Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1369: For the peace of mankind

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This kind of model that breaks the boundaries of industries and even industries and realizes ecological closed-loop, let alone domestic, is rare in today's global business field.

Because of this, the business model of China's take-off is highly praised by many business people, especially in the new Internet field. Those Internet entrepreneurs who are still struggling to support a website or a forum have almost taken China off and the head Zhuang Jianye Worship as a god.

Especially domestic Internet practitioners, who almost regard Xingzhou as a sacred place, Wuyang Wuyang came over and wanted to meet Zhuang Jianye, a business tycoon who has a foresight and dared to break industry barriers, and listened to a few words in order to Guide yourself on the road to entrepreneurship in the future.

One of them, a thin young man from Lin'an, the ancient capital, is the most persistent. Although his appearance is hard to say, his eloquence and tenacity make him speechless.

Ordinary people come several times and go home without seeing Zhuang Jianye. After all, Zhuang Jianye is not an idler. Wherever he puts a lot of things every day, there is no time to give people chicken soup.

But this English teacher from Lin'an was different. He was nailed to Xingzhou if he didn’t see it. He came to China Ascendas Headquarters every day as he did at work. He talked to the security guard if he didn’t let in, and when he got acquainted with the security guard, he climbed up. I became the security supervisor, and then I had a good deal with the reception desk, so I got to know one-third of the middle-level cadres in the China Ascendas headquarters.

It is difficult for Zhuang Jianye to know this kind of person, so he took the time to meet. Of course, this English teacher from Lin'an was very excited and enthusiastically introduced his newly established small website to Zhuang Jianye. Zhuang Jianye was also very direct. , Directly thrown out 5 million, as a venture capital, it was smashed in the past.

More than ten years later, such a legend has been circulating on the Chinese Internet. The Lin'an English teacher took less than 5 minutes to get 5 million venture capital from the big man Zhuang Jianye.

In the story, the courage and talents of the Lin'an English teacher; the calmness and courage of the big man Zhuang Jianye are depicted vividly, and they have become the poisonous chicken soup that many young people must drink in the dead of night.

A similar example is a programmer from the Special Economic Zone who met Zhuang Jianye at a cocktail party through various relationships. He talked about his instant chat software and was going to sell it to China Ascendas at a price of 2 million. Zhuang Jianye was even more straightforward and made Ascendas investment. Ten million to buy shares, and then encourage the programmer from the special zone to work hard.

The programmer from the special zone was so touched that he cried and did not say anything. After returning, he thought about changing the company's name. He originally wanted to call it Tengfei, but Zhuang Jianye didn't agree, but the programmer from the special zone felt that it was not up. The word "Tengfei" couldn't express his gratitude. Zhuang Jianye was helpless, and finally agreed to lend the word "Teng" to the other party. So many years later, Teng X, which has been a major player in China's Internet arena, was born.

Of course, these are all things to follow, and they are limited to the Internet sector that has just started. At the turn of the century, the Internet’s influence was not large, and the dominance of traditional industries was still strong. It is precisely because of this that China’s soaring business model In this field, especially in the traditional industries in Europe and the United States, it is not favored by people.

In their view, China's take-off approach is a typical rule-breaker. A company that lacks reverence for rules will not last for long. Therefore, many people in the European and American industry believe that China's take-off is only because of being forced into helplessness after being included in the XXX Act. The next expedient policy, although the data on revenue is very bright, it is ultimately unable to obtain stable best-selling income, and this also proves the restriction and effectiveness of the XXX Act on China’s take-off from another side.

Therefore, instead of worrying, the European and American industries continue to maintain the original policy. At the same time, an aviation clause is added to the upcoming negotiations on China's accession to the World Trade Organization. That is, China Ascendas cancels the development plan of the 2000 large passenger aircraft.

As a price, Europe and the United States handed over 42% of the OEMs for civil aviation models currently on hand to aviation companies in China.

In this regard, Zhuang Jianye is uncomfortable. The 2000 large passenger aircraft has long been out of focus in today's development plan for China's take-off. The TRJ-900 regional trunk passenger aircraft is the real trump card.

Therefore, whether or not the cancellation of the 2000 large passenger plane will have a big impact on China's take-off, but also because of this, if you can help this insignificant bargaining chip, where can you get more benefits in Europe and the United States? The biggest value of the 2000 large passenger plane project .

What's more, the focus of China's recent take-off is still on the weak industrial chain of aerospace. After all, the benefits of ecological closed-loop are so great that Zhuang Jianye can't even think about it.

Therefore, with the aid of the development of the anti-missile and anti-satellite system, it is simply too normal to upgrade China's take-off ground monitoring and control station.

After all, how do you fly the five satellites in operation, and how can you provide services to others if you don’t know how to fly there? What's more, two of the five satellites have the function of orbit change, so the technical level of the measurement and control station cannot be too bad.

The problem is that the measurement and control station can monitor its own satellites, as well as the satellites of other countries or organizations. This makes it difficult for China to take off. It is really troublesome to record the flight trajectories, orbit parameters and orbit changes of these satellites; but if not Record, on which day a certain satellite went out of control and collided with one's own satellite, what should I do?

After all, there is so much space junk right now. If there is a damage, who will make sense to China's multi-million dollar satellite?

Therefore, in order to maintain the security of its own satellites and also for the environment of human outer space, China took off with the spirit of world peace and human development that year. It endured fatigue, worked hard, and reluctantly followed the movement of people in the sky. Various types of spacecraft.

As for the discovery that some foreign special-purpose satellites are over the top ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, it is completely accidental. After all, the original intention of China's take-off is good, plus the TY-22 drones that involve commercial secrets. Things are really inconvenient to be known to the outside world, so as to avoid the copycats and worries of friends and merchants, in line with the fact that more is worse than less, China's take-off can only barely avoid one or two.

In short, everything China Ascendas has done is for world peace, for mankind to make better use of outer space, and for the world to conquer the sea of ​​stars... NM... It is impossible to make it up!

Zhuang Jianye, who explained why China was ready to take off, grasped the cause and effect of the satellite over the top, and finally said that he was almost disgusted by himself.

But I heard that everyone, including the military leaders, was dumbfounded. I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen such shameless people. Everything is for the peace of mankind. So what are you doing with a stealth drone?

Faced with a half-joking question from an outspoken leader, Zhuang Jianye replied sternly: “Of course it’s a supplement to our aerospace, whether it’s relay communications or resource exploration, with a maximum flight altitude of 18,000 meters. 22 are all useful supplements to current artificial satellites!"

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