Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1444: Actor's self-cultivation

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A week later, the Bosphorus Strait entered the Mediterranean Sea. A high-horsepower tugboat belonging to the Greek shipping company issued a long whistle and followed the exit of the strait into the Mediterranean. It was anchored in the Black Sea for more than a year. For the first time, the huge rusty hull of the aircraft carrier Liangge sailed slowly into this famous sea area that has nurtured many ancient civilizations.

Located on the temporary pilot platform on the wide flight deck of Varanga, Ning Xiaodong faced the smelly sea breeze, looked at the scenery of the Mediterranean under the setting sun, and immediately looked back at Bosphorus, which was drifting away. Strait, it’s been a long time to look back.

"President Ning, what are you looking at?"

Just as Ning Xiaodong looked at the Black Sea slowly disappearing into the night, and was a little stunned, a question came from his ear. Ning Xiaodong was stunned for a moment before he recovered, and turned his head to look at the person next to him. Zhong Yongxing, the pilot of a certain destroyer detachment of the navy, smiled: "It's nothing, just thinking~~ If the Soviet Union has not disintegrated, what will this Varyag look like."

"Of course, like the Russian Kuznetsov, it has become the core of the Soviet Red Navy and gallops over the ocean!" Zhong Yongxing, who was less than 30 years old, didn't even think about it, and almost blurted out.

Ning Xiaodong also smiled and nodded: "Yes, if that's the case, we won't be able to get this ship."

"No, to be honest, if you didn't see it with your own eyes, you wouldn't know that an aircraft carrier could be so big..." In his words, Zhong Yongxing was so excited that he would be able to navigate the aircraft carrier enough to go back and blow for a lifetime. It would be strange if he was not excited. Yes, but the next quarter of an hour, Yongxing’s face was a little bit indignant, and some dissatisfied said: “It’s just that the cost is too great. The broadcasts in these two days have said that we have provided several cutting-edge defense equipment technologies and paid for it. A large amount of late fees and security deposits were exchanged for the passage of the Varyag, which is worth more than 1 billion U.S. dollars, and dozens of Varyags have been purchased!"

After hearing this, Ning Xiaodong only felt that Zhong Yongxing in front of him missed his youth very much. He always had to speak a bit when he encountered injustice. He couldn't help but shook his head with a smile, and said meaningfully: "Little Zhong, there are some things that can happen. You can’t just look at the surface. Sometimes it’s only the face that is open, but the real benefits are the secrets."

Ning Xiaodong’s words were a little convoluted. Zhong Yongxing didn’t understand it for a while, so he couldn’t help but frown and asked, “Is the security deposit matter fake?”

"It's true, not all, but I don't know the specifics. After all, the person who handled Osman's contact is not me, but I'm sure, we won't suffer!"

Ning Xiaodong’s words were a bit ambiguous, but in fact, if it weren’t for some reason, the facts could not be made public. With Ning Xiaodong’s character, he had already used a loudspeaker to knock Zhuang Jianye on Osman’s 1 billion U.S. dollars along Boss. The Prussian strait yelled all the way.

In fact, Zhuang Jianye and Di Kasoglu stayed alone in the conference room. In fact, they only had a real conversation for only one minute before reaching an agreement.

That is, Osman took all the face; China took off and got all the lining.

That is to say, Osman purchased 64 sets of DZB-110 long-range rocket launcher system's complete parts in accordance with the requirements of China's take-off, and introduced corresponding assembly equipment; in exchange, the Varyag, which was parked at the entrance of the Black Sea of ​​the Bosphorus, paid 1 billion After the RMB deposit, you can sail along the strait into the Mediterranean.

Although the conditions are all based on China's take-off, the propaganda caliber must be handled in accordance with Ottoman's, that is, the so-called China's take-off unconditionally provided Ottoman with advanced defense technology, and paid a huge late fee and security deposit in exchange for the release of the Varyag.

In this way, Dikasoglu can return to his country to give an explanation, so as to avoid domestic nationalist backlash.

For Dicasoglu, who wants face, Zhuang Jianye doesn't care at all. That thing was thrown into the trash more than ten years ago by Zhuang Jianye. In contrast, he values ​​the real lining.

Of course, you don’t want to lose face, but you can’t be taken away by Dikasoglu so easily. So the original price of 500 million US dollars was mentioned by Zhuang Jianye to 850 million US dollars. The subsequent assembly equipment and personnel costs are The asking price is 350 million U.S. dollars, for a total of 1.2 billion U.S. dollars, which is considered a preferential price including face transfer fees.

Dikasoglu also did not counter-offer, but asked for a 3% rebate.

It’s all up to this point. Zhuang Jianye still doesn’t understand what it means, so he can get a piece of tofu and kill him. The indifferent 3% rebate is not that Dikasoglu wants to fill his pockets, but the ambition of the Ottoman University. This person gave the present-day Ottoman authorities a hush money.

After all, due to the pressure of Big Brother, the agreement with China Ascendas to assemble long-range rocket launchers is not easy to say. In order to shut up the authorities, the most direct and effective way is to hit enough sugar-coated shells. Anyway, nowadays The Ottoman authorities didn't have a lot of hard bones, and it was easy to get it done with a little effort.

There is no way, whoever makes Liszt angry, it will clean and clean all the hard-line Ottoman hard bones at the end of the whole term and the whole government. Those who come up are either responding to the wind or falling with the wind, except for selfishness and fate. Since, there is no position at all.

Based on this, Zhuang Jianye was also unambiguous. He directly offered US$1.3 billion, and the extra US$100 million was returned to Dikasoglu as a rebate. As for how to use it, Zhuang Jianye didn’t even ask.

Dikasoglu, who was able to get 100 million US dollars for no reason, greatly exceeded his expectations, agreed to the matter without saying a word. UU reading www.uukānshu. com

It stands to reason that the entourage should be recruited after the work is done, but if his assistant and other Ottoman officials see him so soon and reach an agreement, he will definitely have a problem with Dikasoglu, so he simply asked Zhuang Jianye to accompany He acted in a play.

So in the next ten minutes, the two sides changed Faer’s language of each other's Zuan, incidentally, patted the table, tore papers, and occasionally dropped a teacup, rendering the negotiation difficult and the atmosphere of mutual inconsistency extremely real.

Zhuang Jianye didn’t want to play with Dikasoglu, but as soon as Varyag’s affairs could not be delayed any longer, the income of 1.2 billion US dollars in the second round was much more than expected. In view of the generous benefits and face, Zhuang Jianye took the thought of playing tickets and reviewed the actor's self-cultivation again. Not to mention, the effect was really good, and he did not lose to those professional movie kings.

Of course, there are not many people who know the inside information. Because Ning Xiaodong is the main trader of short Ottomans, he knows the inside information, but for various reasons, he can’t say it. The young navigator was confused.

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