Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1420: Break the game

It's just that Lin Bo, Lin Guanghua, Peng Chuan and others do not have Zhuang Jianye's determination to move forward.

Even if they have been driven to a dead end by many Western businessmen, they are just dumbfounded and indignant, and then grabbed the guy named Shi Jun and verbally criticized him.

Yes, this time the boycott against China’s take-off was so stable, accurate, and ruthless. One blow hit the soft underbelly of China’s take-off. The person behind it was not someone else, who was suspected of using power for personal gain. Shi Jun.

Relying on his current wife, Zhao Liman, to clear the way with money, or take the initiative to dedicate himself, Shi Jun has gradually become the "New York Times", "Washington Post", "Foreign Policy Magazine", "New York Times", "Washington Post", "Foreign Policy Magazine" Columnist or special writer of mainstream media such as Time Magazine.

Using this as a springboard, Shi Jun published several professional books on the aviation and aerospace industries of a major eastern country. In addition to daily depreciation of the technical achievements of a major eastern country in aviation and aerospace, Shi Jun promoted his industry containment strategy. .

That is, domestic aerospace technologies, including China Ascendas, are counterfeit and inferior imitations of intellectual property rights stolen through improper means, and use state subsidies to impact the inherent market system to achieve the purpose of occupying the market and grabbing profits. Therefore, the Western Friends businessmen must unite to resist this market-damaging behavior. As long as Western businessmen act in unison and unite, domestic aerospace companies such as China Ascendas, which have developed by stealing intellectual property rights, will inevitably collapse in a short period of time.

Because their technology and market rely heavily on Europe and the United States, without European and American technology and markets, China's take-off is a native chicken with two wings broken, let alone take-off, and can't even flop.

Shi Jun’s series of monographs that discredit China’s take-off and related industries catered to the tastes of certain European and American interest groups. Under the advocacy and promotion of these people, Shi Jun’s status can be said to have risen, and he soon became an expert in the affairs of a certain eastern country. He was hired as a senior consultant by think tanks including the RAND Corporation, the Hudson Institute, and the National Heritage Foundation. Sacrifice as miaobifang.com

It was in the position of a senior adviser to a think tank, combined with what China Ascendas did in Ottoman, Shi Jun began to continue to stir up troubles in the Western world, making China Ascendas is about to erode the high-end industries of Western friendly businessmen, calling for containment or even strangulation.

This was the result of Western friendly businessmen's boycott of China's take-off.

As for the escalation of the XXX Act, Shi Jun also handled a lot. It is no exaggeration to say that Shi Jun has already become a kowloon division of Western friends and merchants, and the chief culprit for betraying China's take-off!

When the news came back to China, it naturally caused unanimous anger from China's take-off. Not to mention that Lin Guanghua and Peng Chuan, who had met Shi Jun at the beginning, gritted their teeth and gnashed their teeth. That year, they should have been killed on the east side of the Yonghong factory. The small forest saves people from coming out to harm people in the future.

Even Lin Bo, who had never known Shi Jun, was also angry at such a traitor who was seeking prosperity. He not only re-investigated Shi Jun’s domestic crimes, but also went to the police department to issue a wanted warrant against Shi Jun.

But whether it was Lin Guanghua and Peng Chuan regretting not killing Shi Jun back then, or Lin Bo’s facts about Shi Jun’s crimes, he did not have any deterrent to the Shi Jun of Emperor Shan Gao, and instead they would take the words of Lin Guanghua and others. His master takes credit:

did you see? They are in a hurry. This proves that my attention is focused on their pain points. How about it, master grandfather, do you want me to do something more ruthless and kill China directly?

Fortunately, although the masters of Shi Jun unanimously hope to interrupt the rising momentum of China's take-off, they don't want China to take off.

After all, such a good high-quality asset is the favorite of Wall Street capital predators. Because of this, the industrial capital represented by the Western businessmen hopes to eliminate China from taking off quickly, but Liszt is the person who talks about it. Wall Street Capital hopes to use this to weaken China's take-off and force the stubborn Zhuang Jianye to open up Wall Street Capital's capital injection channels, thereby controlling such a rising star in the aerospace field.

It is precisely because of the difference between the fundamental interests of industrial capital and financial capital that Shi Jun's plan is very insidious, but the execution has a faint ray of vitality.

For example, the boycott of Western businessmen is a commercial act for China, and it is the same for foreigners. Since it is a commercial act, it is possible to use commercial means to solve it, but the premise must be to talk to the person, or to worship the wrong grave. , Can only die faster.汜减BxW x.*co汜

And this is not someone else, it is Liszt.

Therefore, Zhuang Jianye held this leadership meeting, in addition to determining the key of uncompromising, it was to discuss what conditions should be used in exchange for re-entering the international market. After all, China's take-off can not lose its hematopoietic function. This is currently the biggest consensus of China's take-off.

"To completely abandon the FCBN-2000 large passenger aircraft is a decision we made long ago. Its existence is only to provide cover for the TRJ-900 regional trunk passenger aircraft. I officially announce the cancellation of the project. I have no opinion, but Oletaya will take off. I still reserve my opinion on the complete transfer to the investment fund under Liszt.

We must know that from last year to now, consumer drones are our fastest growing business in China, with a growth rate of more than 587%, and will maintain a growth of more than 200% in the next ten years, which will be a huge amount of more than 300 billion US dollars. Industry, China Ascendas, as an industry leader and standard-setter, will gain at least 60% of the market share, that is, nearly 200 billion U.S. dollars in revenue...

Lao Zhuang, 200 billion US dollars, UU reading www.uukanshu. com. The workers in our workshop are struggling to tap the sheet metal and operate the machine tools. They can't get the number after a few years of work. So let me see, we should pack up several aerospace factories that were previously merged to form a new company and transfer it to Li Si. Especially, they are all good assets, and I believe he can agree. "

After Zhuang Jianye gave his general idea, Chief Engineer Lin Guanghua shook his head like a rattle. Not only Peng Chuan next to him also agreed with Lin Guanghua's statement.

No way, it is because the "Ghost Elf" series of drones are very profitable, and the room for growth is huge. No one can bear to give such a big piece of fat to others.

In contrast, the production plants used to produce civilian manned aircraft not only have heavy asset allocation, but also do not have suitable models to earn foreign exchange through export. This is not only a tasteless but also a burden for China to take off today.

So it's better to pack it to Liszt. Anyway, with Liszt's ability to get Boeing's OEM orders from the United States, it can completely make these let out factories live well, and there is no need to hand over the profitable industries.

After hearing what Lin Guanghua and Peng Chuan said, Zhuang Jianye nodded, then turned his head to look at Lin Bo: "What is Secretary Lin's opinion?"

Lin Bo pondered for a moment, and then said: "I think Mr. Zhuang's suggestion is very good. Have you ever thought about a question, is it difficult for consumer drones to be technically difficult, or is it difficult for manned civilian airliners? He Mi

Obviously, the civilian airliner is still bigger. In this case, we should protect the more difficult industries and sell the fields that we can kill at any time. Don’t forget that we started as drones, the first one. The model is the bamboo dragonfly cut by Zhuang with a knife..."

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