Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1435: Rare earth hegemony

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To be honest, if Airbus has a little way and does not want to buy the aluminum-lithium alloy of China Ascendas, it can not help but it is China Ascendas, including Alcoa and the aluminum-lithium alloy of the Russian Metallurgical Group Airbus do not want it.

Because Airbus has already discovered in the past ten years of expansion that it is better to hold the aluminum-lithium alloy, a strong, durable and inexpensive aviation material, in its own hands, so since the mid-1990s, Airbus has invested in the integration of several European companies. A relatively powerful aluminum product manufacturer, and established an advanced aluminum product company in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, which is responsible for the production of aluminum-lithium alloys.

The initial effect was relatively good. Although the hollowing out of industries in Europe has not been serious in recent years, the old foundation is still there. As long as the money is in place, it is not difficult to make things.

However, when the Dutch Advanced Aluminum Products Company was preparing to further expand its production capacity, the United States, which has repeatedly expressed support for the European asset aluminum-lithium alloys on various occasions, suddenly announced that the export share of rare earth raw materials after separation has been reduced by 85%, resulting in the separation of rare earth raw materials. Prices skyrocketed.

This move seems to have little to do with the Dutch Advanced Aluminum Products Company, but in fact it is a fatal blow to the company, because the performance of aluminum-lithium alloys and aluminum-lithium alloys are vastly different.

Just like steel, the properties and uses of No. 25 steel and No. 45 steel are different. The same is true for aluminum-lithium alloys. The performance of entry-level aluminum-lithium alloys is indeed 25% to 30% lighter than traditional aluminum alloys. The changes in the internal metallographic structure lead to poor welding properties, and ordinary welding at room temperature cannot be done at all. It can only be barely completed by vacuum electron beam welding for welding titanium alloys.

The problem is that in addition to lightness in aircraft use, another important factor is to reduce costs. In addition to materials, production costs also need to be compressed to a certain extent so that the aircraft can maintain sufficient profits. As a result, the cost of the original aluminum-lithium alloy materials is It is low, and the production cost is almost equal to that of titanium alloy. The overall weight reduction is nothing at all, and it is not as cost-effective as ordinary aluminum alloy.

Therefore, evolution and iteration are produced from this, and the important help to promote the evolution and iteration of aluminum-lithium alloys is the rare earth metal elements, such as metal beryllium, which can not only further monitor the weight of aluminum-lithium alloys, but also improve the weldability of aluminum-lithium alloys; There is also metal scandium, which enables aluminum-lithium alloys to be welded by conventional brazing at room temperature, thereby greatly reducing manufacturing costs...

There are many similar metal elements, but without exception, they all come from the important resource of rare earth.

The overlord of rare earth separation technology in the world today is the United States. In other words, the United States has the absolute right to speak on the issue of rare earths. Therefore, they reduce the export of separated rare earth materials. Other countries in the world can only bow their heads and acquiesce. , There is no room for bargaining at all.

But for the Dutch Advanced Aluminum Products Company, which has just been established not long ago, it is tantamount to drawing a salary from the bottom. I have no objection to your production of aluminum-lithium alloys, but you don't want rare earths.

What? Call me shameless? Please, did I not let you produce aluminum products? Aluminum-lithium alloy, aluminum-lithium alloy, who heard that it is aluminum rare-earth alloy? So you little European brothers, don’t be impatient, think of other ways. There are more ways than difficulties. Overcome them. Waiting for the big brother to pass this time, and the separation of rare earth production capacity will increase.

As a result, it lasted five or six years. Europeans were disgusted by Americans, but they couldn't help it. After all, the core technology is in the hands of Americans. Naturally, they can play whatever they want.

Of course, they can buy the separated rare earth elements from Russia. The problem is that Lao Maozi’s goods are too rough, the separation is not fine enough, and there are more impurities. Russia has no problem with it. As the so-called long-term illness becomes a good doctor, they have a way to overcome it. , But when I arrived in Europe, I became unaccustomed, and the things produced were useless at all.

Finally, it is a big country in the East, but it is the product that makes Europeans hate the roots of the teeth. At first, there was no separation technology, and it relied on the advantages of resources to mine and build factories. After obtaining a certain foundation, it began to engage in research and development. My own separation technology, and then...and then...and then began to follow the Americans to follow suit, how disgusting came.

If this were not the case, it would be impossible for Airbus to be the first to stand out when resisting China's take-off, just because it couldn't understand the fake face of the rabbit following the eagle sauce.

As a result, the resistance came and resisted. China Ascendas not only monopolized the domestic aluminum-lithium alloy, but also took all the domestic rare earth separation technology in its hands. It can be said that it has the absolute right to speak in rare earths.

Yes, among the few friends that the big leader split up this time, there are three companies that master rare earth separation technology, plus China Ascendas a total of four, and now they are all integrated together to form a new Ascendas rare earth separation technology (holding) Limited company.

More than that, the newly established Tengfei Rare Earth Separation Technology (Holdings) Co., Ltd. did not know what ecstasy it had poured into the Americans, causing the United States to close four large domestic rare earth separation plants in the next three years and purchase Tengfei rare earth separation technology instead. (Holdings) Co., Ltd.'s separated rare earth materials.

So far, Ascendas Rare Earth Separation Technology (Holdings) Co., Ltd. has become the world's largest supplier of separation rare earth materials.

Holding the production capacity of aluminum-lithium alloy in his left hand and separating rare-earth materials in his right hand, Airbus can't even bow their heads unless they want to be abused by Boeing in the international aviation market.

The same is true for Bombardier and Embraer. This economic entity that cannot master the entire industry chain of aviation technology will inevitably become precarious in the fluctuations of certain key products in the international market. But then again, it can master the complete aviation industry chain. There are only two countries so far, one is the Soviet Union and the other is the United States.

As a result, the Soviet Union disintegrated, and now only the United States is left to dominate the group, and this is the last pride of American industry and the cornerstone of global dominance!

Realizing this, Zhuang Jianye was very compliant when he sold the consumer drone business and for a period of time afterwards. Not only did he successfully complete the drone business transaction, he also won the future at a price nearly half of the market price. Supply a large order of separated rare earth materials to the United States within five years.

In this process, the Ascendas system only made a meager profit, but it made Liszt and the Wall Street consortium behind him a lot of money. For this reason, seeing Liszt, whose assets are approaching tens of billions of dollars, is a conscience discovery. Once, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com took the lead and handed over the OEM production of the rear fuselage section of the Boeing 737-800, which had been interrupted for several years for various reasons, to China Takeoff.

The only condition is that China Ascendas announced that it will completely abandon the 2000 passenger plane.

In response to this, China Tengfei gave up no psychological burden. In order to express his gratitude, Zhuang Jianye has reduced the price of separated rare earth materials exported to the United States by 10%. As a result, Tengfei is no longer profitable in rare earths, but proper. Lose money.

This operation makes many people do not understand, why should you buy at a loss? Isn't that a fool?

But Shi Jun, who is on the other side of the ocean, is very clear about what his old brother wants to do, that is, to destroy the rare earth separation industry in the United States by means of low-price dumping, so as to completely control the hegemony of rare earths. Shi Jun was excited to think about it, so in a quiet night, Shi Jun took out the mobile phone with only one contact person of "Bitch" and sent a text message: "Rare Earth, what do I need to do?"

The "slut" responded quickly, with just one sentence: "Tell your environmental story well!"

Look, Shi Jun smiled and deleted the message immediately...

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