Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1446: Your uncle will always be your uncle

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It is not that Zhuang Jianye has not explained this to Dikasoglu, saying that this is an ordinary art performance, pure art, and I hope that the Ottoman side will not over-interpret it. As for the dirty pictures, they are all manifestations of art. It expresses a kind of blending and sublimation of soul and flesh. I hope that the Ottoman authorities will open their minds and look at this matter with an artistic and aesthetic perspective.

But the problem is that the more Zhuang Jianye explained, the more frightened Dikasoglu was. You must know that they have consulted with senior people in Europe and the United States. Don’t look down on this kind of drone control in large formations, but it can be played in the world. There are really not many who are so perfect.

Needless to say, the precise positioning of each drone is not a simple matter.

Because the positioning accuracy of this dense combination of large formations must be accurate to the centimeter level, not to mention ordinary civilian-level GPS satellite positioning systems, even military-level GPS satellite positioning systems cannot reach it, because the accuracy of the GPS used by the US military is only 1 meter. Level, far from reaching the level of drone control in dense formations.

Because of this, a more precise positioning method must be adopted.

In today's world, apart from Boeing in the United States, the companies that can achieve high-precision positioning in a small area are China Ascendas, because the two are the only companies in the world that have the core technology of IGPS, the indoor precise positioning system.

At the same time, it is also the only company in the world that can provide the most innovative complete solution for the pulsating aircraft production line.

Although in terms of market share, China Ascendas' pulsating production line program is not as powerful as Boeing's powerful control, but it can still be gushing in 35% of the market.

At worst, it can give many aviation manufacturers a backup option. Once they choose, it is not as simple as a simple indoor precise positioning system, but around this system requires the purchase of a complete set of supporting equipment that meets China's take-off standards. In order to realize the assembly of the pulsating production line.

Because of this, the sale of every indoor precision positioning system is accompanied by dumping of almost a complete assembly line, which is often a three- to four-year cycle and a large order of billions of dollars.

Take the indoor precision positioning system delivered to the Indonesian Aerospace Industry Group not long ago. Indonesia signed a procurement contract with China Ascendas in March 1999. China Ascendas only officially delivered it in August 2001, which took three years.

Because in addition to the positioning system itself, all other assembly equipment used in Indonesia has to be replaced, otherwise it will not be able to match the positioning system of China, and there will be no way to play the best effect of this precise positioning system.

For this reason, the Indonesian side has not hesitated. After all, the replacement of the entire assembly line will cost 4.8 billion US dollars. If the later personnel training and production line maintenance are included, the total investment will reach 5.4 billion US dollars. This is for Indonesia, which has just emerged from the financial crisis. It's not a decimal.

Therefore, Indonesia has considered Boeing's similar products. After all, Indonesia's standards are closer to those in the West. They believe that the use of Boeing's products can reduce the number of equipment replacements, thereby saving costs.

The result is okay. When asked, the Indonesian side was directly surprised. The asking price of Boeing's optical indoor precision positioning system was 3.3 billion US dollars. This is not to count. Other equipment needs to be replaced. The reason given by Boeing is that they are upgrading. In addition to technical standards, the old equipment in the past cannot adapt to the new standards, so it needs to be completely replaced.

As for the price, it's not too expensive, only $11.5 billion. Boeing is a young man.

Indonesia took a look around and decided to choose China's take-off plan. Even if the standards were different, the price of China's take-off plan would not be able to support China's take-off. Anyway, it had to be completely replaced. Naturally, how cheap it came.

What the insiders did not expect was that China Ascendas not only applied this set of underlying technical principles to the pulsating production line in aviation production, but also slightly modified it for the swarm matrix control of drones.

It is necessary to know that the assembly accuracy of aircraft must reach the millimeter level, which is far more stringent than drones. Therefore, there is no difficulty for China to take off with the core technology of IGPS. The key is to dare to break through and innovate in thinking. Obviously, China Ascendas has gone further in this regard than the industry has imagined.

But in fact, China's take-off is far more bold than the industry expected. In fact, China's take-off at this time has long been not satisfied with controlling drone formations on the ground to do simple actions, but has already used a Yun-15plus transport platform to carry The improved UAV control equipment releases UAV formations in the air and directs them to inspect and attack predetermined targets.

When the technology matures, this technology will even be applied to manned fighter jets, so that in low-intensity air operations, pilots of manned aircraft can control three to four large UAVs at the same time, and find their way in danger. Gun; when it is going well, directly carry out raids and attacks on the enemy.

In conjunction with the TY-22 stealth drone, China Ascendas will build a complete drone combat system with air combat, ground attack, swarm raids, and air reconnaissance guidance as the core. In low-intensity armed conflicts, drones are used as the main force on the battlefield, rather than as a simple auxiliary.

On this basis, the system can be simplified slightly to complete the rapid iteration of civilian drones, which can not only be applied to various fields of the national economy, but also re-enter the consumer drone market.

At that time, Oletaya, which was acquired by Liszt, estimated that even the taillights of China's take-off would not be visible. It is important to know that the core business of China's take-off is consumer drones, not the entire drone business. China Ascendas' core technologies in drones are all concentrated in the field of military drones. Civil drones are just simple military technologies that can be used by civilians.

Consumer drones are a subdivision of civilian drones, not to mention ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ China Ascendas has not even used high-end civilian drones used in agriculture, electricity, resource exploration, and land inspections. Come out, let alone the military drone at the top of the pyramid.

So what Liszt took was a piece of fat, but for China's take-off, it didn't even hurt the muscles and bones.

It is precisely because of this that people inside China Ascendas who know the inside story will keep feeling after a meal, your uncle will always be your uncle, Zhuang Jianye is still the one who does not suffer, and China Ascendas is still the ancestor of that drone field!

In a word, China's soaring start is not only not lost, but also very solid!

But no matter how China takes off in the field of drones, a show of drone swarms in Istanbul is like the wings of a butterfly, profoundly changing the world aviation landscape, because through this show, many countries around the world Seeing a brand-new aircraft development model, it seems that the aviation manufacturing industry, which was out of reach in the past, seems not far away from them. Some people can't afford it, and drones can't say hello? As a result, drones have once again become a new hot spot in the aviation industry, thus ushering in a new round of development.

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