Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1339: Aerospace Technology

The reason why Zhuang Jianye and others are so sure is that the reason is very simple. They are no strangers to target discovery and the command and control system. From the Y-6 command plane that was provided to airborne troops for tactical command, it was bidding in the early 1990s. TRJ-500 radar security aircraft for air search by navy and air force.

After careful calculation, from Ascendas Group to now China Ascendas has developed three generations of products on this technology line.

Yes, in this regard, China Ascendas has indeed developed for three generations, but the third generation of products has broken away from the shackles of the atmosphere and rushed to outer space, and has since broken away from the aviation category and has become a genuine aerospace technology.

Because the second-generation experimental satellite constellation that succeeded the first-generation inter-satellite communication is equipped with a synthetic aperture radar imaging module developed by China Ascendas.

As a result, the third satellite will verify the feasibility and adaptability of the synthetic aperture radar imaging technology developed by China Ascendas while completing the planned inter-satellite star-link encrypted communication and cooperating with the ground station to complete the global satellite data sharing test.

To this end, China Ascendas has invested 600 million yuan in related research and manufacturing, and has prepared an experimental satellite and two spare replacement satellites for this purpose.

When the No. 3 test satellite in low earth orbit accelerates into the atmosphere according to the test requirements, the constellation gap left must not be filled. After all, the inter-satellite information transmission, a large project that has invested more than 2 billion yuan, cannot be done anyway. Give up halfway.

Then some people may ask, since the general direction is inconvenient, why did the satellite 3 with a good lifespan fall into the atmosphere?

The reason is simple. The anti-ship ballistic missiles in the "killer" program have been steadily advancing. The overall size, range, and attack range have been roughly determined, and the corresponding materials and guidance mechanisms have also been overcome one by one.

If this is not the case, it is impossible for the headquarters to require the completion of relevant live ammunition tests in the first five years of the new century at internal meetings, and to form combat effectiveness in the first ten years.

However, the overall smooth development does not mean that all the details are perfect. Just like the precision strike system, the accuracy of the intended anti-ship ballistic missile attack warhead can only be achieved by 8 meters.

If this is to attack a fixed target on land, the accuracy of 8 meters is enough to kill everything. The problem is that anti-ship ballistic missiles are attacking moving targets on the sea. The error of 8 meters is not much, but it is easy to deviate in the vast sea. , The absolute difference is a thousand miles away.

Of course, the best way to solve this problem is to install a satellite positioning module to ensure the accuracy of the reentry warhead with a high-precision satellite positioning system, which can usually be within 1 meter.

The problem is that at this time, let alone the satellite positioning system in China, it is that its own satellite communication system is not enough, and it is even more impractical to purchase foreign related components. Anti-ship ballistic missiles are a weapon of the country and a killer in conventional equipment. It is impossible for such important equipment to use equipment that cannot be autonomously controlled by any means.

Normally, it doesn't matter. What if a country outside the region turns off its satellite positioning system at a critical moment? Can this battle be fought?

So you can only use other methods.

For this reason, China Ascendas, which is leading this work, has tried several high-precision guidance systems, such as laser imaging, and starlight guidance, etc. However, no matter which type of guidance system has such defects.

For example, laser imaging can achieve an accuracy of 0.5 meters, almost reaching the level of pointing where to hit where, but the effect of laser under severe weather conditions is really touching, the accuracy is plummeting, and the stability is not good.

As for the starlight guidance, there is no shackles of bad weather, but the overall structure is too complicated. Not only must the inertial navigation and the laser gyroscope be integrated, but also a complicated optical window must be set on the warhead.

In order to achieve hypersonic attack, the reentry warheads of anti-ship ballistic missiles are all optimized after activation, which will inevitably sacrifice a certain amount of space, which makes it difficult to integrate complex starlight guidance into the warhead.

Just when the precision strike mode of anti-ship ballistic missiles fell into a bottleneck, the kinetic energy collision killing warhead used by the anti-missile anti-satellite system has made significant progress.

The kinetic energy warhead uses a synthetic aperture radar technology to achieve accurate tracking and real-time imaging of incoming ballistic missiles, thereby ensuring the accuracy of attack accuracy.

China Ascendas is different from other units. It is a high-tech enterprise that has emphasized internal technology sharing since its 23rd branch and tapped its technological potential.

Just as Zhuang Jianye often said within the China Ascendas Group: “After a certain new material or a certain new technology is determined to be mature, the application department must popularize these new materials and new technologies into our product line as much as possible, even if only It can be applied to a screw, and it can’t be wasted. If you can iterate on such a screw, it can also make a lot of money. Of course, it is best to apply it universally, so as to dilute our research and development costs and speed up the efficiency of our product upgrading Beat our competitors, occupy more markets, and grab more profits..."

This is still to be kept outside. Zhuang Jianye probably has to be criticized by those public intellectuals and the Virgin as inhumane capitalists. He has nothing but profit and making money in his eyes.

But the problem is that putting aside these financial factors, China Ascendas is indeed the best domestic technology transformation company, and it is also the company with the fastest product technology iteration.

Take the aviation development field where China Ascendas is envied and hated by many friends and businessmen. So many domestic aviation manufacturers and supporting factories have not formed a complete aviation development pedigree~www.wuxiaspot.com~ China Ascendas uses it. In just twenty years, from scratch, WD series aerospace launches with 23 models in three directions including large, medium and small; turboprop, turboshaft, turbojet, and turbofan have been made. Based on this, a highly competitive gas turbine has been developed.

Especially in recent years, China Ascendas' position in domestic aviation development and gas turbines has become more and more detached, and it has faintly become the industry's first brother. The reason for this is simple. The iteration and performance improvement of China Ascendas aviation development products are very well done. Often when a new material comes out, it is immediately rolled out in the entire pedigree of aviation development products, and then an upgraded version of the new aviation development is born. While the performance is improved, the product line has not changed, and there is no need to push it all over again. Additional investment can continue to rely on the original product line to make a variety of money.

In this way, working together to make a group-style impact on the single-handed aviation development factories simply can't resist.

Because this kind of efficient technology transformation and application is not something that friends can learn, it is the case in the aviation development business, and China Ascendas is the same in other businesses, since the anti-missile\\anti-satellite can use millimeters Wave's synthetic aperture radar locates the incoming warhead in the vast space. Why can't the reentry warhead of the anti-ship ballistic missile behave like this? Put this synthetic aperture radar into it to locate large surface targets on the vast sea?

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