Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1403: Change the rules of the game

And just as Dikasoglu watched the TV, was frightened by the content inside, and fell cold behind his back, the whole world was swiped by a series of videos released by an armed organization in southwest Ottoman.

In fact, since late March 2000, some sources have revealed to the media that an armed group in southwestern Ottoman has begun a new round of activities, and the extent is more violent than in the early 1990s.

The Ottoman authorities denied this without exception.

There is no other way. As Ottoman, located at the intersection of the Eurasian continent, has always had an ambition in its bones to become a major country again, and then regain the glory of Ottoman Turkey that spanned the three continents of Europe, Asia and Africa, and straddled the world.

If you want to become a big country, you must industrialize. If you want to industrialize, you must have investment. If you want to obtain foreign investment, you must have a good and stable internal environment.

Other countries may not be so sensitive to these three points. However, as a bridgehead for the confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War, Osman can be said to have a deep understanding. This also led to the fundamental reason why Osman did not rise during the Cold War.

Because of this, after the end of the Cold War and the Ottoman internal and external environment gradually improved, Ottoman began to increase economic construction. As a result, at this time, an armed organization in southwest Ottoman began to make trouble. This does not mean that the outside world is very unstable in Ottoman. It’s easy to throw in the money~~~

What's more, as early as the 1990s, Osman had already announced that it had solved the problem of an armed organization in southwest Ottoman, and it appeared again at this time, and it was no different from hitting Osman's old face.

If all these are added together, Ottoman will naturally not recognize the resurgence of an armed organization in southwestern Ottoman.

If this was placed a few years ago, with Ottoman’s strong domestic dominance, blocking the news is really like playing, but the big deal is to isolate the turbulent southwest and focus on the use of foreign capital in other regions. , And it’s not a day or two to go to Osman to do this.

The problem is that the experience of the past decades seems to be somewhat ineffective after entering the new century, because in addition to traditional radio, television, newspapers, and magazines, the Internet has already emerged worldwide.

An armed group in southwest Ottoman was indeed unable to pass through the Ottoman media, and even the contact with foreign media was interrupted due to the blockade. However, because of the rise and rapid development of the Internet, an armed group in southwest Ottoman could easily capture the film. The video material was transmitted to overseas websites, and then quickly spread throughout the world, immediately detonating international public opinion.

However, what Osman did not expect was that these videos not only made Osman’s face, but more importantly, the information revealed seriously dampened the confidence of Osman’s hard work in the market.

The reason for this is simple. The explosiveness of these videos has long surpassed ordinary people's imagination.

What Dikasoglu saw on the Ottoman National TV station is a cleanup board that has been edited. In fact, the uncut version broadcasted in the Middle East, Europe and North America and other regions is not only more complete than the Ottoman National TV station, but also The whole process is even more incredible.

Because the mortar attack on the arsenal in this video is only a small part of it, or even just the beginning.

In fact, the Ottoman security forces began to act as soon as the arsenal exploded, because they had roughly found the approximate location of the members of the armed organization based on the radio positioning device, so the rapid assault team composed of three armored vehicles and two Humvees quickly Set off, quickly approaching toward the predetermined goal.

According to past experience, such fast action by the Ottoman security forces can completely catch the big armed organization by surprise. After all, the equipment of the armed organization is really not on the table, especially the communication equipment, which mostly uses civilian systems, which not only has poor anti-interference ability. , And it is easy to be monitored and located.

Therefore, the Ottoman security forces rely on advanced equipment and rapid actions to fight against the armed organizations basically, but this time they rushed to the ground.

Because the location of the previous reconnaissance arsenal did not use mortars to trim the ballistics, the drone that accurately hit the target was above the Ottoman assault squad. From the perspective of God overlooking all living beings, the assault squad’s action was taken. A panoramic view of the movement.

But in this area where the Ottoman forces are the most concentrated, no matter whether it is the air force radar or the army’s monitoring equipment, there is nothing to find the trace of the drone, so that the drone can hover in the small team grandiosely. On the head, driving them quickly and maneuvering, watching them get out of the car one after another, watching them form a battle formation, watching them rush into the target house with tacit cooperation, and then...

Then watched them were directly covered by 24 107mm rockets launched by oneself, with no bones left!

The whole process is cold and silent, accompanied by the drone operator in the picture from time to time:

Sacrifice such as yxlmxsw.com sacrifice such as. "Their car is not very fast..."

"I really want to take a picture of this tactical action and save it..."

"Are 24 rockets enough? Let's hit it..."

"Oh, the house has collapsed, there should be no living people..."

Wait for light and joyful words, as if all this is not in the battlefield, but in a large-scale real-time strategy game~www.wuxiaspot.com~Yes, from the perspective of God, this is a game, people Here is a point of activity, and with a word from the drone operator, or a guide, these small bits that are not much larger than ants can be wiped out. Isn't this a game and what is it?

Is it bloody? Is it terrible? Is it uncomfortable? Not at all, and even the hands of the manipulator have not been stained with half a drop of blood. This is not a game and what is it?

汜豜汜. However, it is not enough to shake an Ottoman who straddles the Eurasian continent and has been a regional power since World War I. After all, Osman has experienced more **** and cruel conflicts than this for so many years. I heard that their economy has been hit hard.

This time, however, it was different, because after the video of attacking the arsenal and attacking the assault unit, the whole screen suddenly turned into a modern urban propaganda film from the battlefield from the perspective of God.

Istanbul’s bridges across the strait, modern urban buildings, and endless streams of vehicles; Ankara’s brilliant administrative buildings and congress halls, squares filled with tourists, landmarks that symbolize the brilliant history of Ottoman; even the Ottoman military police with a strong degree of recognition Changing of the guard...

Mi He Mi. All of this is taken from a high altitude from the perspective of God, including fast-forward long shots, fixed-point close-ups, and even 360-degree surround shots of specific things.

The whole process is like a national promotional film meticulously produced by a professional high-altitude photography team, which looks magnificent and beautiful, but at the end of such a beautiful picture, there is a string of very unusual words: "We have changed the rules of the game. , So the next goal is..."

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