Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1401: Direct offer

When Ning Zhishan said this, there was a sense of exhilaration from the inside out, as if Ning Xiaodong's biological son was not detained by Ottoman, but he was alive and kicking in the country to give him this old man a long face.

But if you think about it carefully, it's not difficult to understand.

Even if Ning Xiaodong is a business elite in the outside world, he has some noodles, but in the eyes of Ning Zhishan, he can't be on the table at all, because in the eyes of the old man, he can only serve public bowls and eat public meals. , The rest of the TM does not flow.

Can earn money and have status?

Wherever the old man might not have had a toilet director with a system.

This is also the reason why Zhuang Jianye’s position in the Lao Ning family has always been detached. Apart from chasing difficulties, it was Zhuang Jianye who provoked Lao Ning’s beams. The most important thing is that Zhuang Jianye took the right path of asking questions. Now he is a veritable central management cadre.

Therefore, Zhuang Jianye is not only the face of the Lao Ning family in Ning Zhishan’s mind, but also an example for the whole family. As for the retired cadres and old employees of the old Yonghong factory, where to show off his son-in-law, he always puts the so-called "my life The most wise decision was to marry Xiaohui from our family to Xiaozhuang!"

As for the son of Ning Xiaodong, either he didn't mention a word, or he had to make a perfunctory sentence: "He can feed himself by himself."

Don't make the double standard too obvious. Diminish

As a result, I heard today that my son had been online with the headquarters and also participated in the procurement plan for major equipment. What does this show?

The brat of his own family finally got the hang of it, knowing that he was leaning on the side of the public house.

This made Ning Zhishan very happy, feeling that even if Ning Xiaodong was a little older, as long as the prodigal son turned back, he still had a chance to reform.

No way, after all, Ning Zhishan is Ning Xiaodong's own father, and he is naturally his own father, so how can he not have the heart to look forward to his son?

As a result, when Ning Zhishan was pleased that Ning Xiaodong was sensible, Ning Xiaoxue poured cold water on his head and covered his face: "Dad~~My brother is still being held by Osman. It’s not too late for you to sigh when he comes back safely."

"Oh, yes, yes, yes...Look at me, patronize and be happy, forget that Xiaodong, this child is still in Ottoman, it seems that the situation of the struggle between the enemy and us is still very fierce. You have to talk to the head of the headquarters. Although Ning Xiaodong is only a mass, his ideological consciousness can withstand the test. Please rest assured, the heads..."

"Dad~~~ Let's discuss how to get my brother back now, how are you..." Before Ning Zhishan finished his impassioned revolutionary declaration, Ning Xiaoxue interrupted again.

Seeing that the rhythm is about to be distorted, Zhuang Jianye hurriedly said: "Don't worry about the big guys. Before I came back, I just received a few heads of the headquarters for research. During the period, I have discussed this matter with the heads of the headquarters. The chief intends to entrust me to go to Ottoman to coordinate and communicate on behalf of the economic entity of China Ascendas, so I will go to Ottoman in two days." Sacrifice as 99bxwx.com

"The head of the headquarters entrusted you to go to Ottoman?" Lu Ming heard this, and he unconsciously sat up straight from the sofa.

Zhuang Jianye nodded: "Yes, so when I come back this time, the first is to tell my family, don't worry, I will go all out for my affairs in public and private; second, I also want to discuss with my sister-in-law..."

Lu Ming was a little dumb: "Talk to me?"

"Yes..." Zhuang Jianye didn't hesitate: "I remember where you and Xiaodong opened several handbag companies during the dramatic changes in Eastern Europe?"

"That's right, at that time, I was doing a great deal of profit. In order to sell and get the goods, I set up several handbag companies." Lu Ming did not hide it.

"How about the structure of these leather bag companies?"

"It's very simple. It's just to sell and get the goods. It's not necessary to make it so complicated."

"If you need to change the structure of these leather bag companies and make it more complicated, how long will it take you?" Zhuang Jianye pondered and asked again.

"It may be a bit more troublesome if it is domestic. At that time, Eastern Europe...not so complicated. If it is fast, the process can be completed in about a month."

"Then try to be as complicated as possible, the more difficult it is for people to find out the better."

"Okay, then I'm leaving for Romania!" Lu Ming nodded without hesitation, then took out his cell phone and dialed a number: "Hey~~ Secretary Chen, help me change the ticket to Ottoman Istanbul to Bucharest, Romania. Um... yes, fast... there is a flight from the magic city in three hours... OK, just book this."

After speaking, he stood up, picked up his luggage and said to this Zhuang Jianye: "Then I will go to Bucharest first, and I will notify you after I have done it."

"Okay, a good journey!" Zhuang Jianye got up and saw him off. Lu Ming dragged his suitcase and walked out of the room. This time Ning Xiaohui and Ning Xiaoxue did not stop them at all. They are not fools, how can they not tell, Zhuang Jianye This is setting up a bureau.

Since Zhuang Jianye is a trader, there is nothing to worry about.

No way, Zhuang Jianye has done too many important things for so many years, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com has long established absolute prestige at home.

With this prestige, Zhuang Jianye stayed at home for two more days. During the period, he played two chess games with Ning Zhishan and spent an hour in the park as the king of children. Of course, he had to spend two nights with his wife. Tenderness to the high-speed drag racing.

All in all, these three days Zhuang Jianye had a very fulfilling life. It was only when Zhuang Jianye got on the international flight to Ankara, the Ottoman capital, he got some general information from the entourage.

But at this time, Zhuang Jianye had no intention to listen. The reason was simple. Osman refused to land the TRJ-business jet at an airport in Ottoman on the grounds that the TRJ-business jet did not meet the Ottoman aviation safety standards.

To put it bluntly, it is to hold the TRJ-business jet without a European and American airworthiness certificate, to give Zhuang Jianye, who is on the stage, a disarm.

In desperation, Zhuang Jianye could only buy international flights to fly with the flow of the current. But the familiar saying is that it is easy to change from frugality to luxury, and it is difficult to change from luxury to frugality. Is this kind of atmospheric experience comparable?

So Zhuang Jianye was very angry, as for the consequences...

The Ottomans didn't think it was too serious. On the contrary, they felt that Zhuang Jianye's words were more tyrant and stupid than the Ning Xiaodong who was detained by them. Mi He Mi

Because the next day Zhuang Jianye arrived in Ankara, he found the relevant department and released the detained Ning Xiaodong with a bail of 360,000 US dollars. He immediately told the Osman reporter that Zhuang Jianye had nothing else but money. , So he told the Ottoman reporter named Dikasoglu that as long as the Varyag is released, how much it will cost, directly charge a price!

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