Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1427: Sentence 0 gold

No wonder Liszt is so excited, because Shi Jun’s words contain the two most critical development issues for a large country outside the region. One is the long-term profitability of financial capital, that is, whether the core stock market can continue to grow steadily; The other is how the U.S. dollar and U.S. debt, which are the foundation of the economy, can be regulated at will without causing systemic risks.

The two are entangled, and a large country outside the region will fall into the economic stagnation of the 1970s, accompanied by severe inflation.

To solve this problem, there must be a large-scale production of cheap low-end industrial products, and at the same time bind with the US dollar, and then form a virtuous cycle system with US debt.

In this way, a large foreign country can maintain the low domestic price level by importing cheap middle and low-end industrial products, curb the generation of inflation, and then alleviate domestic contradictions, thereby demonstrating the superiority of financial capital.

At the same time, an invisible scissors gap is formed between the U.S. dollar and U.S. Treasuries, and the rhythm and scale of the cycle are adjusted through changes in the interest rate of the U.S. dollar, just like a wild horse that is firmly tied under the rein, letting it obey its own words.

There is no inflationary pressure, the supply of materials is solved, and the rest can be let financial capital do it.

This is the ideal state that the Wall Street elites of a large country outside the region have been pursuing from the 1980s to the present. However, a large country outside the region has too many plates and needs too many materials. The average country and region simply cannot handle such a large supply. the amount.

Fortunately, the disintegration of the Soviet Union gave a big country outside the region, which had been eating cold war dividends, a rare opportunity for adjustment. As a result, before taking action, the European side began to play the euro. On this basis, it was not only necessary to unify the European market, but also to further promote. The world currency moves forward to challenge the authority of the dollar.

If a big country outside the region can stand this, it is naturally trying its best to deal with the euro, even at the expense of launching a war in the Balkan Peninsula to undermine investors' confidence in the euro.

Of course, it was precisely because it focused all its energy on responding to the impact of the euro, a large foreign country missed the best opportunity to adjust its domestic industrial structure with the help of the Cold War dividend. When it remembered that it was ready to implement, the Internet bubble burst, causing turmoil in the stock market and the financial market. Wailing.

Therefore, neither structural adjustment nor long-term planning has the urgency for the market to get out of the predicament and restore financial order.

However, many people of insight have discovered through a series of financial turmoil triggered by the bursting of the Internet bubble that a country outside the region is vulnerable in certain aspects, that is, if the source and supplier of cheap goods cannot be found, the next time The financial turmoil is very likely to make a large country outside the region even more difficult, or even a sustained recession.

The problem is that it is one thing to see things clearly, and it is another thing to be able to come up with practical solutions.

This is like a girl who pursues heartbeat. Anyone can do simple and rude overlord bows, but how to make girls willingly make your overlord bow requires some skills.

Nowadays, there are many sharp-eyed people in the political, academic, and theoretical circles of a large foreign country, but they lack the capable people who can provide skills!

Others may not know these things, but Liszt, who has already been in the top circles of Wall Street, knows very well. Not only does he understand, he has also done corresponding analysis and research for some bigwigs in the government and Congress as a special adviser.

But because the problem was too complicated, Liszt was as smart as Liszt and couldn't find a good solution. In the end, he could only curse Soros, and it was all right to toss Southeast Asia to death.

Yes, Liszt thinks that Southeast Asia is very suitable as a source of cheap goods for a large foreign country and a dumping place for US debt.

Because Southeast Asia has a large population and a large area, it can afford the staggeringly huge market of a large country outside the region.

But the problem is that during the Asian financial crisis in 1997, Soros did not cut the leeks, but even sliced ​​the roots of the leeks. At that time, Soros made a good profit, but who would have thought that even if a large country outside the region seeks help from Southeast Asia, The countries in Southeast Asia are trembling and cautious, for fear of being scammed again.

Liszt racked his brains to find such a place. As a result, because the evil Soros had done was useless, who did you say Liszt didn't scold Soros?

Therefore, when Liszt heard that Shi Jun had discovered a solution to the systemic structural problems of a large country outside the territory, he naturally couldn’t wait to come over. There is no way. Who would let Liszt’s title of senior consultant have not been removed? If there is no way, then Well, once there is a solution, it will definitely benefit Liszt.

Because of this, regardless of whether Shi Jun's method is on paper or practical, he has to come in person. After all, as his personal core interest, Liszt can't take care of Liszt's sloppy.

So Liszt quickly came to the room where Shi Jun lived. Liszt, the beauty who was abused by Shi Jun, didn't even ask, and went straight to the subject: "What solution did you find?"

"To build a big country in the East into an exclusive factory for a big country outside of our region!" Shi Jun also didn't stop talking about it astonishingly, and Liszt was stunned by a single sentence.

"A big country in the East?"

After more than a minute, Liszt frowned and shook his head: "A big country in the East...their system and system are different from ours, and it's still a nuclear country...so..."

"My Mr. Liszt, what age is this, do you still think about these illusory things?" Before Liszt finished speaking, Shi Jun interrupted: "What are we looking for? Profit, nothing. Resting profit, can those thoughts and doctrines be exchanged for profit?

What's more, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The system is different from the system, why? It can be changed slowly. The Soviet Union and Eastern Europe were as strong as a big piece of iron back then. What is the result now? Isn't it a part of us? It doesn't matter if a certain big country in the East is different. Does it mean that a big country outside the region doesn't even have this confidence? "

After a pause, Shi Jun came to Liszt, poured a glass of guest’s wine, then shook his glass and continued: “What's more, what we need now is a company with sufficient cheap labor and sufficient low-end production capacity. And a stable enough order to meet the booming demand of our huge market, a certain big country in the East just meets all of these points.

In addition, a large country in the East has a persistent fascination with foreign exchange with the U.S. dollar as its core, so we can make our U.S. dollar and U.S. debt a complete cycle by working hard in this area..."

Shi Jun’s chat box was completely opened, and he began to systematically flick Liszt. It was because Zhuang Jianye was not in front of him, otherwise he would definitely thumb up, and flattered: "Boss, it's really a thousand dollars, high~~It is high !"

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