Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1429: Stormy sea

   While Shi Jun and Liszt were discussing future economic policies and financial investment directions in the royal club in Kobe, Japan, an unexpected crisis quietly hit China's soaring head.

   The cause is a report from mainstream media, with a surprising title: "Selling oneself to foreign capital, why does Zhuang Jianye serve the country by aviation?" 》

The take-off system listed in the article has recently been collectively boycotted by Western friends, product exports have been blocked, key raw materials and equipment cannot be imported, investment has failed due to the bursting of the Internet bubble, and banks have tightened monetary resources, resulting in a series of crises. The tone of grief and indignation expounds the author's sympathy for the encounter with the Ascension Department.

   But then the conversation turned around, and he began to criticize the response policy of the Ascendas system, thinking that it is all right to sell the core business to survive with severed arms, but you can't blindly find a buyer and sell your body.

At the very least, the dirty hands of foreign capital should not be allowed in. After all, the business of Ascendas is the aviation industry, which belongs to the sensitive technology category. The domestic market is not strong in this field. It should be taken care of so that foreign capital is no different. So he dug his grave.

   How many domestic brands that have been acquired by foreign capital in recent years have a good ending?

   Tianfu Coke, Diao Brand Washing Powder, Dabao SOD Honey, Arctic Ocean Soda...

One is counted as one, and all have become the memories of the people of the country. Of course, these light industrial products are originally consumer products and do not affect the country’s fundamentals. However, the aviation industry involved in Tengfei is not the same. If this is liberalized, foreign capital will be tossed. What should we do if the aviation industry that has finally been established has become a mess?

   So even if Tengfei sells its core business, it cannot be sold to foreign capital, and it must be sold to other domestic aviation manufacturers...

This article can be regarded as a poor dagger. What foreign capital is disrupting, what is protecting national brands, what love is not patriotic, it is all fart, it is basically those domestic friends who are looking at the soaring system and have a hard time, selling good assets. Be prepared to take the opportunity to pounce on and tear a few pieces of meat.

   It stands to reason that the article should end here, because all that should be expressed and all that should be hinted are done, but for some reason the author still feels that it is not strong enough, and in the end directly shouted to Zhuang Jianye, the boss of the Ascension Department.

The original text is: Zhuang Jianye has said more than once that he never forgets his original intention to serve the country by aviation. It is true that from the small branch that was on the verge of bankruptcy to the world-renowned take-off system, Zhuang Jianye has indeed practiced his words and deeds, but it is undeniable. However, Zhuang Jianye changed in the process, becoming cringe, unpredictable, and passing by.

   How can the aviation industry allow foreign capital to enter?

   How can the aviation industry sell it abroad?

   How can the aviation industry not be self-reliant?

   Obviously, Zhuang Jianye has forgotten his original intention and his aviation service of the country, so we can’t help but ask Zhuang Jianye: "Zhuang, selling foreign capital, is your'aviation service of the country'?"

   There is not too much exaggeration, there is not much catharsis, and there is no dirty word, but at the end of the article, people are stuck everywhere in the lungs, and knives are thrown at the most cruel place.

   directly put a series of big hats on Zhuang Jianye's head.

   It’s not that the media don’t want to find fault for so many years. The problem is that Zhuang Jianye is too strong. Even the Western media dare to swear "FakeNews!"

What's more, in the 1980s and 1990s, Zhuang Jianye had several confrontations with the media. Not only did he win the battle, he also sent the perpetrators to prison. There are still a few that have not appeared in it. These painful memories are so deep that there are The media didn't dare to scold him, so they could only silently endure the great demon named Zhuang Jianye, who was always at ease.

   It's all right now. Finally, a stunned green pointed at Zhuang Jianye's name and not only fired a cannon, it was equivalent to pointing at Zhuang Jianye's nose, and the media immediately became excited.

   We don’t scold you Zhuang Jianye, do you reprint the article head office? A few comments after it can’t be overstated, right?

   So it was an article that had not been widely spread, but it was reposted by various media. Good guys, even the old man who repairs shoes at the vegetable market knows that Zhuang Jianye is not a good thing, the number one traitor in the sky!

   It would be nothing more than that. The number of people who have cursed Zhuang Jianye for so many years has not been 8,000 or 10,000. He has already trained his face, and the infamy of multiple traitors is not a big deal.

But the key is that I don’t know which wicked person actually said that after selling the drone business, Ascendas will cancel all domestic upstream and downstream suppliers, because foreign capital is fancying the core technology of Ascendas consumer drones, not The upstream and downstream manufacturing industries.

   Therefore, after foreign capital obtains the UAV business of Ascendas, it will re-establish the supply chain in Europe, America, Japan and South Korea with stronger production capacity and higher technical level, so as to produce better quality consumer-grade UAVs.

  In other words, on the day that Ascendas sells its consumer-grade drone business, the huge domestic upstream and downstream supply chain will completely collapse.

   This is not a thousand waves, but a stormy sea!

   It is important to know that there are 600 companies at the core of the domestic upstream and downstream supply chain surrounding the Ascendas consumer drones. The number of companies associated with these 600 companies is as high as thousands, and the relevant working population is no less than one million.

   These people are pointing to the Ascendas drone to live, and once it is broken, it is tantamount to smashing their jobs.

Whether Zhuang Jianye is a traitor or not, just gossip after a meal. UU reading www.uukanshu.com is harmless; but when it comes to rice bowls, you must fight to your death. Even if you really love you, you can scold you for becoming a traitor. .

   So it seems that this matter is completely exploded. Not only do leaders or bosses of related companies go to the Ascendas headquarters in Xingzhou every day, they find Zhuang Jianye to suspend the acquisition of foreign capital.

   Even some radical business owners simply organized their employees to come and pull banners to protest!

   As for the threats of jumping off the building, those who asked for the supply in advance, and drove the tweeter to call Zhuang Jianye that it was nothing, they were all pediatrics.

The bigger the incident, the more excited the media. Not only did various media send reporters to intercept Zhuang Jianye around the clock, and prepare to report on Zhuang Jianye’s attitude after the incident, even several official media began to pay attention to the matter. Although the tone was calm, but the words Sometimes he reminded Zhuang Jianye to put the interests of ordinary people first, and implied Zhuang Jianye not to go too far.

Looking at the great gods of all walks of life, the demons are dancing, and there are many ants who kill the elephants, Zhuang Jianye is as stable as an old dog. Any external scolding or supplier disturbances seem to have nothing to do with him, because he It's clear that the Lord hasn't appeared yet. At this time, his card is completely punching cotton, and there is no fart.

Sure enough, after the event was fermented for half a month, watching the public opinion boiling, a consortium composed of Tengfei friends and giants in other fields issued an invitation to buy the Tengfei department, intending to acquire the consumer-level unmanned company of the Tengfei department for 8.75 billion yuan. Machine business!

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