Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1203: I don’t talk much, but I do it for you clearly

The moment a helicopter appeared at the tail of the fuselage, let alone a group of UN officials or UN peacekeeping force officers who were shocked and speechless, even Chen Fang himself was already dumbfounded.

I did not expect that the cargo plane of Qiongzhou Airlines was actually loaded with a helicopter.

However, the facts are that the UN officials are okay, but the faces of the peacekeeping force officers who came from professional soldiers have become more exciting.

You know, at this time, there are not many transport aircraft that can carry helicopters with good attitudes.

Only those huge strategic transport aircraft can do it.

But even at the level of strategic transport aircraft, not all models can perform such tasks. For example, the former Soviet Union’s Il-76 and An-22 transport aircraft can be called strategic transport aircraft, but both However, it is not possible to carry helicopters of medium size and above, unless these helicopters can be disassembled and assembled before they can be installed in the cabin.

Because of the defects of the two transport aircraft, one is not wide enough, and the other is low in utilization. As a result, complex cargo such as helicopters cannot be transported in full attitude.

Only the American C-5 and Russia's An-124 can be completed.

This is why the world is afraid of the strategic transportation forces of these two countries. There should be no surprises. People can pile up tanks, armored vehicles, helicopters, and the integrated system of combatants within a dozen or twenty hours. When you approached me, I asked you whether you were scared or not even if you had no chance of reacting.

At this moment, this cargo plane from Qiongzhou Airlines, a major eastern country, is loaded with such a C-5 or An-124, a medium-sized rescue helicopter with a very good posture that can be carried by a super strategic transport plane.

Except for the normal folding of the main propeller and the tail rudder, the landing gear, rescue slings, and surrounding accessories are all on the helicopter, and none of the parts are dismantled and placed.

In other words, this helicopter is launched from the cabin, unfolds the main propeller, and straightens the tail rudder to perform the task immediately, without having to do too much preparation.

This is also rescue. If it is in wartime, the cargo plane uses not a rescue helicopter, but an armed helicopter or a military transport helicopter in a special warfare squad, which is effective against the supported troops. It can definitely bring a qualitative improvement.

What is it that a large country in the East used civil aviation cargo planes to rescue Chen Fang's engineering teams, and it was clear that it was based on this pretext to show them and even the Indonesian nationalists across the border to show their own unique capabilities!

As the so-called one night fall, with a little bit of coverage, who can become a UN peacekeeping force and serve as an officer, who is not an elite in his own country's army?

If you don't see this clearly, it's better to jump into the sea to be a shark!

Today, a civil aviation cargo plane is used to carry the rescue helicopter. Hello and I, everyone; both sides give a little face, step back from each other, so that we can see each other well in the future!

If you don’t show your face, today’s civil aviation cargo aircraft will be transformed into a military transport aircraft tomorrow, and the rescue helicopter equipped with a slight modification will be a military helicopter.

Do you need to say more about the rest? It's just the old Chinese saying, Kou can go, and I can go too!

There are not many words, but things are done for you clearly.

This is the key to assigning Zhuang Jianye to Qiongzhou Airlines to carry out this special mission. If not, Zhuang Jianye does not need to bring the best aeronautical engineer team, maintenance support team and test pilot crew members of Ascendas Group. The headquarters of Qiongzhou Airlines personally took the seat to direct the operation.

As for the Afghan-style landing, anger at disagreement, and the display of loaded helicopters at critical moments, the series of operations, not to mention, were all designed by Zhuang Jianye.

Anyway, what the big leader meant, Lao Zhuang understood that he would do whatever he wanted. In this regard, Zhuang Jianye has always been stubbornly stubborn.

Of course, Zhuang Jianye didn't do windshear, otherwise, the level of anger must be raised to a higher level!

As for the effect... Needless to say, it is naturally surprisingly good. It depends on the presence of the officers of the peacekeeping forces of various countries pointing at the adjutants and guards behind them, and let them leave as soon as they have a few hurried explanations. You know, these people are really shocked to the extreme.

Otherwise, it is impossible for them to send someone to inform their own country of the situation in the first place.

Among them, the most flustered is the immigration officer of the current Indonesian regime in East Timor to support the UN operation. His face was pale, and he quickly asked his secretary to tell the country. Just one sentence: a big country in the East, this time it is serious!

At the beginning, Chen Fanggang did not understand the extraordinary meaning of the emergence of helicopters. After all, he has been a powerful force for many years. Now he is also known as the leader of the engineering department. His way of thinking has long converged with civilians and local governments. Just a simple shock.

It’s just a matter of loading rescue supplies in a cargo plane. Why put a helicopter in the cabin?

Let’s not say that the more than 20 of them do not need helicopters at all in this place. Even if they can use them, Chen Fang will not give up. You must know that the use of helicopters is not low, and there is nothing wrong with having the money to do something. ? What a pity to waste this place where birds don't shit?

However, the original idea was quickly rejected by Chen Fang. He even thought it was naive and ridiculous. After all, Chen Fang was not a fool. He took a look at the expressions of the officers around him and the words they ordered.

Suddenly I realized that this helicopter is more powerful than a few containers of medicine, a few tons of food and pure water.

How about protesting a hundred times on certain things~www.wuxiaspot.com~It is better to flash the wings of the bomber.

It's the same here. No matter how nice it is to rescue refugees, it is better to carry a rescue helicopter on a civilian cargo plane and spin its lonely propeller after coming over!

In this way, the ambitious people are deterred; and the people in need are hoped!

It's really more useful than any statement, any speech!

"Oh, Mr. Chen... I think the helicopter you shipped should be a Z-12 helicopter developed by your country? It seems to be different from the previous one~~~ It seems that a lot of improvements have been made, um~~ That’s right. Yes, the engine compartment and the tail nozzle are thicker and more refined than the previous model..."

Just when Chen Fang comprehended the intention of the domestic cargo plane to carry the helicopter, a United Nations official from New Zealand who was standing next to him without speaking suddenly spoke. It was just that his words sounded normal, but Chen Fang's ears were particularly uncomfortable: "Obviously, a lot of improvements have been made. I just don’t know if the old problem of the Zhi-12 helicopter has been fixed. If not, I suggest that you still don’t go deep into the Indonesian border because it is very dangerous. , It would be very uneconomical to get into a helicopter!"

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