Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1478: It's a trick at best

The experts on the scene and the leaders and chiefs of the navy understood all at once. The original three-dimensional design and manufacturing technology based on model definition and online related design technology are actually the most cumbersome and time-consuming paper templates in the design and manufacturing links. The two-dimensional engineering drawings have been removed.

For everyone in the field who are well versed in aviation R&D and manufacturing, it’s just like hearing that tomorrow China will be able to leave the circle of friends in developing countries and enter the ranks of developed countries to make friends, thinking about whether they are dreaming or not. Things that have lasted for decades have been canceled just like that?

It’s no wonder that everyone in the field couldn’t turn this corner for a while. Since the day the aviation industry was established, the main domestic aviation research and development units and production plants have basically adopted mold line prototypes, paper two-digit engineering drawings, and parts schedules. To carry out the expression of aircraft products.

Due to the large number of product drawings and tooling drawings, the process designer of the manufacturing unit must have a high drawing ability and great patience to complete process review, assembly design, process coordination, and material statistics.

At the same time, the expressiveness of two-dimensional drawings is limited, and the design itself has many inconsistencies, resulting in a very large workload and time-consuming process design. Many products, tooling and process inconsistencies have only to wait until the actual manufacturing. It was only discovered when.

Because of this, these veteran craftsmen and technicians who came from the grassroots of an aviation manufacturing factory have developed a pair of bright eyes and a steady and rigorous personality.

Even though I think back to the days when they were sitting in the cold crafting room when they were young and shuddering at the drawing sheets; but in the future work, the eyesight and character they cultivated during that time helped them overcome many difficulties. , And because of this, every time I think of it, I still miss the drawings that had tortured them to sleep well.

I thought that this model would last for more than half a century, but it didn’t happen that the two technologies developed by China took off and swept the two-dimensional drawings and assembly instruction documents that are crucial in aviation development and production directly into the pile of historical documents. This kind of impact on the Three Views is so shocking that Zhuang Jianye's introduction has come to an end, and everyone present has not recalled from this shock.

Of course, as the instigator, Zhuang Jianye is not ready to let this group of people really recall. The highest level of installation 13 is the reduction of dimensionality. To say that there are a lot of things that are pressing the bottom of the box in China nowadays, such as the previous A launch test of an air-launched carrier rocket using the improved H-6 soon confirmed the feasibility of the air-launched solid carrier rocket to launch small low-orbit satellites.

Of course, replacing the satellite with a hypersonic maneuverable warhead, supplemented by a precision guidance device, is a highly lethal anti-ship ballistic missile.

Another example is the rocket-ram-turbojet hybrid engine that uses the shock wave wind tunnel to achieve a substantial breakthrough. This technology is mainly aimed at the "Goddess of Dawn" high-altitude strategic reconnaissance that replaces the "Blackbird" high-altitude strategic reconnaissance aircraft in Liberty Beauty. The supporting project of the aircraft interception program.

According to the public news from the Free Beauty Room, the "Aurora" high-altitude strategic reconnaissance aircraft is an advanced aviation vehicle that can fly quickly in a suborbital space 60 to 80 kilometers above the ground at a super-high sound speed of Mach 6.

Not only is the speed and altitude far surpassing the "Black Bird", more importantly, Freedom and Beauty has deliberately transformed this strategic reconnaissance aircraft into a strategic bomber capable of rapid global strikes.

The headquarter’s judgment on this is that the free beauty room can fully realize all the ideas of the "Dawn Goddess" high-altitude strategic reconnaissance aircraft in terms of technical solutions and implementation conditions. Modern interception system with hypersonic speed above Mach 8.

Since China Ascendas is the only domestic business that spans aviation and aerospace, and has advanced shock wave wind tunnel and variable cycle engine development experience, the headquarters has sold the power total of the variable orbit hypersonic interception system to China Take off.

And Zhuang Jianye's ambition in this regard is not only to intercept some "Goddess of Dawn", but to tap the potential of this technology through the investment of the headquarters.

At the very least, the reliability of the powertrain must be improved to be extremely reusable, so whether it is a future military suborbital vehicle or a civilian suborbital weightless sightseeing experience project, China will be able to take off with ease, even It is possible to rewrite the history of aerospace development and become a leader in leading a new generation of aerospace technology.


Similar black technologies and new technologies are now taking off in China. The problem is that most of these technologies are under the protection of a strict confidentiality system. Even the experts at the headquarters and the chiefs of the navy have no rights. Know.

If you can’t take the best B, you can only pick a general B, otherwise it’s just so general, and you shouldn’t make people think that China will take off like this. It’s not a big deal, then how to upgrade the carrier-based aircraft development team. Into the carrier aircraft research institute? How to get the navy's carrier-based aircraft project into the hands of the same?

If you want to make a final conclusion, if you want to settle down, you have to use... a little trick.

So Zhuang Jianye didn’t dare to let the experts and leaders at the scene think too much about it. He had to brainwash it away. So before everyone could react, Zhuang Jianye waved. The staff of the 10-ton vibration test bench gave out two computer monitors. Said to everyone: "Look at everyone..."

The experts and chiefs at the scene immediately surrounded them, and saw the three-dimensional design drawing of the front fuselage of the FC-23 carrier-based heavy fighter on the screen. With Zhuang Jianye tapping the keyboard a few times, and then pressing Enter, the screen quickly switched. , Showing the layout of a section of oxygen maintenance system pipeline.

Different from the previous computer design drawings~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At this moment, the screen presents an accurate three-dimensional map, which not only includes the material of the pipeline, the installation position, the position and accuracy of the punching, the tolerance, and even The handling of dust is described above.

Many of the attendees came from the aviation factory technicians step by step. After just a few glances, it was clear how the pipeline should be installed and the final effect.

After all, the three-dimensional model structure is much more intuitive than the two-dimensional drawings, especially the small holes on the side, which can be clearly seen with a few mouse clicks, and then can be accurately compared with the actual workpiece. Processing.

Unlike two-dimensional drawings, the same plane, you must have excellent spatial imagination ability to understand, at least you must construct a three-dimensional structure in your mind, which is simply life-consuming for front-line workers!

Of course, this is not the most important thing. The key is that the parameters and data on the screen can be transmitted to the large touch screen on the opposite side in real time. The technician can wear the virtual reality imaging system and perform digital pre-installation of this pipeline on the touch screen. So as to check whether the design matches the actual process, and can be quickly improved in this process.

And the data synchronizes and perfects the other related structures of FC-23 through the online associated design technology, without the need to go back and forth between the workshop and the design unit as before...

Seeing this, the leader of the expert group could no longer control his emotions, and pointed to the screen in disbelief: "This...this...this...is this really what we did?"

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