Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1267: NB—Nine hundred and eighty-five Pl...

  Chapter 1239 NB-985Plus specializing in large structural parts

  I don’t know how long it has been. The senior researcher of a certain mechanical research institute who was shocked by China's Ascendas NB-996Plus metal 3D printer finally recalled. No wonder the head of the headquarters dared to implement the Belgrade operation desperately.

  Even after a large country outside the region introduced the XXX Act, there is still no fear. It turns out that China Ascendas has already reached this point in metal additive manufacturing technology.

  This is no longer as simple as chasing and overtaking in corners, but a complete revolution to traditional forging production methods.

It is conceivable that once the NB-996Plus metal 3D printer can be popularized, the traditional developed countries that rely on forging presses, five-axis and seven-axis advanced machine tools, high-performance precision forging equipment and special welding equipment to achieve excess profits will inevitably be China Taking off is like knocking on a hamster, one by one, without saying anything, will eventually be suffocated in the hole.

  No way, the NB-996Plus metal 3D printer is a dimensionality reduction compared to other processes.

Needless to say, the production of titanium alloy spindles similar to WD-18 small turbojet engines usually requires about 500 kilograms of blanks. After rough forging, precision forging, machining, and finishing, 500 kilograms of titanium alloy is finally Only one kilogram is left.

  The remaining 499 kg of titanium alloy is completely treated as processing waste.

  You must know that it is not ordinary steel and aluminum, but expensive titanium alloy. For less than one kilogram of accessories, more than 95% of the material needs to be wasted. Regardless of other things, the cost alone is staggering.

Using the NB-996Plus metal 3D printer is different, the same titanium alloy spindle, NB-996Plus hardly produces waste, because this equipment uses laser cladding technology, that is, the use of high-energy laser heating titanium alloy metal powder, and then follow The established procedure “prints” the required accessories layer by layer as if printing text.

  In this process, it cannot be said that there is no waste at all, but it will definitely not reach the point where less than one kilogram of parts is needed, but 499 kilograms are consumed, and at most one or two kilograms will be wasted.

  This is almost negligible for the high value-added aerospace field. In this case, the manufacturing cost of NB-996Plus has been greatly reduced, thus forming an unreasonable cost advantage for traditional forgings.

  The problem is that this is just one of the many advantages of the NB-996Plus metal 3D printer. If the time cost is counted, the NB-996Plus metal 3D printer is simply a rolling grade.

  So after the senior researcher wanted to understand the underlying logic of the headquarter's insistence on implementing the Belgrade operation, he couldn't help but get excited.

  Speaking of it, this senior researcher with deep experience in the forging field does not have any selfish intentions, but is not the same as the technological path of China's take-off, so there is a difference in thinking.

This can’t be blamed on this senior researcher. In fact, because of the Americans’ conclusions, few people in the world insist on additive manufacturing. After all, the United States is the absolute authority in the field of technology these days, and no one really dares in technology. Those who challenged the Americans naturally did not question them.

In fact, China Tengfei had no guts to criticize the Americans’ hard-working conclusions. In fact, they wanted to abandon additive manufacturing technology in the early years. There was no way. A conclusion of the Americans said it was easy, but it made Tengfei Group devote great efforts to development. The 3D printing equipment is directly unsalable.

If    cannot be sold or made money, it should be cut according to the philosophy of Ascendas Group at that time.

At that time, Ascendas Group was also preparing to do the same, and then applied to the superior to join the advanced forging equipment introduction project. After all, the affairs led by the superior can be guaranteed no matter how you say it, not to mention that the state pays for it. Can reduce the burden.

  Ascendas Group’s abacus played well, but it almost ended up with a basket of water.

  The reason is very simple. This kind of external procurement of complete sets of equipment projects is too much oil and water, and those centrally managed enterprises are not enough. A division-level unit of Ascendas Group is like a piece of the pie? how is this possible!

  So the application of Ascendas Group was shelved.

Seeing that joining is not enough, it’s just that they still have strong demand for forgings. The entire industry supporting facilities are extremely immature. At this time, a few young professors from Beihang found Tengfei Group and said that they have a way to increase metal production. It is hoped that Ascendas Group can invest money to fund them to complete this research.

At that time, the Ascendas Group wanted to join the national team but was turned away. In addition, it had to find new breakthroughs and profit growth points due to bottlenecks in its own development. So with the attitude of giving it a try, Zhuang Jianye invested 2 million yuan for Research and development of all new materials and equipment.

  As a result, after the New Year, the young professors of Beihang made a titanium alloy part with a large palm. After metallographic examination, the comprehensive mechanical strength is almost the same as the performance of imported similar finishing forgings.

   After receiving the news, Zhuang Jianye immediately realized that he had touched a big fish, and apart from anything else, he immediately invested an additional 30 million yuan, and then gave another 80 million yuan.

  The result exceeded the expenditure budget of the Ascendas Group that year. Zhuang Jianye simply listed two large forging equipment obtained from the Russian Tupolev Design Bureau and raised 150 million, which barely made up for the overspending.

  Of course, not many people know this story of selling equipment and smashing 3D printing technology, but few people know that Ascendas Group was rejected by the national team back then.

  At this moment, the senior researcher who was shocked by the effectiveness of the NB-996Plus metal 3D printer was one of the witnesses, and even the main person responsible for blocking Ascendas Group outside the national team.

  No way, he was the senior researcher who determined the national team list, and the name of Ascendas Group was crossed out by him with a red pencil.

This is why, even if the head of the headquarters has a backup technical solution for China, he, a senior researcher, does not believe that the predecessor of this unit was excluded from the national team by him ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ now You said that they have a backup technical solution, not to say whether it is true or not, even if it is true, the senior researcher's heart cannot accept it.

  The bureau-level enterprise that you didn't look down on back then has now become the backbone. All the members of the national team that you liked are stepped on the foot. Where do you put the face of the senior researcher?

Because of this, the senior researcher was very excited and was embarrassed for a while, because the technical leaders of other research groups surrounded Zhuang Jianye and asked Zhuang Jianye with great enthusiasm about the specific situation of the NB-996Plus metal 3D printer. The shameless ones even spoke directly, hoping to buy one or two for the factories and units they used to be the main leaders to try.

  After all, the high-end manufacturing industry across the country is short of forgings. The NB-996Plus metal 3D printer just makes up for this gap, which everyone wants.

  The problem is that other people can speak, but the senior researcher has no face and mouth. He can only slander in his heart, and he can also make small pieces. Large pieces have to be imported. What's the point?

As a result, as soon as he said this, Zhuang Jianye over there said along with the technical leaders and Yan Yuese: "In addition to the NB-996Plus metal 3D printer, we also have a NB-985Plus metal 3D printer that specializes in large structural parts. Would you like to take a look?"

  (End of this chapter)

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