kind of complete weather service equipment, it is simply Whimsical.

Of course, this does not mean that this airport is unsafe. After all, the Australian Air Force’s C-130 has taken off and landed here for dozens of sorties without exception.

In other words, the geographical and meteorological conditions of the airport are still very good.

But the question is no matter how good it is. East Timor is also an island country in the South Pacific. The variability of the ocean climate is reflected here.

Especially since the beginning of July, with the gradual warming of the southern hemisphere climate and the change of ocean currents, the meteorological conditions have changed drastically.

This is why, at this moment, a strong instantaneous wind suddenly appeared in the airport, causing wind shear.

However, these are not the main reasons why the officers and soldiers of the peacekeeping forces are shocked. The crux of the problem is that windshear does not come when it comes, and it leaves when it comes. There is always a certain pattern.

If this is not the case, it is impossible for large international airports with complete facilities to have early warning equipment similar to windshear so as to promptly notify the aircraft that is about to land. In other words, this windshear lasted for a period of time, and during this period of time, a civil aviation cargo plane from a large eastern country not only landed unharmed, but also directly smashed down like an Afghan landing.

You know, if this type of landing is superimposed on wind shear, it is not a suicidal landing, but a real suicidal behavior.

Because the violent dive is under the influence of the wind, it is not as simple as throwing the aircraft out with a slap, but it is very likely to cause the aircraft to exceed the structural strength limit and cause the air to disintegrate.

The proper thing is to tear the plane!

However, the civil aviation cargo plane of a large eastern country still fell steadily, and nothing happened to Mao.

On the contrary, it was a purely Australian military transport aircraft. The famous C-130 was overturned by a gust of wind.

Obviously, similar situations are rare, especially between two models that also have the ability to take off and land at a field airport. In such a comparison, it is not simply holding the manual and picking up a certain decimal parameter. Jijiwaiwai for a long time, that kind of no-depth scramble.

On the contrary, this kind of safe and sound, a plane crash is obviously more powerful than any case.

Because of this, when some people went to assist the Australian peacekeeping forces to deal with the C-130 crash, many people did not move. Instead, they approached Chen Fang in twos and threes and chatted gossip:

"Ah~~Mr. Chen, I haven't seen this aircraft before. Which country is it made?"

"This..." After confronting a peacekeeping officer from Malaysia, he finally entered the real question. Chen Fang felt that you still want to know the answer than the law.

It’s the first time he saw this kind of airplane, OK? You ask me, who shall I ask?

So he could only hesitate to speak, but before Chen Fang wanted to understand what to say, the UN peacekeeping officer from Pakistan on the other side laughed loudly: "Which country can it be made? Go back and look through your country's flight atlas. , Russia, the United States, and Europe simply do not have such a new transport aircraft, good or not, so this is China's own production.

And obviously, the windshear emergency evasion correction device was installed inside. Otherwise, why did this aircraft land so well just now? "

After speaking, he turned his eyes to Chen Fang: "Mr. Chen, how much does your aircraft cost? If you have the opportunity, you can help me ask. We in Pakistan still hope to try this new model. May be willing to become a loyal user of this model."

"So are we, and so are we... This kind of windshear emergency evasion device is still rare. If possible, we would like to experience the other performance of this model!" The violating officer from Malaysia listened to Pakistan. The officer's words suddenly became uneasy, and he quickly expressed his stance.

Seeing the situation of the peacekeeping forces of the two countries, the Portuguese officers who have been watching the show did not pretend to be big cloves of garlic, and said cautiously: "If it is made in China, we would also like to communicate with you the related technologies of this type of aircraft. ..."

Even Portugal in Europe has said so. Others are naturally unscrupulous. For a time, officers from the violating troops from different countries surrounded Chen Fang and asked me to ask for them.

Chen Fang was one of the first two leaders, so if he knew exactly what the situation of the plane was coming, it would be fine.

The key is that he doesn't know whether it is good or not, but even if the officers of the joint UN peacekeeping forces know that Chen Fang may not know the details, they still don't care, because they don't know anyone other than Chen Fang, so who can they contact without Chen Fang?

However, when Chen Fang was surrounded by everyone~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and was a little overwhelmed, suddenly a group of East Asian women led a large group of people hurried over, and when they saw Chen Fang, they cried and cried: "Mr. Chen~~Mr. Chen... Please, let's board a plane from a big country in the east. The Australian **** said, the current airport conditions, they can't take off, let us fend for ourselves.

They can’t help anymore. Now only you can save us. We are not Australians. We are from Hong Kong Island. We returned last year. We are from a certain big country in the East. Really, if you don’t believe me, listen to my Mandarin. Is it very standard? "

Chen Fang looked at the woman he had rescued with a look of astonishment.

This NM Mandarin is still called standard? Except for the name of a certain big country in the East, Yin and Yang said something strange in Mandarin.

There is not a single sentence left that is not spoken in English. Do you dare to say the standard?

So Chen Fang happily replied: "It's easy to get on the plane, you either have an ID card from the Mainland, or you have a Hong Kong and Macau Pass for Hong Kong and Taiwan, and you can board the plane with a certificate.

When the woman heard the words, she wailed and almost drew away...

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