Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1493: Ztm-NB Space Exploration Company

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What the head of the headquarters said, everyone here knows that just half a month ago, Liberty Beauty Room used a modified F-15C fighter jet at the White Sands Missile Proving Ground in New Mexico on the mainland. It was equipped with an ASM-135C. The anti-satellite missile successfully shot down an obsolete communications satellite 512 kilometers above the ground.

This test is the second time since Liberty and Beauty Room used F-15A to launch ASM-135 anti-satellite missiles in 1985. Combined with the explosive development of global navigation satellites, the meaning of Liberty and Beauty Room is self-evident. Metaphor.

I am not opposed to countries breaking the global monopoly of GPS. After all, where the rules of freedom and beauty were originally laid out, this face is still necessary, but there is no guarantee that if there is an accident in outer space, such as the abhorrent space junk hitting something. of.

When the time comes, if something goes wrong with someone's navigation satellite, don't cry and find your mother.

There is no fool for countries and organizations dedicated to the development of navigation satellites. Hell if you believe in freedom and beauty.

But except for bears with anti-satellite capabilities who can treat the **** in the free and beautiful room as wind in their ears, there is an attitude that they can't even look at each other in the free and beautiful room.

At the same time, in addition to showing muscles in the free and beautiful room, letting the villagers of the global village know what TMD is called a village tyrant, and also throw some sweet jujube without losing the opportunity.

Take, for example, the International Space Station that is under construction. Freedom and Beauty has agreed to open the International Space Station to the world, provided that in the aerospace field, it must be implemented in accordance with the standards of Freedom and Beauty. For example, what kind of navigation satellite does Japan use?

Did you play around with that thing? It’s a waste of taxpayers’ money. It’s a waste of taxpayers’ money. How good is it to save this money and invest it on the International Space Station. Dad will help you get a few astronauts on board to boost the morale of the Japanese economy in the past decade?

There is also old Maozi, don't always be struggling with your eldest brother, you are not the Soviet Union, don't you need money? If you are short of money, use your alliance spacecraft to help your eldest brother deliver a few more express delivery. You can rest assured that the express delivery fee will be better. As long as you have a good balance in the past few years, stop doing the Soviet-era anti-satellite and anti-missile upgrades. Others Everything is easy to say.

European cows, chickens, dogs, pigs...whatever, the eldest brother is still your eldest brother, you want to build a satellite navigation system, no problem, you want to coordinate the navigation frequency, but your operation and maintenance entity can let the capital of Wall Street in Two tricks?

Don't worry, the International Space Station must have your European Zoo... a bunch of seats!

I almost forgot the cute little bunny, did you see the muscles of my eldest brother? Don’t the big brother’s dollars also feel good? Don't say anything, according to the requirements of the big brother, give up those unrealistic plans in the aerospace field, you deserve to have the International Space Station.

It can be said that the practice of slapping a slap between freedom and beauty and giving a bunch of sweet jujubes really makes the villagers in the global village at a loss, especially the first in Japan to say that they want to develop a satellite navigation system, but it is GPS for the older brother. As a supplement, after all, the Asia Pacific region is too large and the signal is not good. We are doing GPS signal enhancement.

The old Maozi retorted and said that as long as the money is in place, he doesn't care about the job of the courier, but there is a condition that the Russian astronauts are free.

The European Zoo wanted to support it. However, through the relationship between the European and American alliances and the British dung stick, the undercurrent within Europe was quickly surging. In desperation, Europe can only follow the free and beautiful relationship. The requirement for a slight concession in the aerospace field in exchange for concessions in energy, security, and import and export between Freedom and Beauty.

As for the last little bunny, although cute, it is the strongest in the global village. To make dollars is to develop the country. Otherwise, why do you make so much money?

Therefore, for the future economic growth point of aerospace, the upper-level domestic leaders clearly see that the dawn of the era of great navigation five hundred years ago is full of dangers, but also full of wealth and opportunities.

Otherwise, Liberty Beauty has established "Blue Origin" in the past few years, SpaceX and many other private space exploration companies, is it to undertake NASA's space launch mission?

Then think of the pattern of these wealthy people too small. Just look at the history of privateer fleets running across the ocean in the great nautical era. These space exploration companies are the privateer fleets of the new era, only five hundred years ago. The privateers of the West are actually on the oceans of the earth; the future is in a wider space.

Of course, China is not lagging behind on this track. For example, the commercial space exploration company, China Ascendas established "Space Exploration" as early as the mid-1990s. Later, China Ascendas business was reorganized and "Space Exploration" was renamed "Stars and Seas". "Later, Zhuang Jianye, who was known as the aerospace knowledge king, black heart expert, and naming expert, personally took the name of Ztm-NB space exploration company such a domineering and unparalleled name in order to be in line with international standards.

In addition to the conventional rocket launch business, the main business is to use a reproducible low-Earth orbit spacecraft to send qualified tourists into space to experience the feeling of weightlessness in space.

Of course, the one-time fare is by no means cheap. According to the current information disclosed by the insiders of Ztm-NB, each fare will not be less than 10 million US dollars.

However, this is only the superficial business of Ztm-NB Space Exploration Company, and more business is hidden under the public financial statements. After all, Ztm-NB Space Exploration Company and China Ascendas Aerospace Technology Co., Ltd. (Group) are a unit. , Two brands.

When it is necessary to engage in the business of a private space exploration company similar to Freedom and Beauty, Zhuang Jianye, who is also the chairman of China Ascendas Aerospace Technology Co., Ltd. and a senior party official, is the founder of Ztm-NB Space Exploration Company, wearing an iconic gray T Shirts, blue jeans, talk to investors about how to suffocate dreams before PPT!

If it is an emergency mission involving the military or the National Space Administration, UU reading www. The founder of uukanshu.comZtm-NB Space Exploration Company will be transformed into a serious and serious chairman and senior party official of China Ascendas Aerospace Technology Co., Ltd. , Led the company's cadres and employees to work hard.

As for whether changing the identity back and forth like this will make people schizophrenic, look at Zhuang Jianye, who is sitting in the venue nowadays, to know that he is definitely a natural acting school.

But it is precisely because of this that everyone's eyes are focused on Zhuang Jianye, because whether it is the chairman and senior party official of China Ascendas Aerospace Technology Co., Ltd., or the founder of Ztm-NB Space Exploration Company, China Ascendas Such as the main contractor of the anti-missile and anti-satellite replacement, now the head of the headquarters has engraved the time-critical tasks on his face. Who can he find if he does not find the person in charge of Zhuang Jianye?

The head of the headquarters also unambiguously directly named: "Xiao Zhuang, what are the difficulties on your side!"

"Um..." Zhuang Jianye hesitated for a moment, and then said seriously and awe-inspiringly: "Lack of money!"

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