Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1348: Anti-missile prototype

At the same time that Chief of Staff Feng, under the direction of the head of the headquarters, began to introduce the LYJ-15 ultra-long-range surface-to-air missile system to the heads of troops who were observing the exercise, Liu Xiaolin, the commander of the integrated air defense force, walked out of his underground command post in the dark. Smelling the burning odor caused by the remaining missile tail flames in the air, he raised his eyes and looked at the LYJ-15 ultra-long-range surface-to-air missile launch vehicle that had just completed the strike mission not far away. Finally, a smile of relief appeared on his face. :

   "At last I didn't shame the air defense soldiers this time!"

   Immediately looked up at the star-filled night sky, and suddenly remembered a conversation with Zhuang Jianye when he was receiving technical training at the Qinling southern foot plant in China before receiving the LYJ-15 ultra-long-range surface-to-air missile system.

   "Lao Liu, you said that in the future, your troops will not fight planes, but will stare at the real firmament above the night sky in this scene. Would you feel lonely?"

That day was also as bright as today. Zhuang Jianye took two bottles of Wuliangye from the old husband and found him, the chief officer who was stationed in the factory, and was on the roof of the three-story small building of the temporary residence for training officers and soldiers, while enjoying the coolness of the night. While drinking soy beans and stir-fried snails, drinking small wine.

After chatting for a while, Zhuang Jianye took a sip of wine, and then threw two edamame into his mouth. The conversation turned and he talked about the equipment: "You must know that people who stare at the sky forever are always the loneliest, just as the so-called high It’s very cold, so I’d like to ask you, if... I’m talking about if, one day your troops can point at the sky, will you be so lonely and scold Lao Tzu that you are about to fade out, transfer me back, I To fly..."

Hearing this, Liu Xiaolin laughed a lot, then put the snail shell in his hand into the trash can, and said with a smile: "It's no wonder that Zheng Quanli and Xue Weidong told me more than once, do not drink with Zhuang NB, this guy. If you don’t drink, you’re a gentleman. As long as you touch him, you’ll be an out-and-out old man~~~ You can change the taste if you say anything good, and they really don’t deceive me.

"That's because those two are in their hearts. What makes me drink good things will change their taste? If they don't think about it, how can they change their taste? Old Liu, you know, I'm very simple. Isn't your army's duty to fight planes?" Zhuang Jianye retorted solemnly.

   Liu Xiaolin took a look, and quickly stopped talking: "Yes, yeah, yeah... Let's not talk about flying a plane, can I drink alcohol?"

   "Drinking is okay!" Zhuang Jianye took the wine bottle and filled the two two-bucket wine cups in front of him, then picked up and touched Liu Xiaolin: "But do you have to answer the question I just asked?"

   Liu Xiaolin was a little dazed: "What's the problem?"

   "Of course your troops will be able to point their swords above the night, will you be lonely?"

"Lonely? Haha~~" Liu Xiaolin smiled, then raised his neck and drank the wine from the wine cup in his hand. Then he breathed a sip of alcohol and his smile became stronger and stronger: "How can I be lonely? I will be proud, big. Proud, what is the sword pointing to the real night? The worst should be the satellites in orbit. The slightly better short-range ballistic missiles and medium-range ballistic missiles are not a problem, even if it is long-range delivery. Rockets have the power of a battle. If I were the commander of such a troop, I would be able to look down even if I died. I was still lonely, a lonely big ghost!"

Saying that Liu Xiaolin pulled away two edamame and threw it into his mouth, and asked the five-spice condiment while chewing and jokingly asked: "The question is, even if I want to be lonely, do you have a lonely guy? I heard about it. , I have given you the anti-satellite\anti-missile system for seven or eight years, and a certain aerospace institute has been experimenting for several rounds. You don’t even have a fart here. I kindly remind you that you have to hurry up. , Otherwise this big deal may be taken by a certain aerospace institute, and then you won't even have time to cry."

   Liu Xiaolin's remarks seem to be a joke, but they are actually true.

   China Ascendas and a certain aerospace institute have formed a de facto competitive relationship after several years of theoretical research. The headquarters is happy to see this.

Just like the competition between Southwest Airlines and Northeast Airlines on the third-generation and fourth-generation aircraft, from the headquarter’s view, this kind of internal benign competition is conducive to the technological advancement of equipment and the improvement of actual efficiency. It can be said that reducing the procurement cost of the headquarters can do more than one thing in one fell swoop.

   For this reason, in the anti-satellite\ anti-missile system, the headquarters did not interfere with China Ascendas and a certain academy of aerospace, just to let the two sides get the most satisfactory solution under this kind of benign competition.

   But also because of this, the technological path of China's take-off and a certain aerospace institute has been greatly deviated during years of development.

   Relying on the research results of anti-missile system since 60 years and the strong talent team, a certain aerospace institute has determined a relatively conservative but very mature and stable technical route.

   is the use of small solid carrier rockets with kinetic energy damage warheads to attack satellites in outer space and mid-range interception of medium and long-range ballistic missiles.

There is a bit of rapid progress, high technological maturity, and rapid deployment; the disadvantage is that the total structure of the projectile is too large, and it can only be launched from a fixed launch position, and its anti-strike ability is weak. The resulting position construction costs and subsequent maintenance The fee is higher.

   In this regard, a certain aerospace institute does not think these shortcomings are a big deal. After all, the former Soviet Union’s A-135 "rubber glove" anti-missile interception system uses a fixed launch position; the US NMD interceptor is also a fixed launch position.

  Since military powers like the United States and Russia follow this path, it is understandable to use fixed launch positions in the country to cross the river by feeling their stones.

In contrast, China’s take-off’s technical route is somewhat radical. It uses the newly born small kinetic energy collision killing warhead in the world, and uses a small and medium-sized monomer structure that uses new high-energy fuel and high-impact engines to build a flexible set. Changeable anti-satellite\anti-missile strike system.

The disadvantage is that the technology maturity is low, the initial investment cost is high, and the research and development cycle is long; but the corresponding advantage is also obvious~www.wuxiaspot.com~ that is the flexibility and adaptability of the missile, because this vehicle-mounted anti-satellite The anti-missile missile is like the S-300 series of air defense missiles equipped by the army, which can fully maneuver in the whole area and deploy flexibly.

   This not only increases the survivability of the missile, but also makes it possible to surprise the enemy within a vast territory. More importantly, the anti-satellite/anti-missile system does not need to build a special fixed launch position.

In addition, the future navy’s large surface ships can also be equipped with the anti-satellite\anti-missile system. Through the ship-based vertical launch system and high-performance ship-based phased array radar, the navy has the same anti-aircraft defense force as the road air defense force. Satellite's anti-missile combat capability, thereby expanding the anti-satellite' anti-missile frontier from land to ocean.

  The problem is that ideals are full, reality is very skinny. The idea of ​​China's take-off is good, but as Liu Xiaolin said, there is no one thing, everything is fantasy, what's the use?

When Zhuang Jianye saw this, he couldn't help but smile, put down the wine in his hand, then leaned forward with his hands on his knees, and pressed against Liu Xiaolin's ears and said mysteriously that made Liu Xiaolin dumbfounded: "Actually, you are going to prepare this time. The accepted LYJ-15 is an anti-missile prototype. It should be known that this projectile can not only hit 500 kilometers, but also has a firing height of 45 kilometers. With an anti-radiation dual-mode warhead, it can be used as an early warning aircraft. If it is replaced with the kinetic energy collision we are testing Kill warhead, what do you say he can fight?"


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