Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1451: This performance...

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The reason for this feeling is very simple. Looking at the aerodynamic layout of the FC-23 heavy carrier aircraft on the screen, you can see that China's take-off is a complete cure for schizophrenia.

No way, the unity of conservation and innovation is really hard to imagine.

It is not unreasonable to classify the FC-23 heavy-duty carrier aircraft as conservative, because the aerodynamic shape of the entire aircraft is quite satisfactory. In the jargon of the industry, it is the traditional conventional layout. There is neither the bonus of the canard nor the full-motion droop. The dazzling skills of the tail do not have the visual sense of a sci-fi blockbuster, and the overall impact is not strong.

However, it is also biased to classify the FC-23 heavy-duty carrier aircraft as conservative in this way. Not to mention anything else, it is impossible for ordinary people to make the pair of almost diamond-shaped wings.

It should be known that this wing configuration can not only increase lift and increase load, but at the same time, together with the streamlined body, it can form a full-lift body structure that is almost a flying wing aerodynamic layout, thereby further improving the lift coefficient of the aircraft and indirectly reducing the overall structure. The total structure of the machine.

However, the key is more than that. Due to the rhombus structure of the wing, it forms a parallel structure with the forward-swept rhombus structure of the horizontal tail.

The panel of experts present in the review was amazed at this place. Although the aerodynamic layout of the FC-23 heavy-duty carrier aircraft uses a conventional structure, it incorporates the most cutting-edge radar stealth features in today’s aviation industry. The "Parallel Law" is the most obvious example.

After discovering this feature, the experts of the expert group looked at the FC-23 heavy-duty carrier-based aircraft again, because they suddenly discovered that the unremarkable FC-23 heavy-duty carrier-based aircraft actually contained every detail. Contains stealth performance.

Except that the rhombic wing and the horizontal tail are set in accordance with the "parallel rule", the sweep angle of the integral wing formed by the connection between the air inlet and the fuselage is exactly the same as the sweep angle of the leading edge of the wing.

Even in order to deal with the clam-type air inlet, the V-shaped structure of the air inlet is processed, and the inclined side strips are also the same as the V-shaped vertical tail, which is in line with the most important "parallel law" in the aerodynamic layout of stealth fighters. principle.

In other words, the unremarkable exterior and interior of the FC-23 heavy-duty carrier-based aircraft is also a crushing advantage that surpasses all previous combat aircraft, but it is precisely because of this that the panel of experts present in the middle review The experts were amazed.

The reason is very simple. This is the same as the super masters in Xianxia novels. It is not a bells and whistles. People who look at NB are really NB. They are often ordinary people who are sloppy and cynical in appearance. They are most likely to be the most powerful. A strong one.

The aerodynamic principle of aircraft is the same. Anyone can do advanced aerodynamic layout superposition design. However, the simple design of returning to the basics is not everyone can grasp, let alone the invisibility feature incorporated into this simple design. That is to push this kind of simplicity to a kind of unattainable not simple.

How can this step be possible if there is no master-level character to check, and without an experienced and capable team to operate?

However, when everyone marveled at the master and super team behind the FC-23 heavy-duty carrier aircraft, Tang Lili did not give everyone time to reverie, stroked the glasses on the bridge of the nose, pressed the laser pointer in her hand, and the screen. A series of texts flashed on the three-dimensional map of the FC-23 heavy carrier aircraft on the screen. Tang Lili took the laser pointer in her hand and hit the red dot on the text on the screen, and the clear voice was transmitted through the speaker. The entire venue:

"This is the specific performance index of our FC-23 heavy carrier aircraft. The length of the aircraft is 16.8 meters and the wingspan is 11.6 meters..."

With that, Tang Lili used the laser pointer in her hand to draw a circle on both sides of the wings and horizontal tail of the FC-23 heavy carrier aircraft three-dimensional map on the screen: "For these positions, we designed the aircraft. The wing folding device has a folded wingspan of 6.15 meters, which can greatly save the parking area of ​​the aircraft in the aircraft carrier hangar. At the same time, in order to facilitate the aircraft to take off and land on the aircraft carrier, and to take into account the parking and the pilot's rapid combat, FC-23 We set the fuselage height of the heavy carrier aircraft at 4.5 meters..."

Before she finished her words, Tang Lili used the remote control to adjust the angle of the three-dimensional map of the FC-23 heavy carrier aircraft, and drew a circle on the tail of the fuselage with a laser pointer, and continued: "In this way, not only can the tail landing hook be satisfied. At the same time, relying on the concealed pull-out gangway we designed under the cockpit, in an emergency, the pilot can quickly board the plane and enter the mission execution state..."

When saying this, Tang Lili adjusted the angle of the three-dimensional image on the screen again, and used a laser pointer to draw a circle on the bottom right of the cockpit. The three-dimensional image of the FC-23 heavy carrier aircraft on the screen seemed to perceive Tang Lili’s words. Similarly, the hidden cover at the bottom right of the cockpit is opened, and a section of simple gangway is slowly lowered to the position of the main landing gear tires.

Seeing this design, the leaders of the naval aviation force nodded unanimously. Although it was only a trivial detail, it embodied China's take-off design concept for naval carrier aviation.

Regardless of just an ordinary hidden gangway, it can play a key role in emergency situations. After all, the space of the aircraft carrier is limited. Even if a simple boarding gangway is configured, this kind of mobile gangway is not suitable for take-off in a dense formation. Easy to set up and place, it will inevitably affect the attendance efficiency of the fighter. With the built-in hidden gangway, it is different. When the fighters are docked in a dense manner, the pilot can still rely on the built-in simple gangway to quickly enter the cockpit, thereby improving combat efficiency. .

The role is not small in normal times, and it can play a key role in wartime, because once the aircraft carrier is attacked and the mobile gangway is damaged and cannot be used, the fighter can also complete everything before takeoff by relying on its own gangway. Prepare, UU reading www.uukanshu.com has very practical significance for the defense and counterattack of aircraft carriers.

It’s just that this kind of built-in gangway is small, but it’s not something ordinary people can play. It’s not how expensive it is. The main reason is that the extra structure weight often discourages many carrier-based aircraft development and production units.

Not to mention, the Su-33 heavy-duty carrier-based aircraft developed and produced by the former Soviet Union does not have similar equipment. In terms of modification space, the Su-27 series can be called the second. No one dares to say that the first is the small one. It is not difficult to put the gangway up, but because the relationship between the total structure of the gangway and the performance of the whole machine cannot be balanced, the Soviet Union has no choice but to give up.

If the Soviet Union does not disintegrate, give them a little more time to optimize the overall structure and layout, perhaps this matter can be solved perfectly, but history did not give the Soviet Union this opportunity, so in today's world, only the United States is on board. This device is installed on the machine.

Today, China’s take-off FC-23 heavy-duty carrier-based aircraft is also equipped with this device. What does this mean?

Naturally, the performance has reached an unprecedented level, so I don’t care about the trivial amount of structure...

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