Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1525: Can’t be reignited by a truck, it’s not a good gas turbine

Anyway, the goal of the Aviation Development Corporation is very simple, that is, as long as it suppresses China Ascendas Aviation Power Co., Ltd., the largest domestic competitor.

After all, in the future to compete for the Sichuan-East Gas Pipeline, Pakistan and Central Asia's oil and gas pipelines and naval naval gas turbines are the only rivals of China Ascendas Aviation Power Co., Ltd. (Group).

As for other foreign businessmen, they can only be regarded as an auxiliary in domestic-led projects. As long as their products are mature and a few tariffs are added, the advantages of giants such as GE and Siemens will be instantly gone.

But China Ascendas Aviation Power Co., Ltd. (Group) Company is different. It is the same as the domestic large-scale aviation-engine gas turbine manufacturer and the convenience enjoyed by Aviation Development Corporation. China Ascendas Aviation Power Co., Ltd. (Group) Company is not bad. It is very difficult for the Aviation Development Corporation to do it.

Therefore, we can only take the first step in the product line, and take all the pits that should be occupied, so that the opponent will have to suffocate until he is suffocated.

Because of this, the Hangfa Corporation has not spared any effort to increase investment even if the introduced technology is complicated and the repeated construction of production lines is serious, and the fundamental reason is here.

Because the Hangfa gas turbine market is inherently a highly monopolized industry, and some are similar to new Internet companies, they are all winner-takes-all. Therefore, regardless of the product, as long as the market can be the first to seize the market, the future will not only be bright, but also Able to sling on the neck of a competitor for a while.

This is also the reason why the Hangfa Corporation’s investment is so huge, and the higher-level units still condone it. How can there be a huge return if you don’t invest?

As long as a monopoly can be formed and the winner-takes-all layout can be completed, the money invested in it will be able to earn back sooner or later even with a profit!

And now it is absolutely wise to take advantage of China's Ascendas Aviation Power Co., Ltd. (Group) Company's lagging behind in 20 MW gas turbines to give the opponent a single blow.

Therefore, let alone a private peace with GE, even if the Aviation Development Corporation is allowed to deal with the devil, it is not a big problem.

You must first set up inside when you are getting rid of foreigners. In the repeated history, the business history of their Aviation Development Corporation is not bad.

Because of this, the main leaders of the Aviation Development Corporation were very happy during this period, because their bids were not only recognized by the West-East Gas Pipeline Project Team, but also highly praised by the Navy.

No way, who made the executive deputy leader of the industrial gas turbine project team of the West-East Gas Pipeline Project a veteran who transferred from the Director of the Power Division of the Naval Equipment Department?

As for why there are such personnel arrangements, those who understand will naturally understand.

Therefore, the Navy’s DA-80T bidding document is also not a secret. The main leaders of the Aviation Development Corporation were not surprised, but they regretted slightly when they were happy. They knew that their superiors recognized their DA-80T so much. Should kill 50% of the share with GE.

If GE dares to threaten technology and production equipment, it will directly work on tariffs and security inspections, and by the way Siemens will not believe that GE dares to really abandon the domestic market and stage a drama of death and destruction with itself.

It's a pity that everything has settled, and now it is too late even if the main leaders of the Hangfa Corporation want to regret.

"Haha, Mr. Shen, I didn’t expect that we would meet again so soon, how about it, in another week, should your gas turbine be able to be debugged? I just received a message from the project team, who said that the commissioning was completed first , Who will test first, oops~~ I really don’t want to be the first... too much pressure!"

On the outskirts of a core city in Central China, at the site of the expert review meeting of the 20 MW high-power gas turbine for the second phase of the West-East Gas Pipeline Project, the main leader of the Aviation Development Corporation, Mr. Shen, was wearing a white helmet to wipe the sweat from his face. While watching the hoisting work of my own DA-80T gas turbine not far away.

As an important part of the bidding meeting, this expert review meeting will mainly conduct field tests on several 20 MW high-power gas turbines that have participated in the bidding.

