Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1413: Is Zhuang Jianye capable of this matter?

The Ottoman Aerospace Industry Group is just one of the examples of the privatization of many Ottoman state-owned enterprises, and it is not the worst. Those dismembered or even directly closed companies can be described as corpses in this Ottoman economic turmoil. Everywhere.

But this is a rare feast for international financial speculators and big capitalists.

As one of these capitals, China Ascendas naturally participated in the destruction of most of the Ottoman state-owned assets.

However, unlike other capitals who took the opportunity to buy the bottom and control the lifeline of the Ottoman economy and obtain long-term gains, China's take-off is more like a financial speculator in this process. The income is held to the wasteland, but turns around and resells the shares he holds to other capitals or individuals, so as to derive huge profits from it.

For example, less than a week after the acquisition of the 9.3% of the Ottoman Aerospace Industry Group shares, China Ascendas sold it to Citibank in the United States for a price of US$600 million.

There is also a 12% share of the Ottoman State Power Company purchased for 240 million US dollars, which is also sold to the German Barclays Bank at the fastest speed for a price of 460 million.

With such an entry and exit, China Ascendas obtained a large amount of liquidity, and then continued to copy Ottoman state-owned enterprises, playing tirelessly with the trick of buying and reselling.

There is no way, Oletaya’s "Ghost Pro" quadrotor drones have spread around Ottoman like a plague, that’s all, the point is that Ottoman has no effective countermeasures at all. In desperation, Osman People can only use telescopes to observe the air, and use this old method during the First World War to deal with the new things in the 21st century.

As a result, many media sighed that Osman’s approach was tantamount to using a spear against the Maxine heavy machine gun, which was meaningless except for his courage.

The fact is indeed the case. If the human eye can catch the plane, what does the radar do? Even if it’s a low-speed quad-rotor drone with a battery life of less than 30 minutes, it’s difficult to find out. After all, the body of the “Ghost Pro” quad-rotor drone is not only compact but also very flexible. It is impossible to catch special equipment at all.

At this time, Oletaya Company released an expansion slot for the "Ghost Pro" quadrotor drone, which aims to increase professional photography equipment and improve the quality of drone photography.

Therefore, a Canon SLR camera can be hung in the expansion slot, which can be used as a high-definition photo or video shooting tool, so that the "Ghost Pro" quadrotor drone is evolved from amateur aerial photography equipment to professional aerial photography equipment.

Then, it’s not just photography enthusiasts who are excited about this expansion slot. The Ottoman armed groups that have begun to use the "Ghost Pro" quadcopter drone on a large scale are also very excited because they got this expansion slot. It was soon discovered that this thing can not only add a SLR camera, but also increase the amount of ammunition hanging.

For example, the previous "Ghost Pro" quadrotor drone can only be hung on a 35mm or 40mm grenade. Now with the expansion slot, it can be hung directly on 3 35mm grenade or a 60mm mortar shell, and its power is instantly increased. More than a few times.

So much so that many armed organizations kindly call the "Ghost Elf pro" quadrotor drone as "the poor man's bomber."

Then... and then these armed groups put all their "poor bombers" on Osman's head. That scene...

While Ottoman was facing the dual crisis of domestic security and economic deterioration, the International Channel of Russian State Television once again broadcast their latest interview with China Ascendas Chairman and CEO Zhuang Jianye.

The interview was actually conducted on April 30. The location was in Vienna, the capital of Austria. Zhuang Jianye, as the senior policy adviser of the domestic WTO negotiating delegation in charge of aerospace, participated in the aerospace policy issues between a large eastern country and a large foreign country and Europe. The sixth round of negotiations.

During this period, the International Channel of Russian State Television contacted Shang Zhuang Jianye and asked for an interview.

Two high-level individual interviews were conducted after a lapse of two months. This is rare in any TV station. However, the International Channel of the Russian State Television Station did not hesitate to do so. The reason is very simple. The investigative media revealed that the actual controller of Oletaya Company was a German-American named Evans.

It stands to reason that this identity can be regarded as the root of the red seedlings, impeccable, but the investigative media did not satisfy this, but continued to dig deeper, and the result was not digging without knowing, and it was shocked.

Evans is an Oletaya company controlled by an actor private equity fund based in the British Virgin Islands. After investigating this actor private equity fund, it was found that its predecessor turned out to be an extremely influential drone in Europe that year. The manufacturer’s actors aerospace company was founded.

This seems to be the reason why Oletaya was able to make a drone product that dazzled the world as soon as it was born, but it would be nice if the problem was as simple as that. The investigative media found out in the data of the actor Aerospace Company that year. , There is an independent director named Chen Hongjun in the company.

Then after continuing the investigation along the line of Chen Hongjun, even the investigative reporters were shocked. It turned out that for so many years, Chen Hongjun not only did not disappear because of the decline of the actor Aerospace Company, but instead set up several private equity funds around the world. Then controlled a huge investment network by means of cross-holding.

This includes Evans' actor private equity fund.

In other words, Evans’s behind-the-scenes boss is this Chen Hongjun, and Chen Hongjun’s behind-the-scenes boss is no one else, but Zhuang Jianye, the chairman and CEO of China Ascendas, who is known as the king of aviation and aerospace.

The reason for saying this is simple. All of Chen Hongjun's investment funds come from two overseas fund accounts managed by Ascendas Investment, which is a subsidiary of China Ascendas.

With so many twists and turns, things have become clear. What is the independent startup company of Oletaya, a unicorn in the field of civilian drones?

It is just a test product that China Ascendas throws out to test the water in the market.

In this way~www.wuxiaspot.com~ some questions that the outside world does not understand can be explained. How can Oletaya Company as a leather bag company be able to make the world's leading civilian consumer drone?

It’s not that Oletaya really has capable people, but that China Ascendas is really alone in the UAV aspect. There is no way. People rely on UAVs for China’s ascension. Just leave a few things to Ole. Taya Company is alive.

As for the vast majority of OEMs that are subordinate to Ascendas in China, not to mention, they are all their own. Of course, the fertilizer does not flow to outsiders. The whole industry chain has higher profits.

Of course, the most important thing is the ZDL-16 vehicle-mounted UAV jammer. China's take-off is all about fighting each other, playing the inside-out-take-all routine commonly used by arms dealers.

Once the conclusion of this investigation was announced, it could cause an uproar, but Zhuang Jianye, who was pushed to the forefront, responded very calmly: "Is Zhuang Jianye capable of this matter? There is no doubt that this conclusion is FakeNews!"

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