Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1335: Yun-32 Electronic Reconnaissance Aircraft

Hearing about China's "Wild Weasel" squadron, except for a few people familiar with the situation, almost one of the army chiefs who were observing the scene showed uncontrollable surprise.

Although many people have heard from different channels in recent years that there is such a professional anti-radar air attack force in China that imitates a large country outside the region, no matter whether it is public or internal, there is no formal information left, let alone related exercises and operations. Training, so many people think this news is just a rumor.

It is as if the country is preparing to convert the two Soviet-era carrier cruisers purchased "Kiev" and "Minsk" into modern aircraft carriers. It sounds very passionate, but it is actually difficult to complete. Not to mention that the two aircraft carriers are too much. The old ship’s structure and layout are not enough to cope with the take-off and landing needs of modern fighters. Instead of converting it into an aircraft carrier, it is better to study the Soviet shipbuilding ideas and details of craftsmanship, and then honestly transform it into a theme park to earn some money. The money comes really.

The so-called "Wild Weasel" squadron is the same. It seems that this kind of professional anti-radar air attack force can complete the so-called anti-radiation combat mission with fighter jets equipped with anti-radiation missiles.

If this is the case, countries with air forces in the world can form their own "Wild Weasel" squadrons.

But the reality is that in addition to the world’s strongest air supremacy, a large country outside the region, other countries have similar establishments. Of course, except for Israel in the Middle East, it is no exception that the pro-sons of a large country outside this region can have such a configuration. My father must take good care of his son no matter what.

As for other countries...

Either it was incorporated into its own combat system by a major power outside the region, or it simply didn't have the strength to form such a large and complex air combat system, and could only sigh while watching this efficient air attack method.

Yes, this kind of anti-radiation air combat with missiles and fighters is just an introduction. The most important thing is to have an efficient and complete anti-radiation combat system.

The world has only seen the use of F-16CJ "Viper" fighter jets with "Mozu" or "Hamm" anti-radiation missiles against the air defense systems of Iraq and the Yugoslav Federation during the Gulf War and the Kosovo War. Type friction, one after another dazzling record.

But who knows that behind them is the RC-135 "rivet" strategic reconnaissance aircraft; the E-8 "Joint Star" joint target attack radar surveillance aircraft; the E-3 "Watch Tower" early warning aircraft and the KC-135 aerial tanker are closely cooperating result.

It is no exaggeration to say that these types of models lack the same, and the "Wild Weasel" squadron of a large country outside the region will be like a broken leg, and it will not be very bright.

Because in this system, these four models are irreplaceable pillars. Needless to say, the KC-135 aerial tanker is an infinitely extended weapon for the air force's attack force. If you want to make a long-distance attack by surprise, the aerial tanker Must be indispensable.

The E-3 "Wanglou" early warning aircraft is the brain of air operations, monitoring the air situation, commanding formation operations, responding to enemy fighters, and covering forces from attacks. The early warning aircraft can be described as the core of the entire combat system.

The E-8 "United Star" is also an important part of the system. After all, the enemy's air defense system cannot be nailed to one place waiting for you to fight. It often requires mobile deployment, and even constructs false targets to confuse the attacking forces. At this time, a professional ground detection aircraft such as the E-8 "Union Star" is needed to find these targets from the complicated battlefield fog.

Of course, the most important thing is the RC-135 "Riveting" strategic reconnaissance aircraft, because this strategic reconnaissance aircraft is considered to be the core of the core of anti-radiation operations. The reason for saying this is very simple. RC-135 "Riveting" Strategic reconnaissance aircraft can use powerful electronic reconnaissance equipment to rivet the radar spectrum signals of almost all air defense systems in the world today, so as to transfer F-16CJ "Viper" fighter jets with "Mockingbird" or "Hamm" anti-radiation missiles. "Wild Weasel" squadron provides accurate spectrum data and target strike parameters.

It is no exaggeration to say that the RC-135 "Riveting" strategic reconnaissance aircraft is the eyes and ears of the "Wild Weasel" squadron. Without this key point, the "Wild Weasel" squadron’s combat effectiveness will be reduced by at least 60%.

And this is the reason why in the huge world, only a large country outside the region can afford to play the "Wild Weasel" squadron.

Let’s not say that the technical level of these special support aircraft is extremely high, but in terms of cost, one is more expensive than one. What’s more important is that some types of aircraft cannot be exported as a system because they involve extremely sensitive technologies. They can only be digested by themselves. , Thereby further pushing up costs.

Take the RC-135 "riveting" strategic reconnaissance aircraft. Although it is not the most advanced reconnaissance aircraft of a major foreign air force, it is definitely the most comprehensive. Therefore, it was listed as strictly forbidden by a major foreign country as soon as it came out. The export of sensitive technology catalogs cannot be amortized in quantity, and the price of the aircraft has reached 850 million US dollars, which can be said to be as high as the sky.

With such a high price, the air force of a large country outside the region can't afford it. Therefore, including all kinds of improvements, the RC-135 "rivet" strategic reconnaissance aircraft is only equipped with 21, which is exactly the same as the B-2 strategic bomber. This is especially true. This model is very rare.

Can sit in this underground command center to observe two military leaders who are conducting exercises with experimental forces, one by one is not a keyboard man on the Internet or a civilian in daily life~www.wuxiaspot.com~ eyes only The few "star" weapons that were charged into the battle will comment on the situation, but from the point of view, from the public appearance of this anti-radiation strike unit that belongs to the "Golden Helmet" unit, we can see the unknown things behind them.

For example, behind the six J-8E fighters on the big screen performing anti-radiation strike missions, at least a special support aircraft like the RC-135 "rivet" strategic reconnaissance aircraft should be used for support.

Otherwise, just a few J-8E fighter jets and a few anti-radiation missiles really have the courage to drop missiles at a distance of 100 kilometers from the target.

It is necessary to know that the electronic reconnaissance pod integrated in the fighter jets in the world can clearly and accurately receive the enemy’s radar spectrum at a distance of about 100 kilometers. If the analysis of the spectrum characteristics, rivet shooting parameters and striking elements are included, the best launch distance should be 60. Only in this way can there be an 80% probability of hitting the target.

But the J-8E fighter jet released the missile without hesitation at 100 kilometers. What does this mean?

Obviously, behind this squadron, there is an electronic support aircraft that has already rivets the radar signals of the integrated air defense force to help the J-8E fighters lock their targets.

The fact is indeed the case. Just when the heads of the troops guessed the sacred electronic support aircraft, the big screen again switched to an altitude of 10,000 meters, 350 kilometers northwest of the military, with a full body. Without the slightest porthole, the nose of the aircraft was high and bulging, and the weird aircraft with two cheeks attached to both sides was peacefully cruising in the sky.

At the same time, the voice-over of the narrator of the Missile Department sounded again: "At this moment, the aircraft in the picture is a new electronic reconnaissance aircraft that has just been installed with the ‘Golden Helmet’ unit, codenamed Yun-32!"

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