Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1209: The so-called "humanitarian crisis"

"Sorry, Mr. Gu, our Indonesian National Aviation Industry Corporation cannot accept your terms!"

Just as Zhuang Jianye was sitting at the Qiongzhou Airlines headquarters and adjusting the special tasks ordered by the leaders, the capital, located in the small conference room on the eighth floor of the Beijing Hotel near the embassy area, was the Indonesian Commercial Counselor in China, Susilo Wahid Looking at Gu Jingyou, the general manager of Ascendas International Investment Company, who was opposite, he refused Gu Jingyou's proposal without hesitation.

Gu Jingyou did not express impatience about this, but a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "I still hope that Mr. Wahid will consider it!"

"The 2.8 billion U.S. dollar wants to obtain 85% of the Indonesian National Aviation Industry Corporation. What does this mean with the robbery? We must know that the Indonesian National Aviation Industry Corporation's annual revenue exceeds 10.6 billion U.S. dollars and the annual profit is 3.5 billion U.S. dollars. 28 Millions of dollars, even if we haven't even achieved our profit for a year, we want to get a controlling stake? It's a dream!"

Gu Jingyou didn’t say that it was okay. After saying that, Wahid was completely unable to suppress the fire, and was directly angry. No matter how bad, the Indonesian National Aviation Industry Corporation is also the largest aviation manufacturing company in Southeast Asia. It is also Canada’s Bombardier and Embraer. The world's third-largest regional airliner manufacturer after industrial companies.

In addition to aviation manufacturing, the business also undertakes urban rail transit, power equipment manufacturing, telecommunications, offshore oil exploration and mining, and deep processing of mining, etc. The business scope covers the entire Southeast Asia, with a market value of 120 billion US dollars at its peak.

Even after the Asian financial crisis, the market value has shrunk sharply. With the almost monopoly of the Indonesian National Aviation Industry Corporation, the market value still remains at US$80 billion, and 85% of the market is US$68 billion. As a result, Ascendas Group came up to open the market. The price tag is only 2.8 billion US dollars.

Not a fraction of the current market value. I have seen bullies, and I have never seen such bullies. As a former vice president of the National Aviation Industry Corporation of Indonesia, he was appointed to the Indonesian station after the Asian financial crisis. The Chinese Commercial Counsellor is responsible for coordinating business in China while actively striving for investment from China. Wahid, who has high expectations in Indonesia, cannot accept Gu Jingyou's approximate snatching conditions. Of course, he directly refuses it mercilessly.

That's not to say, Wahid, who was completely angered by Gu Jingyou, didn't care about it. He patted the table in front of him and stood up. He has long served as the vice president of Indonesia's National Aviation Industry Corporation. Suddenly it revealed no doubt, the tone was even more arrogant: "I think it should be your Ascendas Group and your country that should be considered. Now Indonesia’s economic situation is not good and nationalism is rising. If you want your country’s interest in Indonesia, Guaranteed, then consider it carefully!"

Before he could say anything, Wahid picked up the documents on the table, snorted coldly, and turned away without looking back.毊灪xindingdianxsw.com毊灪

When other people in Indonesia saw this, they did not dare to follow Wahid out of the meeting room.

Looking at the negotiating team of the National Aviation Industry Corporation of Indonesia, they all went clean. Gu Jingyou did not stop, let alone say a word. He stared at all of this blankly until everyone was clean. Leaning against the soft back of the chair, the smile on the corner of his mouth became more intense: "NB is really right. This is a group of white-eyed wolves who are afraid of power but not morals. If the domestic renminbi does not depreciate, they will be able to do so. Find it? The result is good, they take advantage of it, let's take the blame, how can there be such a good thing in the world?"

Gu Jingyou is right. The Indonesian National Aeronautics Industry Group used national power to contact Ascendas Group this time. It is not because of the technology of Ascendas Group, nor the future of this old rival. The key point is that the country is in the Asian financial crisis. Supporting the exchange rate of the renminbi, coupled with its own abundant foreign exchange reserves, allowed the Indonesian National Aviation Industry Corporation to see an opportunity for a comeback with the help of domestic restructuring.

Therefore, Wahid, who is in charge of the negotiations, proposed that, at the cost of selling 45% of the southeast market, in exchange for Ascendas Group as a guarantee, it will obtain a low-interest loan of US$30 billion from the China Development Bank to alleviate the so-called humanitarian crisis in Indonesia. .

The posture is not low. After all, Wahid has been the main trader who has hindered the Ascendas Group from entering Southeast Asia for so many years. Now Baba’s approach to ask for help is shameless. Is such a posture low enough?

The reason is not enough. To alleviate the humanitarian crisis, this statement is completely correct for the entire solar system. I haven’t seen Indonesia’s mess, and the poor are starting to beat and smash them if they can’t eat. Shouldn't the major developing country, one of the five permanent members in the world, express it?

What's more, I didn't let you say in vain that your Ascendas Group is eager to enter the Southeast Asian market? No problem, 45% of the market share is given to you. Is it sincere enough?

All in all, Indonesia has achieved the ultimate in attitude and morality this time, but what about it?嬯寷bxwx.co寷

It’s just that Indonesia is giving their national aviation industry group an excuse for forcibly renewing their lives, so don’t look at how Wahid’s various guaranteed low-interest loans of $30 billion will be received and how to solve the people’s humanitarian crisis, and even formulated detailed Plan the allocation table, and invite Gu Jingyou to supervise the implementation.

However, Gu Jingyou knows that once the money is handed over to Indonesia ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ they have 10,000 ways to transfer the money to the National Aviation Industry Corporation of China.

As for the so-called humanitarian crisis...that is a bullshit. If the root of Indonesia's modernization is to collapse, then it will be a crisis for the entire country!

In this regard, a large number of Indonesian elite groups such as Wahid can see clearly that if you want to modernize the country, you must take the road of industrialization to become a developed country. Indonesia’s national strength is naturally unable to support industrialization in all fields. Can choose one or two key areas to make key breakthroughs.

As the absolute high-end of the industrial chain, the aviation manufacturing industry is obviously a good way to achieve this goal. Whether it is employment, industrial support or the division of labor throughout the industrial chain, it is very suitable for Indonesia, which has a large population and a somewhat scattered territory. The only shortcoming of the country's reality is that the investment is a bit large.巗攮攮

However, once it develops, reporting is surprisingly high. More importantly, on this basis, Indonesia's entry into the world's developed countries is not an unattainable dream.

With such a huge practical interest in front of us, Wahid and others in Indonesia’s elite groups will naturally not give up, even if they incite domestic nationalism and create a so-called “humanitarian crisis” to force the international community to provide financial support to Indonesia. Because in their view, the people's temporary hardship is only temporary. As long as the National Aviation Industry Corporation is maintained, the country has hope in the future.

It’s just that I don’t know if this set is good in other countries. Anyway, Gu Jingyou is very clear about what Zhuang Jianye said before he set off. Just one sentence: "I want the Southeast Asian market and I also need tens of billions of dollars in balance sheet input. As for How to do it, you can do it yourself!

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