Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1411: 4 rotor drone VS tank

There is no way this time an attack by an armed organization in southwest Ottoman is more than just this one. Similar incidents have occurred in Istanbul, the industrial area in the north, and the port in the south.

The damage caused was not much, after all, the ammunition used by an armed organization in southwestern Ottoman was only 35mm or 40mm grenade used by the infantry squad with grenade launcher.

It has no effect on some solid targets, but it can't stand a certain armed group in southwest Ottoman from making videos of these attacks and putting them on the Internet.

Then put a line of subtitles: This is just the beginning...

This caused panic in several major Ottoman cities. However, compared to the panic of the people in the city, the panic of the Ottoman security forces was the most deadly.

The reason for this is simple. It comes from a video released by an armed group in southwestern Ottoman.

The time is not long, only 35 seconds, but the amount of information is huge.

The first picture is a group of aerial shots of a bird's-eye view that is already well-known to the world, showing a reloaded unit of the Ottoman security forces marching in the streets.

After they were attacked in major Ottoman cities, they quickly launched reinforcements against the Ottoman security forces of an armed organization in southwestern Ottoman. For this reason, the Ottomans also gave the siege and suppression operation a code of "justice and eradication". .

In the video, this heavy-duty unit with armored vehicles and tanks is responsible for the blockade of a certain city in the southwest in this operation, an important force used to encircle and suppress an armed organization in southwest Ottoman, the trump card of the Ottoman security forces, Anatoly Sub-contingent.

Not only are they equipped with M60 main battle tanks, M113 armored vehicles and Humvee high-mobility vehicles, the soldiers of the detachment have received long-term training in special forces from the United States and Europe. The backbone of the detachment has long-term experience with domestic armed organizations. It can be said that it is The trump card of the Ottoman security forces.

What the video shows is the arrest of an important figure in an armed organization in southwest Ottoman by the Anatolian detachment after obtaining accurate information.

Not only did three M60 tanks be dispatched for the perimeter blockade, but also two sets of so-called "Blind-250" UAV jammers that Ottoman had just imitated based on the ZDL-16 vehicle-mounted UAV jammer.

They are also integrated in the two M113 armored vehicles, but the antenna is replaced by a higher-end military antenna from the low-end TV signal that was previously difficult to distinguish. Therefore, the development is better than the previous ZDL- The 16-vehicle drone jammer is several times stronger.

As for performance, there is no need to say, whether it is power or range, it is the existence of the ZDL-16 vehicle-mounted UAV jammer.

More importantly, the price of the "Blind-250" UAV jammer is less than a quarter of that of the ZDL-16 vehicle-mounted UAV jammer. It is between the domestic demand of Ottoman and an armed organization in the southwest of Ottoman. The UAV use boom of armed organizations around the world triggered by the use of Oletaya quadrotor drones has triggered a response to the increasing demand for such small and micro unmanned aerial vehicles.

Related parties of Osman have calculated that their "Blind-250" UAV jammer will gain a market share of more than 20 billion U.S. dollars in the future.

This is still calculated according to the domestic preferential price in Ottoman, the actual profit will only be more than this number, and will never be less than this number.

And this is the reason why so many Ottomans in the country are jumping against China's take-off ZDL-16 vehicle-mounted drone jammer, and they don’t hesitate to copy them. There is no way, the benefits are too great. Ottoman’s industry Both enterprises and physical businesses want to get a share of the pie, so naturally they jumped and wanted to hold this big cake in their hands.

Of course, there is also a potential driving force that prompted Ottoman to do this, that is, the ZDL-16 vehicle-mounted drone jammer was originally produced in China and took off. If Ottoman is a developed country in Europe and the United States, maybe he can hesitate, is it this technology? Level is too high, can you do it at your own level?

But when I saw it was from a big country in the East, I had no worries at all. It was a poor country in a developing country. The people might have never seen what a flush toilet looks like in their lives. What a backward country made, they Ottoman still Isn't it easy to catch it?

Don't talk about your ancestors in a big country in the East, and the deep-seated nonsense; their Ottomans wanted to have a ancestor wider than before!

Holding the inertial thinking that a certain big country in the East can do, and their Ottoman can also do it, Osman ran to the dark on the way to imitating the ZDL-16 vehicle-mounted drone jammer.

Then...then...I was taught to be a man by an armed organization in southwestern Ottoman.

Because the video shows that the two sets of "Blinding-250" UAV jammers attached to the Anatolian detachment have no effect at all.

Is the Anatolian detachment careless and did not turn on the "Blinding-250" UAV jammer?

Of course not. Not only did they turn on, but the entire process was at maximum power. This can be seen from the occasional snowflakes and shaking in the sky of the Oletaya quadrotor drone in the video. The drone is indeed There was severe interference, but after the operator in the video switched to a Block II mode, all the interference was eliminated.

The problem is that the Anatolian detachment in the video does not know that the drones of the armed organization actually have a Block Ⅱ mode. They are super confident of their "Blind-250" drone jammer, because of the previous one. In the test, none of the Oletaya quadcopter drones could escape the claws of the "Blind-250" drone jammer, so that they didn't even look at whether something was actually watching over their heads. they.

Even at the periphery of the blockade, the Anatolian detachment did not abide by the basic battlefield discipline and opened the top cover of the M60 tank.

But this can also be understood ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After all, the tank is too hot and stuffy. Open the top cover to ventilate and make the people inside feel comfortable. What's more, they are tanks. The armed organization is in Niu X, and the tanks are too. When a mouse sees a cat, it can run as far as it can. What is the danger? Could it be that they can turn into angels to fight from the top of the head?

As a result, the armed groups did not become angels, but they used the Oletaya quadcopter drone to make this impossible possible. In the 23rd second of the video, they were already on the head of the Anatolian detachment. The drone that hovered for a while suddenly looked at the timing and threw a suspended American 40mm grenade vertically. The result was unbiased and dropped into the top cover of an M60 main battle tank, only to see a ball. The fire blazed into the sky, and the M60 tank was like smoke from the seven orifices. From the muzzle and hatch, thick smoke was ejected. But this was not over. Then a larger wave suddenly exploded, and the tank's turret was directly lifted. The shock wave generated by the explosion not only smashed two Hummer vehicles around it, but also made the drones in the sky almost uncontrollable.

But no matter what, this time the Oletaya Quadrotor UAV VS the tank, and the victory is complete, it can be regarded as an unprecedented miracle!

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