Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1396: Vector engine

It is no wonder that the leader of the army has such an attitude.

It should be understood that the speed of Mach 1.8 is not only the engine relative to the air, but the air is also compared to the engine at Mach 1.8. That is a pure Mach 1.8 speed. At this level, gentle air is a sharp knife, not only Sharp, and accompanied by extremely high frictional heat.

That's all, the key lies in the altitude environment of 15,000 meters.

It is necessary to know that it takes a lot of effort to start an aero engine on a snow-covered plateau, and it can only fly at the price of a sharp drop in performance. The reason for this is that the altitude of the snow-covered plateau is too high and the oxygen content in the air is too low. There is no way to fully burn the aviation fuel in the aviation engine.

In the snow-covered plateau with an average altitude of 4,000 meters, it is urinary, let alone an altitude of 15,000 meters, which is more than three times the average altitude of the snow-covered plateau. However, the oxygen content is not correspondingly reduced by three. Times, but exponentially drops several times.

Under such circumstances, it is difficult to obtain sufficient combustion catalyst for an aero engine that requires a large amount of oxygen to support combustion, and restarting cannot be mentioned.

Now that the supersonic speed is combined with the environment of 10,000 meters high, it is equivalent to a big move encountering a trick, and the damage is more than doubled, tens of thousands of times.

And this is why the vast majority of second-generation and third-generation aircraft equipped in the world today choose to drop altitude when there is an engine parking accident at a high altitude.

Because only by lowering the altitude, getting enough oxygen and lowering the speed, the air speed is lowered to ensure that the engine can be restarted in a stable environment. Otherwise, you must either quickly parachute or die with the aircraft.

At this moment, the wd-aero engine in the No. 1 cabin has to challenge what is called a restricted zone by the domestic aviation industry. Even if it is not a test flight in the sky by a real machine, the head of the unit is still in the No. 1 high-altitude simulation experiment cabin. The engine squeezed sweat.

Not only the chief of the unit, but also other leaders and leaders. Even if they didn’t know the leaders and leaders of the doorway inside, they all looked solemn after listening to the introduction of the pedestrians, staring at the live LCD screen of the first cabin. His eyes were full of unspeakable tension.

"In the first cabin, the speed is Mach 1.8, the temperature is minus 50 degrees Celsius, the air pressure is 12 kPa, the air flow is 742 kg\\ sec, everything is normal for the testing machine..."

When the leaders and leaders of a group of troops were watching the every action of the aero engine jetting high-temperature airflow on the screen, the young commander quickly reported a set of data on the command bench in the control hall, and paused for a while. , Immediately said without hesitation: "Keep the cabin environment unchanged, prepare to stop at the countdown...10,9,8...3,2,1,0...stop!"

The order was issued, and the operator in the front row immediately pressed the stop button, and the wd-aero engine that was still roaring and rushing on the screen for a second suddenly went silent.

However, the engine stopped working, but the environment in the No. 1 simulation experiment cabin remained unchanged. The high-speed airflow, low-temperature environment, and hypoxia are all in reality, even if it is across the LCD screen, many people are present. The heads and leaders of the troops can feel the situation of the wd-aero engine in the simulation experiment cabin, and the state is bound to be extremely bad.

But in such an environment, the test console did not immediately issue a start command. The reason was simple. The countdown display in front of the control hall only counted 52 seconds.

Yes, the high-altitude restart test here is not to restart immediately after turning off, but to be separated by one minute, and in the suffocating atmosphere just now, the time has only moved forward for a mere 8 seconds.

"Xiao Zhuang, how confident are you this time?"

Finally, the head of the headquarters couldn't stand it any longer, and asked Zhuang Jianye next to him.

Zhuang Jianye shook his head: "It's not easy to say, but this is our wd-aero engine restart test at high altitude for the last time. If it passes this time, it proves that our variable cycle system has withstood the test. After all, no matter when, one Minutes are enough for the pilot to do a lot of things. If it takes more than one minute, according to our theoretical calculations, the aircraft will soon enter the spiral speed state. Unless it is a high-thrust vector engine, it will not be changed at all. wd—the current aero engine It does not have the capability of multi-directional vectoring, and the thrust aspect needs to be improved. Therefore, we are preparing for the high-altitude restart test of more than 1 minute. We are going to do it after the completion of the second and third phases of the aero engine."

Hearing Zhuang Jianye’s words, the head of the headquarters almost didn’t spray on Zhuang Jianye’s neck: “I’m trying to hear this? I’m asking how sure you are. You even pretended 13, but Zhuang Jianye didn’t pretend to be 13. You can die!"

But the head of the headquarters can vomit in his stomach, and even angrily when meeting alone in private, but under the full view of everyone, even the head of the headquarters has to forcibly suppress the evil fire in his heart and nodded painlessly. , Said the last sentence: "Got it!"

The problem is that the head of the headquarters knows what's going on, and Zhuang Jianye, the instigator, has nothing to say, but how can the others know? I heard that China Ascendas will carry out phase II or phase III improvements on the basis of wd-aero engine.

The direction is to increase thrust and install an omnidirectional thrust vectoring device. You must know that these two items are the forefront of today's aero engines.

In particular, the omnidirectional vectoring device is the standard configuration of the next generation of combat aircraft, because in addition to the unparalleled aerodynamic shape of the so-called super-maneuvering, the vectoring device of the engine also plays an important role that cannot be replaced. It is also because of this. The ultra-maneuvering maneuvers that I dare not think can be easily completed by the aircraft.

At that time, the Pugachev Cobra maneuvering that made the Su-27 dominate the world would be an ordinary maneuver in front of an aircraft equipped with a vector engine.

Because of this, many people showed a hint of excitement after listening to Zhuang Jianye’s words, and they asked wd—the timetable for the next stage of aero engine improvement~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhuang Jianye responded modestly: “Specifically. It depends on the progress of our wd-aero engine basic prototype. After all, our wd-aero engine adopts a more advanced variable cycle system. Not to mention domestically, it is also at the leading level in the world, but it is also Because of this, many standards and norms have no precedents for reference. We can only rely on our little bit of exploration and accumulation, and we can talk about the next stage after we have cleared this difficult road...Oh, look...I am here. As I said, the time to start is up. This experiment is very critical. If everything is done, it will be easy to say, if it fails, then we must make a big change..."

It was too late to say, it was fast, Zhuang Jianye accidentally installed 13, and the time passed. Before Zhuang Jianye could finish speaking, the commander on the command board said aloud: "Start!"

The voice immediately fell, the controller pressed the start button, and the outer surface of the screen had been covered with a layer of frost at minus 50 degrees Celsius. The aircraft engine suddenly shook, and then the fan that seemed to be frozen began to rotate slowly. , Immediately became faster and faster, and finally accompanied by an unwilling roar, the whole engine resembled a beast that had come alive, spitting out flames again...

Successful restart!

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