Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1523: Marine gas turbine

Because of this, Zhuang Jianye is not going to be as conservative as it was in the first phase of the second phase of the West-East Gas Pipeline.

Obtaining excess profits through the second phase of the West-East Gas Pipeline project is of course the most important goal, but compared to the immediate profits, Zhuang Jianye values ​​the long-term significance of winning the industrial gas turbines of the second-phase West-East Gas Pipeline project.

We must know that with the development of the national economy, the status of energy in the economic field is increasing. How to solve the problem of energy structure in the economically developed regions of the east and ensure the rapid economic development while ensuring energy security has become a country that has to consider. Reality.

In fact, the West-East Gas Pipeline Project was put into operation under this background.

As the largest domestic infrastructure investment after the Three Gorges Project, the West-East Gas Pipeline Project has a certain promotion effect on alleviating the energy pressure in the eastern region, but it has not fundamentally solved the growing energy gap in the eastern region.

Because of this, in addition to the West-East Gas Pipeline Project, energy companies such as Sinopec and PetroChina also plan several energy transportation lines.

Among them, the Sichuan-East Gas Pipeline Project with a total length of more than 2,500 kilometers is the most feasible project among them.

At present, the project has entered the engineering demonstration stage. Once the construction problems in the complex geological environment are solved, the Sichuan-East Gas Pipeline Project will be launched within two years. By then, China, which has received most of the industrial gas turbine orders for the second-phase project of the West-East Gas Pipeline, will take off. With its strong relationship foundation in the Southwest, it will inevitably be able to get a larger share of industrial gas turbines.

In addition, the overseas energy transmission pipeline is also the goal of Zhuang Jianye.

For example, the Pakistani railway energy line enters the country from Gwadar Port in Pakistan; the Russian Far East enters the domestic northeast energy line, which crosses the Central Asian energy line of Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Kazakhstan.

The three important energy pipeline transportation lines in the plan alone are enough to make Zhuang Jianye slobber. It is important to know that domestic equipment can not make a lot of money from self-produced and self-sold equipment, but once it is exported, the profit will be doubled.

It's just that if you want to achieve export, your products must have a wide range of applications, so as to give customers a good impression of maturity and reliability.

China Ascendas, which has received most of the gas turbine orders for the second phase of the West-East Gas Pipeline Project, will be proud to take these foreign customers to take a look at the site. China Ascendas industrial gas turbines are powered by the only super energy in the world today. In the transportation project, there are so many difficulties to overcome. We can even do this so perfectly. Your little project is not easy to grasp!

Of course, in addition to giving foreign customers a good impression, some key domestic customers also need these super projects to test the reliability and economy of certain industrial gas turbines.

For example, starting to plan the navy of dumplings.

You must know that the current obstacle to the navy’s dumplings is nothing but high-power industrial gas turbines for ships.

The main model used in the West-East Gas Pipeline Project is a high-power industrial gas turbine of the 20-megawatt level. In theory, the two can be used in common.

Because of this, the bidding for the West-East Gas Pipeline Project focuses not only on industry insiders in the energy sector, but also on related personnel from the navy.

After all, the requirements for maintainability, economy, service life, and environmental factors of industrial gas turbines for energy transmission are not much lower than those of the Navy.

The reason is simple. The pressure in the energy pipeline is provided by the gas turbine. Once the gas turbine fails, the pipeline will be interrupted immediately. In modern society, these energy pipelines are equivalent to arterial blood vessels. Just imagine, once the human arterial blood vessels stop , What will happen?

Therefore, energy pipeline transportation has very high requirements on the reliability of gas turbines, because the operating unit cannot afford the consequences of frequent interruption of energy pipelines.

The same is true for naval industrial gas turbines for large surface ships. After all, as a major ocean-going ship, it takes three months to start when it goes out to sea. What if the gas turbines are not working well and they get stuck in the middle?

Because of this, the Navy is still looking forward to the gas turbine project bidding for the West-East Gas Pipeline Project, because this is equivalent to helping the Navy to screen the advantages and disadvantages of domestic industrial gas turbines at the practical application level.

Of course, the situation in the first phase of the project somewhat disappointed the Navy.

China’s 20 MW high-power industrial gas turbine was not included in the purchase list due to its immaturity; the Aviation Development Corporation relied on the technology provided by the Russian Aerospace Power Corporation. Approval of the project, and purchase and use.

However, in practical applications, the DA-80 high-power gas turbine has a very high failure rate, poor economy, and very complicated maintenance. Therefore, after a period of trial operation of the West-East Gas Pipeline Project, the purchased 4 DA The —80-type high-power gas turbine was transferred to several gas-fired power plants under Sinopec, and the 20-megawatt high-power gas turbine produced by Siemens was used, which met the design requirements.

Fortunately, the navy leaders at the time were sober-minded. They did not blindly launch DA-80 high-power gas turbines. They only built two 052B and 052C guided missile destroyers based on the original technology of Ukraine. They did not jump out of the established strategy of fast running. .

The result has actually been tested and found that, in addition to the power requirements, the DA-80 has a large gap compared to the GE LM2500 gas turbine used on the 052 guided missile destroyer in other respects.

More importantly, the overall level of maturity is not high.

This can’t be blamed on Russia and Ukraine. After all, the DA-80 gas turbine is an unfinished model in the Soviet era. If the Soviet Union does not disintegrate, there is nothing to say, and it is guaranteed to be completed with quality and quantity.

The problem is the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the separation of the big, second, and third-moons, coupled with the economic downturn, the outflow of people, and the crazy technology. This has led to problems that were not a problem in the Soviet era, and are now a terrible technical bottleneck.

It's not surprising that the DA-80 is in such a good situation.

Therefore, after the two 052C guided missile destroyers, the Navy suddenly stopped the construction of destroyers such as destroyers, which made the outside world puzzled at the same time, but also let the domestic military fans who see the hope of the rise of the navy. We were disappointed.

It is important to know that the 052C guided missile destroyer uses a tetrahedral phased array radar and a vertical launch system. The overall structure is very similar to the "Arleigh Burke" class equipped with the "Aegis" air defense missile system of the US Navy.

Because of this, when the two 052C guided missile destroyers were built, they received widespread attention from domestic military fans. Pieces of analysis articles were published in forums and post bars.

Whether it is rational analysis or emotional excitement, the consensus of these two types of guided-missile destroyers as a milestone for the navy in the new era is recognized by everyone.

As a result, when everyone expected more 052C guided missile destroyers to be launched into service and strengthen the People's Navy, the Navy suddenly stopped the construction of this type of destroyer.

In fact, the navy is more anxious than military fans. However, the high-power naval gas turbine is stuck there, and the navy lacking surging power has to stop and wait for its own heart no matter how anxious it is!

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