Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1398: For the aircraft carrier

After listening to the head of the headquarters, Zhuang Jianye did not answer. Asking a company rashly about the nature of its cash reserves is the same as asking others about your private money. It is impossible to answer how close you are.

What's more, is it that Zhuang Jianye has been pitted by the head of the headquarters in this regard?

Maybe you are optimistic about that piece of equipment, and then come to a head office directly, and make a blank note to let China take off to lay aside the funds?

"Look at you like this? You really have become a landlord and wealthy in the old society. You have become so stingy. This is also the inconvenience of the headquarters. In addition, the reform of other domestic enterprises has not been completed and the funds are not sufficient. Otherwise, you think I am willing to find you?"

"Can the chief tell me what the **** is it?" Zhuang Jianye put on a bright smile as he spoke, showing his sunny side to the camera.

The head of the headquarters was also upright, but he sighed in his heart. As expected, there were no rabbits and no eagles. So after this round of shooting, he slowly uttered a few words: "Varyag..."

It turned out that this matter had to start with the purchase of the Varyag aircraft carrier a few years ago. Ning Xiaodong was just an agent who was pushed to the front of the stage. Xiang Chun's business activities, whether it is the participation of the headquarters or the country's Daming Daliang, is not appropriate.

I thought it would be so, even if the return of the Varyag aircraft carrier does not go smoothly, it is unlikely to have any moths.

How could it be that when the Varyag aircraft carrier left Ukraine, crossed the entire Black Sea, and was about to step into the Mediterranean, it was stopped by the Ottoman guarding the Bosphorus. The reason was that the Varyag was too old and too old. Loss of motivation is very likely to block the very critical Bosphorus Strait. Not only was the Varyag forbidden to pass, but Ning Xiaodong and others who went to negotiate were detained on the grounds of endangering the safety of the channel.

However, it went directly to the normal business entities, contacted the domestic embassies and consulates in Ottoman, and put forward a series of harsh conditions to the domestic authorities through the embassies and consulates.

At the same time, Ottoman took advantage of its convenient conditions at the intersection of the East and the West to mobilize various media outlets to report on the Varyag, repeatedly stressing the serious consequences of the blockage of the Bosphorus Strait, thereby exerting pressure on the country. The country promised them almost extortion conditions.

If it were a "Kiev" class aircraft carrier, in the face of Ottoman's obstruction and pressure, the headquarters would give up if it said no; the problem is that the Varyag is a "Kuznetsov" class aircraft carrier with a displacement of more than 60,000 tons. It is one of the only real large-scale aircraft carriers in the Soviet era. Both the research value and the reference value are countless times stronger than the nondescript "Kiev" class.

That's all, the key is that the relevant navy personnel boarded the Varyag after a successful purchase and conducted a detailed inspection. They found that the special steel of the Varyag built by the Soviet Union was of very good quality, even if it had been abandoned for many years, but the relevant performance was not good. There is no significant reduction, and the preliminary judgment can still be used for 30 years.

The headquarters that received the news was immediately excited, which shows that the Varyag has the possibility of being transformed into an aircraft carrier platform. This is a good thing that cannot be found even with a lantern in the country.

Because through the transformation of the Varyag, not only can we understand the detailed structure of the aircraft carrier, but also build an excellent team of talents on this basis, laying a good foundation for the design and construction of future domestic aircraft carriers.

Regardless of other things, these two points alone are enough for the headquarters to spend a lot of money to get the Varang back home.

As a result, Osman banned the passage of the Varyag on the grounds of the safety of the Bosphorus channel. This undoubtedly hit the weak underbelly of the headquarters and pinched the seven inches of the headquarters.

Promise Ottoman’s terms. The shame is small. The key is that Ottoman’s appetite is too big. Not only does he have to pay a huge security guarantee fee and huge insurance, but he also needs to expand his investment in Ottoman and help Ottoman perfect their machinery manufacturing. , R&D and production capabilities in aerospace and other industrial fields.

In other words, Osman not only needs money, but also technology and complete equipment, and he won't be grateful to you because they deserve it.

If it is a general security deposit and the like, the headquarters can still handle it, but Osman wants a huge system project similar to the 156 projects supported by the Soviet Union in China, which is beyond the headquarters' ability.

But if you don’t agree, the plan to get a close look at the aircraft carrier, analyze the aircraft carrier and build a complete set of talents, mechanisms, and supporting industries on this basis will be in vain, and it is not known when it will be restarted.

However, at this time, there is no unified opinion on the issue of aircraft carriers in China. The voices opposed to the construction of aircraft carriers still occupy a large market, so that many big leaders think that the top priority in China is to focus on economic development and further enhance the overall national strength. , Instead of putting limited resources on gold swallowing beasts like aircraft carriers.

In such an environment of public opinion, it is impossible to expect the country to agree to the Ottoman conditions without reservation. I originally thought that the thing was a gold swallowing beast. I was afraid to avoid it, but I wanted to take it and touch the porcelain to ruin people. I just didn’t want it. It's okay, so you can't touch it.

In this case, the headquarters is like seeing a favorite toy, but because of the price factor, the parents refused to buy the child, the kind of grievance, embarrassment and unwillingness to mention, the point is that there is no way at all.

How to do?

Of course there are friends who are looking for friends, and there are buddies who are looking for buddies. In short, get the toys back first.

Of course, there are friends and buddies at the headquarters. Not only do they have them, but there are also many, but they have both the technology and the funds in their hands. At the same time, there are not many who can have a certain degree of influence in the international arena. Two.

Therefore, this time the military leaders personally led the team. In addition to inspecting the development and production of various new equipment of China Ascendas, another task is to hope that China Ascendas can communicate with relevant Ottoman parties as a commercial entity and use it as much as possible. Limited funds and technology were exchanged for Ottoman's release of the Varyag.

At this moment, Zhuang Jianye was sitting in a small living room and fell into deep thought. After the group photo was over, the military leaders and the head of the headquarters flowed down with a few core leaders, and explained the ins and outs of the matter in this small living room. Again.

It seems that he could see Zhuang Jianye’s concerns. The head of the headquarters wanted to say something to persuade him, but he was stopped by the military leader on the side: "Xiao Zhuang, I know this is difficult, and it may make you China's take-off has suffered a certain loss, but you can rest assured that the headquarters can't let you go up and enjoy your success in the back. What do you think of this? The headquarters will list an air defense project separately from next year's budget and give priority to purchasing a battalion of LYJ. —18 mobile anti-missile \\\\anti-satellite system ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is used for basic performance testing. If it meets the requirements of the army, it will be expanded to five battalions in the next five years.

The second is to allocate part of the funds in the special budget of the headquarters to build a reconnaissance, command and strike system with the TY-22 stealth drone as the core. According to this requirement, the first batch of TY-22 stealth drones was purchased. The amount will not be less than 4 racks.

Finally, there is the WD-aero engine. The headquarters will allocate 15% of next year's research and development funds for this project, which will be used as the main power for the next generation of combat aircraft for key research and development.

Xiaozhuang, do you think these pockets are enough? "

After hearing the words of the military leaders, Zhuang Jianye, whose face was depressed for a long time without saying a word, immediately changed his face like a Sichuan Opera. He burst into laughter in a blink of an eye. At the same time, he patted his chest and said, "Old Chief, you see what you said. , I, Zhuang Jianye, is the kind of person who only looks at the benefits and does not remember the loss? What's more, my elder brother is still being held by Osman, and I have to get people out of me if I say. Besides, for the sake of our country. Aircraft carrier, it is absolutely incumbent on Zhuang Jianye..."

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