Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1495: Kill a blood path

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At that time, many people in the aerospace industry criticized China's take-off for being too stubborn and insisted on copying aviation's stubbornness in the aerospace field.

If the aerospace industry has been so persistent in the past few decades, how can we develop two bombs and one satellite in an era of economic downturn and backward technology?

So the workaround still needs to be flexible.

The miniaturized atomic clock is not accurate enough. Just use a larger one. First, solve the problem if there is any problem, and then gradually solve the others.

These things, if he personally serves as the chairman of China Ascendas Aerospace Technology Co., Ltd. and a senior party official, Ztm-NB Space Exploration Company founder Zhuang Jianye can't understand?

He understands better than anyone else, the question is, what should the headquarters do about the urgent need for anti-ship ballistic missiles?

We must know that the anti-ship ballistic missile based on a medium-range carrier rocket equipped with a hypersonic glide warhead has completed several rounds of testing, and the overall performance is very strong.

However, because of the lack of reconnaissance and target indicating equipment between the first island chain and the second island chain, the actual combat capability of anti-ship ballistic missiles is not outstanding.

This is equivalent to the soldiers having guns and bullets in their hands, but the three-point and one-line aiming system is not done well, causing the bullets to go out just to hear a sound, and they can't even scare people.

It is necessary to know that the headquarters has invested nearly 30 billion yuan in front and back, and the unit price of an anti-ship ballistic missile equipped with a hypersonic glide warhead is as high as 820 million yuan.

Such an expensive weapon system is not worthwhile at all if it is only a few thousand tons of ordinary ships, and it can only be paid according to the greetings of big guys of more than 50,000 tons.

Because of this, the headquarters is eager to put this weapon system into actual combat, so that it can be worthy of so many years of investment.

As a part of the system, marine environment monitoring satellites must meet two conditions if they want to be practical. The first is high resolution, fast transmission, and fast refresh rate; second, and the most critical point, that is in emergency situations. Down can be quickly supplemented through the rapid launch system.

This requires that the mass of the satellite should not exceed 700 kg, because the maximum load of the low-Earth orbit of the ZTM-NB-6 solid carrier rocket rapid launch system developed by China Ascendas is 1.5 tons. The fixed facilities and other facilities inside the fairing are removed. With accessories, the payload can reach about 700 kg.

This is still a payload that can reach 700 kg under land-based fixed launch.

Another ZTM-NB-6C solid carrier rocket rapid launch system uses an aviation launch system, which uses a modified H-6 bomber and is equipped with a ZTM-NB-6C solid carrier rocket. At an altitude of one kilometer, the ZTM-NB-6C solid launch vehicle is then released to carry the satellite into a predetermined orbit.

Compared with the fixed launch system, the aviation launch system has less requirements on window periods, venues and weather conditions. In theory, as long as the airport is suitable, it can be launched with a carrier rocket at any time. This has a high level of rapid supplementary satellites in emergencies. Realistic meaning.

However, due to the H-6 body structure and its own load limitation, the effective load of the ZTM-NB-6C solid launch vehicle is not high, only about 600 kilograms.

Based on this, China Ascendas controlled the total mass of the developed marine environment monitoring satellites at 580 kg, but the mass of domestic high-precision rubidium atomic clocks at that time exceeded 150 kg, and the backup hydrogen atomic clock reached 230 kg.

The two together make up 65% of the total mass of marine environment monitoring satellites, and overweight is inevitable.

Of course, if these two atomic clocks can guarantee the accuracy and the service life at the same time, Zhuang Jianye also recognizes that, after all, his own ZTM-NB-6 and ZTM-NB-6C do not exist for launching large spacecraft. After all, In emergency situations, there is no time to produce large spacecraft that consumes time and energy. Small spacecraft with high efficiency is king.

In daily life, it is good to be able to use it naturally, and it does not matter if it is not.

But the problem is that the manufacturer told Zhuang Jianye that the service life of the two atomic clocks would last for only two years, which made Zhuang Jianye depressed. It took so much effort to send them up and couldn’t last two years. It’s better to take a gamble according to your own ideas and succeed. Naturally, everyone is happy, and at the very least, you can check the reliability of your own rapid launch system.

So Zhuang Jianye used the original 580 kg scheme, using rubidium atomic clocks and hydrogen atomic clocks that totaled less than 100 kg. As expected, they were completely scrapped in less than a year.

It’s just different from other people’s rumors that China’s Ascendas may fail in the aerospace sector. Although China’s Ascendas’ aerospace business unit failed on the marine environment monitoring satellite, it also obtained a series of valuable data, especially when the two atomic clocks were running. The characteristics and performance after the failure, combined with the dismantling and research of related products by China Ascendas and the research and development unit, quickly found the root cause.

In a word, the manufacturing process is too backward, resulting in insufficient processing accuracy, causing the two atomic clocks to fail to meet the design requirements.

This is also no way. After all, the current domestic technology level is limited. Even in profitable industries, they always focus on real estate and business expansion, and the pursuit of technology is not prominent, let alone that motivation.

I have joined the World Trade Organization for so many years, and now that globalization is deepening, it is natural to optimize the configuration. If the technology is lacking, find a place where it can be made. It is always much more time-consuming and labor-intensive than a large investment. , The efficiency is much higher.

But the problem is that there are some things you can buy, and some things people won’t sell you.

For example, atomic clock-related processing equipment can only be produced by manufacturers in the United States and Switzerland. People do not say that they will not sell it to you, but repeatedly say that they have too many orders and you can only wait three years later.

You said that you can add money and hope that the workers can work overtime.

It’s okay if you don’t say this. After you say it, the manufacturers can turn their faces and tell you righteously: their workers are not tools for making money, but free people. Overtime is impossible and never possible. , Okay, don't say anything, our philosophy is not in line, we will not sell you even if we have extra equipment.

What do you mean to be a **** and set up an archway? That's it.

Laozi didn’t sell it because of the money, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com is the idea, the reason for how lofty it is.

But in fact, these high-precision processing equipment and processes are not sold at all except for a few countries in Europe and the United States. After all, the fundamentals of satellite accuracy are always in their hands. It is such a monopoly. In terms of space, grabbing excess profits is the kingly way.

Why should other people come to share the cake?

Of course, if you say so blatantly, these reasons are a bit too low. After all, European and American countries at this time still have a little face. That is to directly go to the Dafa, not for not selling you, but because we have different ideas, and we can’t urinate. Go in the pot, what should I do? I can only regret it!

Therefore, the development unit of the atomic clock is also helpless. There is no technology in China, and the neck is stuck in foreign countries. It is a miracle to be able to make it. What kind of bicycle is needed?

After finding out the reason and understanding the situation, Zhuang Jianye was also a headache. Compared with other friends in the aerospace field, he can still get related components and assemblies from abroad. Because of the XXX Act, China takes off because the XXX Act can’t even get half a screw. , The domestic research and development unit is so hip, and the higher-level tasks cannot be delayed, what should be done?

There is no other way but to blaze a trail!

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