The specific operation is also very simple, that is, let each gas work continuously for 100 hours to test the overall economy, practicability, maintainability and reliability.

Because of this, Mr. Shen, including Mr. Shen, was very busy in this central city during this period.

No way, the core power unit of the DA-80T gas turbine is no more than 16 tons, and the overall box structure, shock-absorbing float valve, control equipment and other mechanisms can be added to the total weight to 58 tons.

For such a big guy, it is impossible to transport it by rail or road at one time. The equipment can only be disassembled into several parts and transported in sections.

Among them, the core power equipment of DA-80T gas turbine was airlifted through the lease of Ukrainian An-225 heavy transport aircraft.

The box structure and the shock-absorbing floating raft are transported here through the Yangtze River Channel.

After all the sections are in place, there are also technicians who organize two heavy cranes and four teams to reassemble the DA-80T gas turbine.

After doing so, don't even think about installing and running every ten days and a half month.

Of course, it is not only the Aviation Development Corporation. The 20 MW gas turbines of Siemens and Mitsubishi also have to go through such a complicated process. The only better one is GE's GE-2800, which benefits from the excellent modular design and With the box structure of LM2500 gas turbine, the installation time of GE-2800 has been greatly shortened, and all installation and commissioning work can be completed in less than one week.

Because of this, although GE's GE-2800 is three days later than the DA-80T of the Aviation Development Corporation, the installation progress has already surpassed the DA-80T.

Therefore, the person in charge of GE China, Okinlake, came over to say hello. It was not so much a small chat with Mr. Shen, it was better to come over and show off specially.

Look, our gas turbine is better than yours!

Mr. Shen was not happy because his share was too small. Looking at the progress of GE in the past few days, it was even more irritating. Now when I hear Okinlake’s words, I don’t have to say it, that is, the occasion is wrong, otherwise I will definitely have a sip of salt soda. Spray each other to death.

In the first test, NM is under high pressure. If it is too stressful, then you can give us the opportunity of the first test to our Aviation Development Corporation, okay?

It seems that no one knows that the first 100 hours of impression points are the most important.

Otherwise, the **** is hypocritical, and Aukin Lake has only been in China for a few years, and he has become so hypocritical!

However, I was scolded in my heart, but Mr. Shen said with a smile on his face: "It is true that the pressure of the first test is a bit heavy. No, we can finish the debugging work tomorrow afternoon. There is no way. We have four teams and three teams. On the contrary, the employees are not afraid of hardship and tiredness. They have completed the installation and commissioning ahead of time. Tell me, where does this make sense?"

As soon as I heard Mr. Shen explained that the installation and commissioning could be completed in the afternoon, Aukin Lake's face was a bit ugly, and they were able to complete it almost within this time period. If this is the case, the West-East Gas Pipeline Project team turned their elbows inwards. Traditionally, GE thinks that the first test is almost impossible.

So Aukin Lake said sourly: "We should give the employees well-being instead of squeezing them indefinitely!"

Mr. Shen spread his hands together: "I'm not a squeeze, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is the workers themselves. No way, the hardworking Chinese workers are so cute...Huh...what's the matter with the people in the project team? Why did they all run out?"

At the time when President Shen was attacking Okinlake, a large number of project team staff suddenly poured into the scene, including the main leaders, which made President Shen very puzzled. Okinlake on the side frowned as well, and quickly stopped one of the staff members. , Asked: "Does the project team have any meetings?"

The staff shook his head: "It's not a meeting, it's about preparing for the first gas test."

"The first gas test?" Hearing this, Mr. Shen looked surprised and glanced at the installation site in full swing: "There is no one installed on site, how to test it?"

"Ah~~ I almost forgot, it is a high-power gas turbine from China's take-off. They are directly transported by heavy-duty trucks and directly hoisted to the test bench for installation and testing..." The staff responded and immediately pointed out. A heavy truck not far away: "Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here, so soon!"

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