Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1212: What about double standard?

Wahid had to panic, because the moment Zhuang Jianye showed his Chinese passport, it meant that his many plans and arrangements here were all in vain, and it became a complete joke.

Don't you think that China's power cannot be extended? Can't affect the situation in East Timor? Can only accept the money obediently?

But now, they not only dispatched a large transport plane, but also carried a medium-sized transport helicopter. The most important thing is that they have already started their mission in East Timor.

The only thing that makes Wahid feel gratified is that the so-called "civilian organization" of Ascendas Group and Qiongzhou Airlines was sent this time. This proves that they have not really done everything, at least it has left Indonesia with a face. Another aspect can be regarded as a warning to Indonesian elites like Wahid that if the toss continues, the boundaries between "civil organizations" and "military organizations" may begin to blur.

Civil aviation cargo planes and rescue helicopters are really as simple as changing their coats to military transport planes and armed helicopters.

Just ask, do you dare to play in Indonesia?

The answer is obvious. Of course, I dare not play. Otherwise, Australia is so blatant to maintain a military presence in East Timor in the name of the UN peacekeeping force. Why can Indonesia not even dare to put a fart?

Are Australians good?

Of course not, but in the waters off East Timor, a large foreign country, together with some European countries’ aircraft carriers and amphibious assault ships, cruised unscrupulously there, helping their Australian brothers to support them. What else can you do if you let Indonesia deny it? ? Did it really attract a great power from outside the region to step in?

That loss can only be greater!

After all, the International Monetary Fund, which is controlled by a large foreign country earlier, has made it clear when it provided relief loans to Indonesia that it does not matter how the money in the loan is used in the national currency. But there is one thing that Indonesia must guarantee, that is, one thing. No money can be invested in the National Aviation Industry Corporation of Indonesia.

This is tantamount to cutting through the country’s modernization process from the root.

Was cut a wave of leeks, and in the end they even shaved them. Wahid and other Indonesian elites did not say anything, but they were very aggrieved. If not, why would Wahid and others go north to China? Trying to get some benefits from China in such a fierce way as inciting nationalism?

Hasn't it been forced to be helpless and desperate!

I thought that with the strength of China today, it was not enough to support long-distance delivery. Looking at their little tricks, I could only suffer a dumb loss, but I didn't think that people only moved two companies and got it done. If we use national power...

Wahid didn't dare to think about it anymore, because he can now clearly foresee the end of Indonesia's National Aviation Industry Corporation, and there is no other way but to wipe out.

Because the only country in the world that can allow Indonesia to obtain external funds without incurring any cost does not exist anymore.

Without the National Aviation Industry Corporation of Indonesia, Indonesia can only sink in developing countries. When it develops to a certain extent, it is bound by the ceiling that cannot be broken, and then it begins to tragically involute...

Realizing these, Wahid can still care about the mess on the ground. He just felt dizzy and had to throw his head up and fall down. Fortunately, Suharto’s eyesight was quick and he held Wahid, which did not let the Indonesian industry. The legendary figures in the world suffered unexpectedly.

But this is the case. Seeing the bleak prospects of Indonesia's industry in the future, Wahid still felt sad, and tears flowed down his eyes unconsciously.

However, just when Wahid felt that everything was a foregone conclusion and there was no future at all, the words of Zhuang Jianye, who was standing on the launching stage in the TV set, made Wahid vaguely catch a different direction.

"Which media are you?" asked Zhuang Jianye on the stage, raising his brows.

A white female reporter hurriedly stood up and replied in a loud voice: "I am the Australian ABC Broadcasting reporter Hei Li..." It seems that repeating the identity is not enough. The female reporter repeated the question again: "Mr. Zhuang just now. It is said that this "peaceful ferry" operation is an authentic humanitarian relief operation. If so, why can only people with Chinese passports get free services, and people from other countries can't?

As far as I know, there is a severely injured Australian pilot at the East Timor Temporary Airport who is in urgent need of rescue helicopter help. However, your company has paid out 10 million US dollars in rescue expenses. Shouldn't rescue organizations be the industry norm for rescue organizations? Why is Ascendas Rescue an exception? And is this kind of double standard the so-called humanitarianism that your country insists on? "

The female reporter Hei Li is asking questions rather than asking questions, and the big hats are one after another. There is no way. It is really the double standard that Ascendas Rescue created in East Timor is too cruel.

Those who have the exact identity certificate are good to eat, drink and be entertained. You can do whatever you want.

No, it's no problem to roll as far as you want. You can take the money first.

Z-13 rescue helicopter for ordinary sorties is US$2 million; with ventilator, US$1 million; with cardiopulmonary resuscitation device, US$1 million; if you want to use sedatives and aviation syringes, I’m sorry to add US$2 million.

Plus stretcher usage fee, vacancy fee, personnel transportation fee, nursing fee, fuel fee, depreciation fee...

As soon as the water flows down, you don’t even want to use it without a $18 million. But even so, the Ascendas Rescue Team may not give you priority, because people have to finish the work of the people in the country before they can consider coming to help. .

Where did Australians who have become so accustomed to receive such double-standard treatment? At that time, Colonel Curt, the commander of the Australian peacekeeping force to the United Nations, quit, and went straight to the theory. As a result, the people who took off to rescue were also very polite and told Ke Colonel Special, add another 10 million dollars and they will get things done.

Either take the money or get out, choose one of the two!

To be honest, at that time Colonel Curt really wanted to pull out his gun to make all the rescuers abrupt~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but he looked at the four TNB-18F cargo planes in the distance, and he abruptly held back.

It's cool to be abrupt, but if someone is a cargo plane, a military transport plane, toss around Australia, can they stand it?

But this matter was too awkward to vent, so Colonel Curt simply stabbed the media, hoping to use public opinion to pressure or condemn it, anyway, the Ascendas Group can't make it easier.

Heili was instructed by the high-level staff in the station to wait for Zhuang Jianye to hold a press conference. When Zhuang Jianye started to ask questions freely, she was the first to grab the microphone and fired the cannon directly. As a result, people didn’t understand. , Can only endure his anger and say it again.

As a result, what surprised Heili was that her questioning did not make Zhuang Jianye on the stage embarrassed at all, instead she gave a very contemptuous smile: "Our standards that run through the business society are actually recognized as a double standard by a Fakennews organization. .

Well, I admit that we have double standards, so what? You have the ability to send a rescue helicopter too! "

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