Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1225: High-power military engine

After hearing this, Zhuang Jianye couldn't help but opened his brows, his heart finally let down slightly.

In fact, this time he hurried back from Qiongzhou Phoenix Airport. Zhuang Jianye was really not for the two Indonesian guests, Wahid and Suharto. Even if he intends to merge with Indonesia's National Aviation Industry Corporation, Zhuang Jianye does not need to go personally.

It was because a serious air accident occurred during the pre-production test flight of the No. 10 project. As the person in charge of an important supporting production plant, Zhuang Jianye received this news, even if the sword had to come back.

Because no one knows what the cause of the air accident is. If it is on the supporting side, Tengfei Group will bear considerable responsibility. Except for his head family who can bear it, one of Tengfei Group is really considered to be one. Just can't take it down.

No way, it is that the importance of the No. 10 project is to some extent comparable to that of the introduced Su-27, and to a certain extent, there is still more than a line.

Especially in the context of the sudden rise in the military struggle situation along the southeast coast after the major event, the significance of a completely domestically produced medium-sized third-generation multi-role fighter is self-evident. It is precisely because of this that the headquarters hopes to be able to The first batch of the No. 10 project mass-produced formally equipped troops will form a complete combat capability in the first decade of the new century.

Based on this timetable, the headquarters requires all participating manufacturers to be strict in quality and responsible for everyone. Whoever has a problem must be held accountable, even the king of heaven will not tolerate it.

The headquarters are all talking about it. After receiving a problem with the pre-production test flight of the No. 10 project, how dare Zhuang Jianye be negligent, and directly packaged a Qiongzhou Airlines a310 passenger plane to fly back.

Of course, they couldn’t tell the truth with Wahid, so Zhuang Jianye said that a310 was tnb-18f. Anyway, the other party couldn’t go to the airport to investigate. Zhuang Jianye didn’t hesitate to talk, no matter what. Let's just confuse the Indonesians.

Zhuang Jianye can still handle it clearly.

Now that the cause of the problem has been found, it is still the Russian-made al-31fn high-power turbofan engine, not the No. 10 project itself. While Zhuang Jianye breathed a sigh of relief, his stretched brows could not help but slowly tighten.

Yes, it is still al-31fn, not actually. In other words, it is not the first time that the pre-production type of the No. 10 project has similar problems.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Since the successful first flight of the No. 10 project, it has entered an intense test flight stage. Due to the use of a large number of new processes and new technologies, the maturity of the model is not high, and this is often the case during the test flight. Or that kind of defect.

However, the problems were not big and were resolved quickly.

However, there is a core problem that caused the No. 10 project team up and down to break their minds, and that is the supporting high-power turbofan engine.

The domestically-made turbofan 6 was too hip, and the design index was changed five times, and it was launched three times over and over again. As a result, the whole project became nondescript and had to be completely dismounted.

Without the turbofan 6, the No. 10 project could only be forced to choose the Russian-made al-31f high-power military turbofan engine. As the main power of the Su-27 series, the performance of the al-31f is beyond doubt. One of the few high-power military engines in the world to meet the No. 10 project should not be a problem.

The Russians slapped their chests loudly, and even said that the United States can support f-15 and f-16 with f-110, and their Russian al-31f can naturally support Su-27 and 10 projects; Otherwise, how worthy of the former Soviet Union's status as a superpower in the world.

This sounds very encouraging and makes sense, but has anyone ever seen a single-engine combat aircraft with an al-31f engine in the former Soviet Union\Russia?


Therefore, the modification of al-31f, al-31fn, does support the No. 10 project, but the inherently dual-engine al-31f has low reliability on single-engine aircraft and short service life and other shortcomings are quickly exposed. come out.

For this reason, the No. 10 engineering team asked the Russian manufacturer to make further improvements to al-31fn according to the actual needs of the Chinese side. The Russian manufacturer agreed very happily and performed very positively, and then unceremoniously stretched out a furry slap. , Zhangkou will cost $600 million in research and development expenses.

The reliability of the al-31f is increased, so that, like the American general f-110 aircraft engine, it can be used on both single-engine and dual-engine models, which is the same luxury that the Russians dream of. However, the Russians now have no money. So I focused on China. Since your No. 10 project is a single-engine fighter, and the country lacks high-power aero engines, if that is the case, you can simply pay for the Chinese and we Russians to get a single-engine fighter. Wouldn't the required deep improvement version of al-31fn be enough?

With such a simple, quick and fruitful win-win move, the Russians believe that the No. 10 project team will not refuse, nor can they refuse.

The No. 10 project team really can’t refuse. After all, the domestic high-power aero engine is completely blank, and the West has imposed strict blockades and technical embargoes on the country in this area, except for the Russian No. 10 project. No choice.

Therefore, 600 million US dollars is 600 million US dollars. The No. 10 project team gritted their teeth. However, the money is returned. The No. 10 project team asked Russian manufacturers to share the full set of advanced technologies of al-31fn.

As a result, Russian manufacturers were like cats with their tails trampled on, and immediately stopped doing it.

There is nothing wrong with using Chinese money to feed back Russia’s technological breakthroughs; why should the Russians work so hard to get the technology to share with you China?

Anyway, what China wants is the product. It can be sold to you, but the technology is not good. No matter what, if you China learns it, who else will the Russian manufacturers make money in the future?

At this time, the No. 10 project team discovered that even though the Russian manufacturer's work was a bit rough, the abacus in his heart was so good.

But the problem is that the No. 10 project team has spent so much money. If you can't get the technology, doesn't it mean it's a waste of money?

So the two sides are arguing about this issue with you and me ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, and there are great differences.

Until this time the pre-production model of the No. 10 project appeared in the air when the engine was parked in the air, the Russian manufacturers did not actively seek out the reasons for this. Instead, they used it as a bargaining chip to put pressure on the No. 10 project team to force the No. 10 project team to accept. Their conditions.

As a result, the Chief Engineer of the No. 10 Project was completely offended. He slammed the door in front of the representative of the Russian manufacturer and slammed the door. Then he said annoyed to the staff around him: "I can't bear this frustration. , To draft a report to the superior, we must have our own high-power military turbofan engine, we must have!"


Listening to Xiao Lu’s introduction from other places about the pre-production air situation of the No. 10 project, Zhuang Jianye was a little bit silly, just about to explain a few words, and then proceeded to the Jinguancheng Aircraft Research Institute to meet the Shi The Chief Engineer of No. 10, but before he could speak, Zhuang Jianye’s cell phone rang suddenly, and without waiting to speak, there was an unquestionable voice from the Chief Engineer of No. 10: "You should know what happened to me, since So, I will take the leaders of several domestic aviation development plants and senior experts in the field to your place. Let's sit down and discuss how to make high-power military engines. It is best to come up with a charter these days. !"

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