Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1491: The battle of frequency bands

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"Yes, President Zhuang, so the headquarters here hope you can come over and sit down with other parties to discuss what to do next!"

The head of the headquarters on the other end of the phone did not shy away, and directly asked Zhuang Jianye to rush over.

Fortunately, Zhuang Jianye has moved the headquarters of China’s soaring to the capital, and it takes less than half an hour to get to the headquarters if you go downstairs and get on the bus. If you are in Sinzhou, even if you have your own business jet, it will take one and a half hours to fly. The cost of going to the airport on both sides, and the check before boarding, was gone for a long time.

Otherwise, if the company develops to a certain level, the headquarters will need to speak Beijing, isn't it just for the convenience of such emergencies, after all, they are big business involving hundreds of billions of output value, and half a minute can't be delayed.

So Zhuang Jianye agreed without thinking, then gave his administrative team a few words, and hurried to the headquarters with two assistants.

Because of his complete credentials and special explanations, Zhuang Jianye and his party came to the headquarters unimpeded. They soon came to the multifunctional conference room on the 7th floor. As soon as they entered the door, Zhuang Jianye noticed that the atmosphere on the scene was a bit solemn. Like the capital in December, there is an inexplicable chill.

Zhuang Jianye first said hello to the head of the headquarters, and then found a person he knew to sit down next to him and asked in a low voice, "What's the situation?"

The other party was the person in charge of a certain aerospace research institute. He shook his head with a confused expression: "I heard that the navigation satellite plan is going to be stranded. I don't know anything else. What news do you have?"

"same as you…"

Zhuang Jianye replied and frowned: "It stands to reason that even if the navigation satellite plan is stranded, this is not the case at the headquarters, right?"

The person in charge of a certain aerospace research institute nodded when he heard the words: "Who said it was not!"

In fact, it is not only Zhuang Jianye who talks like this, but other relevant unit leaders and experts who have come here think so.

After all, in terms of satellite navigation in China at that time, there were two paths of international cooperation and independence.

The foreign cooperation is naturally with the European "Galileo" satellite navigation plan, while the independent one is based on domestic technology and the introduction of domestically-made navigation systems developed by some foreign advanced equipment.

Since 2002, the first-generation domestic satellite navigation system test satellites have been successfully launched. Although the accuracy and timeliness of the first-generation domestic satellite navigation system is comparable to that of the US GPS, the Russian GLONASS still has a big gap, but it also confirms the domestic navigation. The feasibility of the system.

Even if Europe does not give atomic clocks or even terminates the cooperation plan, relevant domestic units will be able to hold up the sky, and it will not be like a dead father. You can't see it in the slightest hope.

Of course, although Zhuang Jianye and others thought so in their hearts, no one said it. After all, the headquarters has more and more sensitive information than them. In case there is a key reason that they don’t know. Woolen cloth?

Sure enough, the staff at the headquarters closed the door of the conference room, and the head of the headquarters sitting at the head was not polite, and said directly: "Today is December 28, 2006, and the European Aviation Agency launched their first "Galileo" navigation. Satellite, according to the news we just received, this navigation satellite has launched signals in the four frequency bands of 1589.74 MHz, 1561.1 MHz, 1268.52 MHz, and 1207.14 MHz to the ground, and has been confirmed by the International Telecommunication Union..."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present was shocked, and finally understood what was wrong with the atmosphere at the headquarters today. It turned out that the Europeans took the lead in occupying the navigation frequency band.

Just like gold and other non-ferrous metals, high-quality radio frequency resources are also limited, especially in space outside the atmosphere, where radio frequencies that can be used for long-distance transmission are even rarer.

In order to allocate limited radio frequency resources in outer space, the International Telecommunication Union formulated rules for the use of radio spectrum signals in outer space in the 1950s.

After decades of development, a complete system has been formed, including the scope of application of navigation signals. There are five frequency bands, namely 1164-1215 MHz, 1215-1240 MHz, 1240-1260 MHz, and 1260. -1300 MHz, 1559-1610 MHz.

Beyond these five frequency bands, the navigation signal will interfere with other radio signals and affect navigation accuracy.

Therefore, if you want to ensure that your own navigation satellites can output navigation signals stably, you must limit the frequency to these five frequency bands.

This brings about a problem that cannot be ignored. Due to the limited navigation frequency band, high-quality navigation frequencies will naturally become scarce. What should I do?

The International Telecommunication Union's approach is very simple and rude, just one sentence, first take first serve!

This seems to be fair, but in fact it is most beneficial to developed countries. There is no way. No one can let the high-tech navigation satellites only be used by developed countries. Developing countries can’t even have enough to eat and launch satellites? Dreaming is almost the same.

Therefore, this set of rules of the International Telecommunication Union is basically the structure of the strong.

For example, because the GPS of the United States and GLONASS of Russia have the first-mover advantage, the two countries emptied the middle golden frequency of the five frequency bands. The coverage area is also large, and almost all frequency bands are emptied.

Later, those who want to realize the satellite navigation function can only find some soups and soups in the corners of the five frequency bands that the United States and Russia don’t want, and at the same time expand the frequency range as much as possible to realize the free switching of at least four frequency bands. In this way, accurate navigation signals can be accurately output for the ground without interference.

As a result, there are only a few radio frequency bands that can achieve navigation. Therefore, including New Delhi and Japan, the navigation frequencies of several countries and regions to the International Telecommunication Union almost overlap. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Take the four domestic navigation frequencies applied for in April 2000, which are 1590 MHz, 1561 MHz, 1269 MHz and 1207 MHz.

The 1589.74 MHz, 1561.1 MHz, 1268.52 MHz, and 1207.14 MHz of the European "Galileo" satellite navigation plan are almost carved out of a mold.

This is not the same as what the heroes see, but only these four tiers of radio frequencies are most suitable for navigation satellites to output navigation signals, while trying to avoid signal conflicts with the two major series of satellite navigation systems, the US GPS and the Russian GLONASS. Avoid unnecessary signal interference.

Just this brings about a problem, that is, the domestic and European conflicts in the signal frequency band, there must be a renunciation, otherwise it will really stand up, and it is very likely that both sides will lose.

So the Europeans threw out the olive branch and said to the cute little bunny: "Old Tie, what's the matter between us? Bring the money and work with my brother and me. Let’s work together to find out his free and beautiful room. Not in?"

How innocent my rabbit is, and immediately nodded happily: "Middle!"

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