Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1358: Yun-Thirty-Five Doom

The LYJ-18 regional anti-missile\anti-satellite interception system uses the original high-energy H15 solid propellant, so the shooting height is compared with the middle version of the H15 solid propellant LYJ-15 which is doped with other fuels, thereby reducing the cost. The height of the ultra-long-range air defense missile system will double you to 82 kilometers.

   This high combat quota is sufficient for the mid-stage interception operations of most medium-range carrier rockets.

But this is not the key. The most important thing is the size of the interceptor bomb equipped with the LYJ-18 regional anti-missile\anti-satellite interception system. It is 7.52 meters long and 0.56 meters in diameter. It is almost the same as the navy's plan to import from Russia. The size of the "Rif" ship-based air defense missile system on the "Glory" class and the "Kirov" class cruiser is extremely similar.

  Because of this, when the head of the headquarters briefly introduced the basic situation of the LYJ-18 regional anti-missile\anti-satellite interception system, the first thing that excites was several heads and leaders from the navy.

There is no way not to be excited. This size can be boarded directly without any improvement. Coupled with a dedicated high-performance radar, the navy’s surface ships are equivalent to having regional anti-missile/anti-satellite combat capabilities, which is simply not for the navy. Yayu is the gospel from heaven.

Compared with the excitement of the Navy, the chiefs and leaders of the Air Force have to be more cautious. In addition to combat capabilities, they are more concerned about the cost issue. After all, the anti-missile program of a certain aerospace institute has occupied most of the procurement funds If China’s take-off LYJ-18 regional anti-missile/anti-satellite interception system is participating, it’s better to say that the air force’s procurement funds are the key.

"You are just empty words, let's see is believing!" Faced with the problem of some army chiefs and leaders struggling with cost, the head of the headquarters knew that it would be useless to say more, so he didn't explain it at all, but Turning his head to ask his confidential secretary: "Xiao Zhuang is here, right?"

   The confidential secretary nodded: "After returning from the UAE, I went directly to the'Golden Helmet' unit."

   The head of the headquarters nodded: "If this is the case, then tell him that the seminar will take off in his China, and let him go back and prepare!"

   After finishing speaking, the head of the headquarters turned to others and said with a smile: "Since China Ascendas dares to quote this price, let's go over and see if they cut corners."

A group of army chiefs and leaders naturally agreed. From the curious about how China's take-off has suppressed the cost of anti-missile/anti-satellite interception systems, the leaders of the air force and navy wanted to see China take off in this regard. What is the technical strength of the company in order to make a more reasonable judgment.

In particular, the Navy, due to the limited space of ships, even if the development plan for the missile vertical launch system has been launched, the initial suitability of the early models is bound to be not very good. Therefore, the Navy hopes that the LYJ-18 regional anti-missile\anti-satellite interception system can be In accordance with the requirements of the Navy, some improvements have been made in the size of the interceptor to be more suitable for the development of vertical launch systems.

   It is with this mentality that a group of army chiefs and leaders, led by the head of the headquarters, smashed to China to take off the aerospace manufacturing base located in the southern foot of the Qinling Mountains.

   However, the head of the headquarters and others can enjoy the journey, eating hot pot and singing, and heading for the aerospace production and manufacturing base in the southern foot of the Qinling Mountains. Zhuang Jianye can't have this leisurely sentiment.

When he received the notice, he was still sleeping in the "Golden Helmet" unit and was experiencing jet lag. I heard that the head of the headquarters ran to the aerospace manufacturing base at the southern foot of the Qinling Mountains with a large number of troops. He got up numbly, said goodbye to Xue Wei in a hurry, got into his TRJ-700 advanced business jet, and flew non-stop back to China's Ascendas Aerospace manufacturing base at the southern foot of the Qinling Mountains.

   Fortunately, there is an airport built specifically for the transport of large-scale special parts for Yun-16 and Yun-18, so Zhuang Jianye can reach the destination directly without the delay of getting off the plane and changing cars.

   It is so, less than an hour after landing, the special plane of the head of the headquarters and others has appeared over the aerospace manufacturing base. Zhuang Jianye can only hurriedly explain the reception points and return to the airport to meet the head of the headquarters and his party.

As the two TRJ-700 advanced business jets of the same model as Zhuang Jianye slowly stopped on the runway, the head of the headquarters and others also walked down the gangway. Zhuang Jianye hurriedly greeted them: "Welcome the chief to visit our aerospace manufacturing base. Guidance, the shuttle bus is ready. We went directly to the factory to visit. It happened to be approaching the 20th anniversary of reform and opening up. The factory also prepared a cultural performance. At that time, we will also ask the head to guide and guide the construction of spiritual civilization in China..."

   "No hurry, no hurry..." Before Zhuang Jianye could finish speaking, the head of the headquarters waved his hand: "There is one more important person who is not here!"

   "There is another important person?" After listening, Zhuang Jianye's face was confused. Who could be the important person?

   Just as Zhuang Jianye frowned and guessed, an airport staff rushed over and whispered a few words in Zhuang Jianye’s ear. Zhuang Jianye was also surprised when he heard the words: "Air Force Special Callsign?"

   It’s no wonder that Zhuang Jianye would be like this. You must know that the head of the headquarters is only the first-level call sign of the Air Force in the air-ground contact. The special call sign is the top leadership level. Where can Zhuang Jianye be negligent, he hastened to let the airport do the reception work.

   Soon there appeared in the sky a twin-engine business jet that was very similar to the TRJ-700 advanced business jet, but with a slightly different look, slowly landed on the airport runway.

   At this time, the head of the headquarters suddenly said: "The military leaders are very satisfied with your TRJ-700ProMAX. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

   After hearing these words, Zhuang Jianye couldn't help showing a knowing smile, and the hard work before he could get this evaluation from the military leader was finally in vain.

  No way, who makes the speciality of TRJ-700ProMAX, as a new generation of special-purpose aircraft, TRJ-700ProMAX not only has a longer body, the engine has greater thrust, and the internal environment is more comfortable and atmospheric.

   However, compared with these external hardware, the TRJ-700ProMAX most praised by the leaders is the internal perfect confidential communication equipment and the multi-channel secret communication system and command system under emergency conditions.

   In other words, once the World Doomsday plot appears in certain science fiction movies, TRJ-700 ProMAX can play a role similar to the American E-4 Doomsday command plane to a certain extent, reintegrating all important domestic departments and units.

Of course, this low-key civil aviation camouflage, but the high-end special aircraft named Yun-35 in the military, is difficult to be as comprehensive as the US E-4 Doomsday Commander due to the limitations of the platform itself. Domestically, this aircraft can still play an unusually important role in an emergency.



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