Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1384: 2 channels ~ variable circulation

The problem is that if you want to achieve this goal, a vertical take-off and landing fighter based on the r-79-300 turbofan engine can’t meet the demand at all. To fight is to give people food.

What's more, in a few years, the intervening force faced is no longer the f-18, but the f-35c that can take off and the f-35b that can take off at a short distance.

Therefore, in the long run, it is better to work hard to make an aero engine with realistic requirements to be more practical, even if the investment is larger and the time is longer, at least the things that come out will not be as embarrassing as the Jacques-38 in the Soviet era.

Of course, Zhuang Jianye’s introduction of the vertical take-off and landing verification aircraft could not be so detailed. Apart from anything else, the configuration of two large fleet aircraft carriers and three amphibious assault ships is the long-term goal of the entire navy by the middle of the 21st century. Zhuang Jianye made arrangements at this time, and the navy felt that there was nothing in his heart, and the headquarters and other services and arms were about to tremble.

No way. Compared with the Air Force, the Navy is the real gold swallowing beast. Let alone the construction cost of a warship, the matching of the many ship-borne weapons above is a big cost. As for future repairs, maintenance, and personnel Training is even harder to count, and this may not necessarily be able to form combat capabilities in a short period of time.

Otherwise, there will be no such thing as a century-old navy.

Therefore, the basic structure introduced by Zhuang Jianye is actually based on the widely accepted concept of strategic delivery ships at this stage, but because of this, Zhuang Jianye’s vision can be regarded as scratching the itch of almost all the chiefs and leaders of the naval forces present.

It is important to know that the cost of the strategic dropship concept itself is not high, and while taking into account the combat effectiveness of the aircraft carrier, even if the fixed-wing aircraft carried is only up to 20, it is not as good as an aviation team on a super aircraft carrier of a major power outside the region, and lacks early warning aircraft and anti-submarine aircraft The combat effectiveness of matching models such as reconnaissance aircraft is fundamentally different.

But even so, in today’s navy’s vision, a strategic delivery ship equipped with vertical take-off and landing fighters is sufficient to implement effective naval and air blockades and air raids in the southwestern waters of an island, and even coordinate the landing of participants when necessary. The troops carried out amphibious landing operations in the southwest, forming a north-south flanking force with the main forces in the north, thus accelerating the course of the campaign.

It can be said that the strategic significance is very significant.

As for the use of strategic delivery ships to force the super carrier battle group to intervene in force, the heads and leaders of the navy are not so confused. They are very clear that strategic delivery ships are not real aircraft carriers after all. It is okay to be a support. Hardness is no different from delivering food, so the current response is to delegate this important task to the Second Artillery Corps, and with its upcoming anti-ship ballistic missiles, the aircraft carrier battle group of intervening forces cannot be approached.

However, whether it is hiding in a small expert at this stage; or the vision of supporting the aircraft carrier formation to anti-intervention, and close to it can kill a carbine to steal a home, a high-performance vertical take-off and landing fighter will give the Navy extremely flexible operational operations. space.

But the problem is that in order to achieve this goal, the technical level of the aeroengine equipped with the vertical take-off and landing fighter must not be low, otherwise it will simply not be able to support the title of multi-role fighter.

The only leader of the naval aviation unit present had realized this problem for a long time, so Zhuang Jianye spoke a lot of vernacular, in addition to belittle the Russian-made r-79-300 turbofan engine, his own use of wd -What happened to the turbofan engine but didn't say a word, Dang Even frowned suspiciously.

In fact, it is not only the leader of the naval aviation force, but also the heads and leaders of the aviation force on the Air Force side also expressed doubts about this.

No way, they have all experienced the discussion when Ascendas entered the special aero engine for vertical take-off and landing fighters. Some people even personally concluded that China Ascendas did not possess such technical capabilities at all, and even criticized China Ascendas. It is to cheat funds.

Nowadays, Zhuang Jianye is obviously talking about him. He described the prospect of the vertical take-off and landing verification aircraft as an infinite charm. It is also a carrier-based aircraft that can take off on an amphibious assault ship and can be used as a strategic delivery ship. Long-distance combat radius, supersonic flight capability, excellent mess, but the level of the wd-turbofan engine that I use is not mentioned.

This has to make people wonder whether China Ascendas is stuck in this regard. The wd-turbofan engine is exactly like an embroidered pillow. Otherwise, why doesn't it even have a decent introduction?

Just when a group of people felt that Zhuang Jianye might be supporting the head of the military and the head of the headquarters, deliberately missing out the shortcomings, highlighting the strengths in order to pave the way for the obvious request for funds related to the vertical take-off and landing verification aircraft, carrying a group of military leaders and The leader Zhuang Jianye, who left Workshop No. 5 and returned to the hangar, suddenly made a puzzling suggestion: “Dear leaders and leaders, the next level of the exhibition will be relatively high, so I hope that the accompanying military media comrades can turn off themselves. Shooting equipment."

Several reporters of the military media who were dedicated to recording the military leaders were a little surprised. They looked at the military leaders blankly with the camera in their hands, but the military leaders waved their hands nonchalantly.

A few reporters understood, and hurriedly left the hangar with the equipment, the standby garage door was closed again, and only a group of military leaders and a few high-ranking executives from China were left inside, and then Zhuang Jianye slowly spoke. "It is estimated that many leaders and leaders are asking ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Since our VTOL fighter is so high-end, what kind of aero engine is it? Or what is our wd-turbofan engine? Level?"

The words fell off, Zhuang Jianye paused, and found that the scene was surprisingly quiet, obviously waiting for his next answer, so Zhuang Jianye didn’t sell anything, and said directly: “Then I can proudly announce that our wd-turbofan engine The level is completely at the advanced level in the world, because we have applied the most cutting-edge technology concept to the wd-turbofan engine-variable cycle!"

Speaking of Zhuang Jianye's beckoning, several senior executives of China Ascendas started to personally open the engine compartment of the vertical take-off and landing verification machine, and immediately screwed a few bolts to remove the wd-turbofan engine, and then used the engine dedicated The cart was pulled in front of a kind of army chief and leader, and then picked up a special tool to open the receiver three times and again, revealing the details inside.

One of the most striking is the front fan blade; the compressor is integrated but the blade is like a fan blade and the valve blocking device between the two fans clearly divides the engine path into two parts.

A head of the army who knew a lot about aviation launching only glanced at it and exclaimed: "Erdaoliu~~~Variable cycle~~~This is really a variable-cycle engine..."

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