The navy chief’s decision is not only abrupt but also very decisive. If you are not an industry insider, you would think that China’s take-off won the final review council, but the problem is that now there is no conclusion of the central review committee, so the navy is so determined?

Then I was eagerly looking for an expert team from the headquarters, just to come here to see the loneliness?

Because of this, many people are shocked, surprised and puzzled. What's the matter with the Navy, why can't it wait?

Although most people don't understand, there are still people who understand it at a glance.

Don’t think that Zhuang Jianye’s words just now are really so kind, what kind of “responsibility” and what kind of “conscience” is, and he will be grateful for “a lifetime” for the sake of “friendship”.

It’s okay to listen to this in a serious manner, but what about the other way around?

China takes off in your lifetime, what do you want to be good?

Unless you are completely decoupled from China Ascendas, as if China Ascendas products are not used, it doesn't matter how you dare to say you are. The question is, which of the major domestic units and enterprises nowadays dare to say that they can completely decouple from China Ascendas?

Especially in the Navy, where did the mature high-power gas turbines for ships come from?

That's all, the key is that the Navy has taken a fancy to the application prospects of China Ascendas's set of automated and intelligent manufacturing models based on the jsnb-53.0 enhanced industrial design software in the shipbuilding industry.

It can be said that there are more places for China to take off than China’s expectations for the Navy as a customer.

Besides, China Ascendas relies on revolutionary design, R&D, and manufacturing models, and the scale is no less than the strength of large aviation research institutes. The overall performance of carrier-based aircraft such as fc-23 and Yun-15mini is not bad. In that case, why not take this opportunity to buy China Ascendas a favor, and hand over the navy's carrier-based aircraft project to China Ascendas in exchange for China Ascendas' assistance in the transformation of the shipbuilding industry.

After all, the top priority of the navy is to build a modern navy capable of ocean-going operations in the 1920s, and everything else is floating clouds.

That being the case, what else to say? The master’s decision is something that the expert group that came to the palm of the eye would naturally have to stand aside. Therefore, although many experts are very indignant at the navy’s simple and rude approach, some experts are more open to it. Did not say anything under the reminder.

As for how to report to the headquarters and superiors afterwards is another matter.

Of course, the expert group is pretty good here, at most it is not taken seriously, and there is still some distance from embarrassment; Huang Feng and the group who followed are completely embarrassed to find embarrassment, and it is really embarrassing to get home.

The rhetoric that Tang Lili could come up with five carrier-based aircraft models for mass production in five years was to brag desperately, and then came to expose the desperate scam of China's take-off.

As a result, the fact that five carrier-based aircraft models can be produced in five years has not been understood yet. Has the Navy reached a deal with China Ascendas?

Suddenly, the people of Northeast Aviation Industry Group are like spare tires for a long time, but they always believe that the goddess still loves their licking dog, and they watched their girls plunge into the arms of others, and the out-of-print picture of the blast of kilometers is more than the heart. Broken, even the whole person is about to split!

However, the people of the Northeast Aviation Industry Group have not recalled from the statement of the chief of the navy, and the fragile and careful liver was severely made up by Zhuang Jianye: "Oh, the chief, this is not in compliance with the rules. The mid-term evaluation meeting between us and Northeast Aviation Industry Group has not yet ended. Besides, the model of Northeast Aviation Industry Group at the preliminary evaluation meeting was unanimously praised by the industry. For this reason, we took out the fc-23 at the bottom of the press box, just hope In a fair, just, and open environment, it has been recognized by the Navy and experts.

For this reason, I specifically told Comrade Tang Lili, the director of the carrier-based aircraft project team, that if we want to win, we will win dignifiedly. We will never engage in opportunistic tricks. Even though we have formulated a scheduled carrier-based aircraft to enjoy the intelligent and automated manufacturing model for subsequent maintenance. The service fee enjoys a 25% discount, that is, at the original price of 52 billion yuan for the ten-year total cost, 39 billion yuan can be obtained, which is 13 billion yuan less. "

Having said that, Zhuang Jianye sighed, and his face was solemn, as if the light of righteousness was shining: "Although there are such preferential policies, I still warn our carrier-based aircraft project team that it needs to be hardened by itself, and the product is not good. Everything is in vain, so you must put aside any discounts and assistance, put yourself in the role of an ordinary aircraft research unit, quietly conduct research, study diligently, and make models conscientiously.

Therefore, Chief Executive, I still think that the experts of the China Evaluation Expert Group should complete their mission and the final review meeting will be held as scheduled. After all, this is the rule set by the headquarters. It is not easy for China to take off to break the convention, not to mention that we also need a meeting. Fair competition proves the true strength of China's take-off in the field of carrier-based aircraft. In this case, the chief, listen to my persuasion, don't give us an appointment so early, this is not fair! "

When Zhuang Jianye's voice fell, tears flickered in his eyes, as if this visceral remark about fairness was finally released after holding back for a long time. UU read www.uukanshu. com just made it a mess.

But after listening to such passionate remarks advocating fairness, everyone around them had their old faces squirting, and even some of them who couldn't stand it almost didn't vomit out the supper last night.

I really didn't expect Zhuang Jianye to be shameless to such an extent!

This is called nmd's fairness?

Fairly tell people to purchase and book your carrier-based aircraft intelligent and automated manufacturing mode, can you directly enjoy a 25% discount?

Zhuang Jianye simply told the navy clearly, don't say anything, there are so many good things that China has taken off. If you miss this village, you will lose this shop. If you want, just hurry up and don't hesitate!

Having said that, even fools know that the next need to transform the shipbuilding industry with intelligent and automated manufacturing in order to improve the efficiency of capital ship construction will be desperate in the next Central Review Conference and Final Review Council. Choose China's take-off carrier-based aircraft program.

Even if the expert group gives different opinions, the Navy will turn a blind eye. In order to save a 25% discount and save 13 billion yuan in ten years, it will not hesitate to kick the expert group aside.

It's a big deal. If you don't change your mind, you can change people. There are not so few domestic aviation experts. As long as you are willing, you can always find out what you want.

That’s how it’s not much better than the default, Zhuang Jianye actually kept saying was...tmd fair!

If all this is fair, then the universe doesn't need to move, it just explodes!

Because if Zhuang Jianye really did that, it would be an insult to the collective intelligence quotient of the expert group and Northeast Aviation Industry Group...

and many more…

Suddenly, the indignant people present suddenly realized something that they did not dare to admit, that is, Zhuang Jianye really seemed to be ruthlessly humiliating them through this!

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