Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1332: ZSNB Integrated Circuit Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

   The reason for saying value is very simple, that is, domestically produced equipment can be autonomously controllable, whether it is civilian or military products, you can produce it whatever you want, without the slightest external constraints and restrictions.

It is important to know that the equipment in the two factories of WHZB and WHNB, whether it is the lithography machine of Asmer and Nikon, or the etching machine of Toshiba and Fuji, will require WHZB and WHNB to sign a copy when they are introduced. The additional agreement is that the equipment they provide prohibits the production of any products involving military use.

In other words, WHZB and WHNB steadily gave Intel, AMD and other semiconductor giants contemporary factories no problem at all. If some dual-use products are involved, these high-end semiconductor suppliers will not only lock the running programs of the equipment. , And will also demand huge amounts of compensation for breach of contract from WHZB and WHNB.

   Of course, when faced with this problem, some people may say that they have bought everything, how can they know how to use those manufacturers?

   If the manufacturers of these high-end equipment can't figure out this little problem, the high-end manufacturing industry they firmly occupy has long been overshadowed by others.

   Not only do they have ways to restrict, but they also control the equipment far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

   Not only are high-precision GPS positioning modules embedded in each of these high-end devices, so that the device will notify the manufacturer through its own positioning information with little movement, and then take measures to correct the "improper" operation of the device user.

   If the device user ignores these advices, the manufacturer will directly initiate the device's locking program through the satellite communication system, and directly turn the device into a useless iron lump.

   With the blessing of such a set of programs, how to use these devices and how to use them is restricted. It can be said that there is no freedom at all.

This is also the reason why there are obviously high-end chip manufacturers such as WHZB and WHNB in ​​the country, and the relevant military research and development units do not come to discuss cooperation. The big players in the industry know that if they come to the door, they are not going to give people money. Rather, it takes a big trouble to find the uncomfortable. If you are polite, you can also give it out as a gift. If you blast it out directly, it is normal operation.

However, the relevant equipment is different after localization. How to use and produce is completely up to you. Even if others want to monitor and want to lock, there is no way. This is a research on electronic technology X, which is mainly engaged in the development and production of dual-use electronic products. Said it is tantamount to a great advantage.

Therefore, taking the opportunity of supporting cooperation with China Ascendas on the anti-missile\anti-satellite system, the Institute of Electronic Science and Technology X proposed to jointly establish a semiconductor production enterprise, with the high-end semiconductor production equipment produced by Luan Heping Semiconductor Enterprise as the core, to create a An independent and controllable semiconductor industry chain dominated by domestic technology.

Of course, China Ascendas is in favor of this. After all, this kind of independent and controllable semiconductor industry chain is the long-term solution. Luan Heping’s two production plants are really too restrictive, making money, and other aspects are not enough. Therefore, an independent and controllable industrial chain must be used with confidence.

It’s just that in this regard, China’s take-off in aerospace is a completely layman, Luan Heping is considered an expert, but the backbone of his staff is either dug from the island or hired from Europe and the United States. There is nothing to say about the technology, but the ideological consciousness. It is not reliable.

Zhuang Jianye has suffered a small loss at this point. At the beginning, he got back an IDF fighter design team from South Korea. He originally expected this team to improve the technical details of the 7MAX export version. Quite high remuneration.

   At first, this team was not bad, but after a long time, some people began to grow grass in their hearts and started various demonizations, and even some people began to engage in foreign affairs.

   Shi Jun, who is far abroad, has left the Yonghong factory for so many years, how can he know so many internal conditions of the Ascendas system like the old fried dough sticks? And can he master the so-called "technical details" of several models so accurately, just like he personally participated in it?

   In his words, the domestic aviation industry, including China's take-off, has been a routine for decades, and you can grasp the direction of development by moving down to prove how powerful his technology is.

   In fact, most of the "details" were given to Shi Jun by these IDF fighter design team members.

Fortunately, at the beginning, Zhuang Jianye came to this group of people only because of the design philosophy of absorbing the strengths of each family, and did not let this team participate in the core design, and also mixed a lot of sand into it. Generally speaking, it is not bad. It is more than a loss. This can be seen from the follow-up JJ-7MAX improvement. The original design traces of the Soviet system have been faded a lot, and the overall style is closer to the mainstream three-generation machine style in the West.

   And this idea is also reflected in the two brothers of True Dragon II and FC-21.

But even if the gains outweigh the losses, Zhuang Jianye will not tolerate things like this. What's more, for this team, Zhuang Jianye is the BOSS and the capitalist. If the surplus value is squeezed out, it will naturally be hello, me, hello, everyone. ; If you are a demon, I'm sorry, the capitalist Zhuangda is eager to save his own cost expenditures by this.

   So the IDF fighter on this other island was developed and established, and formed its own centripetal force in South Korea, and then was pulled back to China by Zhuang Jianye to absorb nutrients. The first design team of the East Asian advanced combat aircraft was wiped out in Zhuang Jianye’s hand.

Even a few who fled abroad because of their alertness were not spared. You must know that Ning Xiaodong has not been a fool on Hong Kong Island in the past few years. He has long been on the line with several influential Chinese forces overseas and escaped. The few who went there thought they had escaped a catastrophe, but they didn't expect that they were waiting for more vicious revenge.

Zhuang Jianye didn’t care about this at all~www.wuxiaspot.com~ because foreign affairs were not in his control, let alone, he could only see some reports saying that a gas pipeline explosion occurred in a certain country’s Chinatown. The family of Chinese who moved over was all spared, and then they sighed that the male owner was an aeronautical engineer, who had just joined Boeing, who had a good future, and Cheng Yunyun sighed.

   Then he sighed, why did he go abroad with great difficulty? Isn’t it good to spend a few years in prison at home? The result was good, and another family was destroyed.

  咦~~~ How can you say it again? It should be said that the whole family is dead again, so why did you say it again?

Regardless of whether it is said or not, this incident is not a big warning for Zhuang Jianye. It is nothing more than the peripheral team. If it is an autonomous and controllable semiconductor industry chain, it is also a high-end line involving core dual-use products. People who don't need to be reliable are really bad.

But even if China wants to do it, it is because the main business direction is different and it is unable to take the lead; the second is that the domestic technical talents cannot grasp at all by themselves. Because of this, China's take-off for so many years has only invested money. Did not end up personally trading.

Nowadays, the Institute of Electronic Science and Technology X, which is cooperating with its own anti-missile system, actively asked to take the lead, and Zhuang Jianye was naturally happy to see the result. So he spent RMB 8.2 billion with the Institute of Electronic Technology X to establish ZSNB integration with domestic advanced chips as the main direction Circuit Manufacturing Co., Ltd.



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