Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1372: Anti-aircraft carrier combat system

At the moment when the flames lighted up on the screen, the entire hangar was extremely quiet. The heads and leaders of the troops present did not expect that in their minds, the TY-22 stealth drone that should be the seed of the bomber. Turned out to be an important node in anti-aircraft carrier operations.

Yes, what was done in the video just now was nothing but a simulation exercise of attacking an aircraft carrier.

It's just that the test party is not the army, but China as the researcher takes off.

Because of this, the launch vehicle for the high-speed warhead is not a ballistic missile, but a simulated warhead launched by a modified TRJ-700 regional passenger aircraft.

But even so, the whole process has roughly constructed a complete anti-aircraft carrier combat system, with space-based satellites providing the approximate orientation of the target, and passing uninterrupted satellites over the top to track the moving aircraft carrier, and then the UAV Follow up and provide accurate target data elements while dynamically tracking the aircraft carrier under the guidance of satellites.

After our anti-aircraft carrier attack weapons are launched, the UAV can also provide assistance in relay guidance and precise guidance.

It can be said that in the entire anti-aircraft carrier process, the UAV played an important role in receiving satellite data and the final hit of the attack ammunition.

It can be said that without the UAV node, the entire anti-aircraft carrier combat system will become fragmented and cannot be called a system at all.

With the addition of the UAV as an important aid, the combat effectiveness of the entire system is immediately highlighted. It is like a satellite in space. Under the action of the UAV as a catalyst, the missile in hand fuses an unexpected chemical reaction effect. Achieve a super powerful effect of one plus one greater than two.

Of course, this node can be done with a large UAV platform such as TY-2 or Wudi-8, but the question is how likely is this type of UAV to survive in the presence of such a super presence in the aircraft carrier battle group?

It is estimated that before flying to the designated location, it will be shot down by the carrier-based fighters belonging to the aircraft carrier battle group.

After all, the air defense capability of the aircraft carrier battle group is considered to be the highest in the world today. It not only has high-performance carrier-based radars, but also the advanced carrier-based early warning aircraft, and then the multi-layer protection of carrier-based fighters, plus the air defense carried by **** ships. With missiles, the entire aircraft carrier battle group is like a hedgehog covered with prickles. Anyone who eats a bite will be pierced into blood.

So let alone half of the UAVs, they are fighters with better performance. They are also killed as targets in the face of the powerful comprehensive strength of the aircraft carrier battle group.

And this is why, the domestic anti-aircraft carrier combat theory has been put forward for nearly ten years, and anti-aircraft carrier offensive weapons have been substantively developed for five or six years, but there is still an important reason why a complete anti-aircraft combat capability has not been formed.

We must know that anti-aircraft carrier combat is never a simple matter that can be accomplished by firing a few missiles toward an aircraft carrier, but requires a complete combat system.

First of all, you must find the aircraft carrier. After all, the mobility of the aircraft carrier is there, and it will never be there for you to fight. Then someone asked, how big is the aircraft carrier, and it’s not easy to find him?

If the ocean area is as large as the land area, it may be easier. The problem is that the area of ​​the ocean is several times that of the land, and the difficulty will be doubled. In addition, the aircraft carrier is running at full capacity on the sea. It will increase exponentially to a top-notch level.

This is like fighting mosquitoes flying around in a dark room in a summer night. There are just one or two in a huge room. You can't find it in a moment.

The same is true of finding aircraft carriers in the ocean.

Fortunately, during the Cold War, the Soviet Union used armament inputs at any cost to find a feasible way. That was to deploy a large number of marine reconnaissance satellites in space to monitor the dynamics of aircraft carriers.

The country is naturally not as crazy as the Soviet Union, but there is still the ability to use several reconnaissance satellites and resource exploration satellites to conduct key reconnaissance in the key areas between the first island chain and the second island chain.

The aircraft carrier can be found, and the next step is to strike. It is difficult to break through the thick protective layer of the aircraft carrier battle group in traditional combat methods, but as the saying goes, the world's martial arts are only fast and unbreakable. As long as the attack weapon reaches a certain speed, the aircraft carrier will be protected If the action is too late to react, GG is naturally the best choice.

For this reason, the Soviet era vigorously developed heavy supersonic anti-ship missiles, while domestically, it went further and used anti-ship missiles that can achieve hypersonic speed.

The last and most critical step is to effectively integrate the reconnaissance power with the offensive power, so as to produce an enhancement effect of one plus one greater than two.

In this regard, the Soviet Union did not do well enough. The integration of the two systems was too complicated. It involved the ground satellite receiving station, the naval command center, the aerial Tu-142 anti-submarine patrol aircraft, the aircraft carrier and nuclear power at the core of the fleet. cruiser.

Layers of institutions and nodes have led to the length and complexity of the entire command and combat chain, so that often a command requires four or five repeated broadcasts before it reaches the grassroots level for execution.

It is precisely because of this that the Soviet Union has great limitations in anti-aircraft carrier operations.

It is not that the Soviet Union has never thought of making changes. The problem is that the level of technology at the time is that the level of the Soviet Union is already the most powerful anti-aircraft force in the entire solar system. If it wants to improve, unless the technology can go further.

The problem is that technology has advanced, and the Soviet Union has collapsed.

In this regard, the country that has crossed the river with the Soviet Union has to say that it has caught up with a good era. Thanks to the continuous advancement of Moore’s Law, large-scale integrated circuits have been made smaller and smaller, and their functions have become more and more powerful. What used to be relayed by three or four nodes in the past can be effectively completed by one node per platform.

It can be said that the technical obstacles that prevented the Soviet Union from completing the evolution of the anti-aircraft combat system are no longer a problem in the post-Cold War era. However, the country has caught up with the good era in system integration, but because of the shortcomings of the past few decades, it has fallen into the platform. Very embarrassing situation.

The old baby who rummaged through the bottom of the domestic pressure box, there is actually no node platform that can have extremely high survivability in front of the aircraft carrier battle group.

This puts the country in an even more embarrassing situation than in the Soviet era~www.wuxiaspot.com~ That is, it is impossible to integrate reconnaissance and strike forces, and there is no talk of the construction of an anti-aircraft carrier combat system.

At this time, China's soaring TY-22 appeared in front of everyone and showed them the excellent ability of TY-22 to integrate reconnaissance and strike.

That's all, the most important thing is that the TY-22 is not a normal drone, but a real stealth drone. This is of immense significance in the entire anti-aircraft carrier combat system.

It is necessary to know that the air defense capability of the aircraft carrier battle group is not much different from the air defense of important grounds on land, and it is difficult to find stealth targets, or that it is very insensitive to stealth targets.

In this case, the TY-22 stealth drone solves the most important problem of the node platform, which is survivability.

Coupled with its flight altitude of 18,000 meters and a range of 8,400 kilometers, it is conceivable that the vast airspace between the first island chain and the second island chain will inevitably become a private place for the TY-22 stealth drone to fly freely!

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