Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1256: To profit, seek a name

"Afterwards, many people were discussing whether China Ascendas was prepared to abandon the agreement with European and American aviation giants, formally bypass their blockade, and prepare to formally enter the market with the highest profit margins of civil mainline airliners... You see, this It was the editorial published by the European Morning Herald before I boarded the plane..."

Seeing Zhuang Jianye’s open-minded attitude, the leaders of the foreign affairs department did not have so much scruples. While talking, he took out an English newspaper from his briefcase and handed it to Zhuang Jianye. I’m not sure, but as an old man in the foreign affairs department, this is a rare occasion in my career to boost my energy. Therefore, Xiao Zhuang, in my personal opinion, certainly has a comprehensive approach in order to join the World Trade Organization. Strategic considerations, but you, the head of China’s take-off, must have a certain number in mind and cannot listen to the foreign aviation giants.

Not to mention anything else, Belgrade, where we worked before, is a typical example. In the 1980s, they had the production of advanced fighter jets, and the indicators were not inferior to the ‘Rafales’ equipped by the French Air Force. What was the result? Several doses of Ecstasy from the international aviation giants have gone down, and now the entire country’s aviation industry has been smashed by one person, and they are directly drawn on the ground by those foreign countries. This is the lesson of Xue Linlin! "

This is the second time Zhuang Jianye has heard similar words in a day.

If Wang Honglin's scolding is considered to be loyal, then the heartfelt words of the leaders of the foreign affairs department at the height of the temple at this moment are an undisguised exhortation.

There is no other reason for this. The fact that the establishment of China Ascendas involves too much scope and influence is too wide, not only at home, but also in the international arena.

The first is the aviation giants such as Boeing and Airbus.

How can a highly competitive opponent appear in East Asia? So before and after the establishment of China Ascendas, these aviation giants have exerted pressure.

Then there are space giants such as European Aerospace and Lockheed Martin, who also do not want to see the emergence of a highly competitive China.

As a result, the European and American aerospace giants went through various ways before the establishment of China Tengfei, hoping to limit China Tengfei to the role of an accessory supplier with substitute value.

In other words, it is not that China's take-off cannot be established, but after it is established, it cannot produce and develop aerospace platforms, but it can produce the dirty work of high pollution and high energy consumption for the aerospace giants in Europe and the United States.

He even talked about the issue of joining the World Trade Organization.

The upper level agreed to form China Ascendas. In addition to continuing to promote reforms and accelerating the internal integration of aerospace, the most important strategic purpose is for China to soar to attract the firepower of developed countries in Europe and the United States, especially aerospace giants.

After all, the aerospace business at the top of the industry chain is the lifeblood of these developed countries. An Airbus and a Boeing are not as simple as building a few airplanes.

Instead, it is based on aircraft to form a complete set of high-end industrial chains covering all developed countries.

From mineral deposits in Australia to mechanical equipment in Germany; from semiconductor materials in Japan to chips made in Korea; from engines in the UK to industrial software in France; from precision machining in Europe to the entire technological roots of the United States...

It can be said that while the aerospace industry includes almost all the high-end manufacturing that the developed countries depend on for survival, it also draws an invisible but extremely insurmountable gap between the developed countries and the developing countries.

Therefore, we often see developed countries’ mouths of equality, fraternity, and freedom, and all kinds of tall words are one after another, and the correct mess is messed up.

The problem is that these things are all piled up with real money.

Developed countries that master the high-end aerospace industry chain certainly don’t have to worry about money. As long as this industrial system is functioning normally, the money flows like a rush of money into the pockets of developed countries.

Is it okay for developing countries?

To tell the truth is that developed countries have opened their arms and let developing countries throw off their arms to copy homework. The vast majority of developing countries are also confused and confused about why.

No way, aerospace is not something you can learn by just a few glances. It requires talents, equipment, technology, craftsmanship, infrastructure, and decades of continuous experience accumulation...

Many developing countries have trouble filling their stomachs. How can they have the energy to do this?

Therefore, the world today is similar to the social structure of China during the Three Kingdoms, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties.

Developed countries in Europe and the United States are the gentry class of generations of ministers; while the vast number of developing countries are those who have nothing to do with ordinary people and common people.

Not only is there a huge gap in class between the two, but it is extremely difficult for the bottom to achieve a class jump.

But no matter how hard it is, there are always a few brilliant people of insight, aren't they?

For example, Iran, for example, New Delhi, for example, Indonesia, and of course, China...

For such ambitions who want to cross classes, developed countries have always used cruel methods to suppress them. After all, their plates are so big, and one more person will have one less cake.

Who doesn't want to be able to talk about equality, fraternity and freedom for the rest of their lives? That being the case, there is no need to let others work hard for this kind of brain-burning thing. It is better to go on rounds and let this kind of hard work continue and it will be over.

It can be said that the upper-level leaders are still very clear about the nature of developed and developing countries. So when they joined the WTO negotiations, faced with the developed countries’ guilt over the entire domestic industry, the upper-level simply jumped out of the developed countries’ settings. Step by step, kick directly on their widows and plan on the graves of the dead.

Isn’t it because the aerospace industry supports your high welfare and high security, which can make you all kinds of talks beautiful?

No problem, you said yours, we have been away for so long in our country, and I want to try how cool the mouth cannon is, and then let China take off, whether it’s a cat or a tiger, rush up and bite for a while before talking. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Sure enough, this key breakthrough after a comprehensive defense has directly destroyed the abacus of developed countries. What do you want to do when you form China to take off? Our group of cats and dogs are crowded enough in this room called a developed country. Your Chinese elephant is rushing in, so why shouldn't the little brother inside squeeze out the shit?

As a result, the developed countries immediately gave up on the whole domestic industry and focused their firepower on China's take-off. It really relieved a lot of pressure on the WTO accession negotiations, but it also made the subsequent integration of China's take-off unimaginable. Resistance.

Fortunately, the upper-level has a comprehensive plan for this, all kinds of out of nothing, secretive arrogance, screaming... The plan is to play Sun Tzu's art of war and the thirty-six strategy. It is the core of China's take-off under the witness of developed countries All the same things are kept aside, and developed countries have made all kinds of praise for domestic reforms.

It can be said to be profitable and get a name.

The problem is that Zhuang Jianye, the head of the family, knows these things in their hearts, and others don't, so that in the eyes of outsiders, China Ascendas is a large comprador enterprise that has undergone self-castration!

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