Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1454: "Lancang River" Project

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As soon as he finished speaking, three big characters "Lan Cang Jiang" appeared on the screen!

"This is a brand-new aero engine built by our China Ascendas Aviation Engine Group, with a cruise thrust of 72 tons, an afterburner thrust of 125 tons, a total mass of 1.38 tons, and a thrust-to-weight ratio of 9..."

Tang Lili took the laser pointer to introduce the basic situation of the aero engine on the screen, but the experts and navy leaders on the scene were no longer as simple as stunned, but completely petrified on the spot.

More precisely, when the three words "Lancangjiang" appeared on the screen, many senior people who knew the situation in the domestic aviation industry were already shocked and speechless, especially the Northeast aviation industry such as Huang Feng. The people in the group almost never dropped their chins on the ground.

Soon a series of questions popped up in my mind like a screen...

Isn't the "Lancang River" project suspended? Why does China persist in taking off?

Isn’t the aviation industry determined to imitate the Russian-made AL-31 heavy-duty aeroengine? How did China take off and start a new stove?

The most important thing is that the national level of heavy-duty aeroengines obviously only supports the aviation industry. Where does China get the funding?

In fact, it is not only Huang Feng and others who questioned this, but one of the others in the room counts as one. Almost all of them are different from China's take-off. They actually took out the "Lancang River" project, which is supposed to be a backup plan for the imitation project of the AL-31 aircraft engine. , With the overall smooth progress of imitation, the spare tire-like "Lancang River" should have been in the cold palace state long ago, why did it appear so abruptly in front of everyone?

So that everyone in the field is like seeing a ghost, it is hard not to be shocked.

The reason for this is simple. The "Lancang River" aero engine project should not appear here as a project that has actually been discontinued.

The twists and turns are complicated.

As China Ascendas has made great progress in the field of aviation development, it has given its troops more choices. Therefore, when China Ascendas developed the third-generation core aircraft in the 1990s and made breakthrough progress, it even made a thrust-to-weight ratio. After 9's experimental medium-sized aircraft, the army adjusted the development strategy of heavy aeroengines, that is, the aviation industry group, which was previously reorganized by the Ministry of Aviation Industry, was adjusted to a pattern where the aviation industry group and China took off equally.

The specific situation is that the Aviation Industry Corporation takes the lead in the copying of the Russian-made AL-31 heavy-duty aeroengine; the development of domestically-made heavy-duty aeroengines with China Ascendas as the core is the so-called "Lancang River" project.

Originally, the dual-line layout is developing well. Even in the mid-1990s, China's take-off has built the WD-70 heavy-duty aero engine using the third-generation core aircraft, with an afterburner thrust of 128 tons and a thrust-to-weight ratio of 8.5. The performance index is no less than that of the Russian-made AL-31, especially the fuel consumption ratio is much better than AL-31, and therefore it has been well received by the head of the headquarters and other leaders of many troops.

If development continues along this technological path, the WD-70 heavy-duty aero engine will inevitably mature and become the preferred power for the No. 10 project, new carrier-based fighter jets, and even the next generation of combat aircraft.

But the problem is that there is an "if" before this assumption, which means that everything is illusory.

The fact is indeed the case, because in the second half of 1998, the headquarters organized an expert group to investigate the progress and maturity of the two heavy-duty engines. It turned out that China’s soaring WD-70 heavy-duty aeroengine despite its technology Advanced, outstanding ability, but the maturity of the overall technology path based on the third-generation core machine is low.

In contrast, although the imitation version of AL-31 is not technologically advanced, its overall maturity is relatively high, and it can fully meet the needs of domestic heavy-duty aeroengines in the next 20 years.

The expert team came to this conclusion based on their half-year high-altitude bench test of the two engines.

But precisely because of this, it also exposed the shortcomings of China's inadequate take-off.

After all, there was only one high-altitude test bed for aero engines in China at that time, which belonged to the Aviation Industry Corporation of China.

When China takes off and there is no obvious competition, the high-altitude platform can naturally be opened to China. Because of this, China takes off and develops relatively smoothly on the second-generation core machine and the 2.5-generation core machine.

But when it comes to heavy-duty aero engines, the two parties have an obvious competitive relationship. Although the Aviation Industry Group did not clearly prohibit China Tengfei from using its own high-altitude test bench, it did a lot of small actions in the approval and scheduling, which led to China's take-off. The development of the third-generation core machine lags far behind the established plan.

That's all, competition is everywhere. As long as the WD-70 heavy-duty aero engine can be produced, it is worth it. However, the leaks are even rainy. At this critical moment, the Russians gave the WD- The Type 70 heavy-duty aviation engine made a fatal blow.

Because the Russians who had been tightly controlling the technology of the AL-31 heavy-duty aeroengine suddenly began to open the door to cooperation with the Aviation Industry Group, not only opened the supply of related parts and components of the AL-31 heavy-duty aeroengine, but also used core technology. Take it out and share it with the Aviation Industry Group.

As a result, it would take ten years to complete the imitation AL-31 heavy-duty aero engine, and it only takes less than five years to complete all the development tasks and put it into mass production.

This time not only the Aviation Industry Group was excited, but even the troops were excited.

We must know that heavy-duty aircraft engines are the biggest shortcoming of today’s aviation forces. The sooner they are resolved, the production bottleneck of advanced fighters such as the J-10 and J-11 will break through the upper limit one day sooner. This is an obstacle to military struggle preparations along the southeast coast and anti-intervention operations. The strategic significance is immeasurable.

Based on this, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com's original headquarters began to shift resources to the Aviation Industry Group to fully support the AL-31 heavy-duty aeroengine imitation project.

Seeing that the domestic attaches so much importance, Russia is also actively cooperating. Not only did it jointly establish a joint venture with the Aviation Industry Group, but also dispatched a large number of technicians to assist the Aviation Industry Group to complete the copying of the AL-31 heavy-duty aviation engine. For this reason, the two parties signed a framework agreement. There are more than 500 cooperation intentions and specific contracts.

In this atmosphere, the popularity of the domestic public opinion field towards Russia has soared, and even some people in the industry have compared the cooperation between the Russian State Aviation Engine Group and the Aviation Industry Group in the field of aviation development to the Soviet Union’s technical export to China in the 1950s. , A highly touted ability.

But in fact, the Russians are not so kind. The reason why they changed their previous blockade on aviation technology and began to seek cooperation is to see that China's take-off WD-70 heavy-duty aero engine is about to go on track. If this is not stifled Russia will completely lose China’s heavy-duty aero-engine market. In this case, there is no need to hesitate. Naturally, how can it quickly kill the WD-70 heavy-duty aero-engine.

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