Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1528: Driven aircraft carrier

When he said this, apart from being modest, Zhuang Jianye was helpless, and by the way, there was a bit of shyness in it.

The implication seems to be saying that I can’t help it either. I just came out and wanted to eat something, but... I got to this point all at once. I was panicked, but I didn’t have any way to do it. I didn’t have a 20-megawatt industrial gas turbine in my hand. , Dear leaders of the West-East Gas Pipeline Project, do you think this 30 MW high-power gas turbine will work?

A group of friends and businessmen, including Mr. Shen and Aukin Lake, were frightened and angry.

Of course, the surprise is that the d-71m gas turbine has reached the level of 30 MW, a super-powered gas turbine.

In this way, the d-71m gas turbine is no longer a simple competitor to gas turbines including da-80t and ge-2800. Time to pull it.

There is no way, it is completely structurally crushed, so that there is no room to fight back.

With a total weight of 27 tons, an extremely versatile overall transportation capacity, plus a power of 30 megawatts, in terms of indicators, China's soaring d-71m gas turbine is already at the top level in the world.

Among the same level, only GM's latest lm2500-g4 gas turbine and British Rolls-Royce's mt30 gas turbine are comparable.

One of the rest counts as one, and it's all **** that can't be put on the table.

As for anger, it goes without saying. It depends on Zhuang Jianye's pitiful and innocent disgusting appearance. The friends and businessmen present will not be angry. Are they showing off or attacking them?

Accidentally, just made a 30 MW gas turbine?

If you take it seriously, wouldn't it be 40 megawatts or 50 megawatts that can be caught!

From then on, Zhuang Jianye is not just mocking their friends, they are nothing, and even the temporary goods they accidentally get out can’t compare with them. What face is there to stay here to compete with them for the gas transmission from the West to the East? The second phase of the gas turbine project!

In particular, Mr. Shen, as China's biggest competitor to take off, Mr. Shen is very clear that more than 80% of these meanings are directed at their Aviation Development Corporation.

Don't think that if you take the guts of milking, take the posture of two tigers, and take the lead in high-power gas turbines, you will really look down on the whole domestic gas turbine arena.

That's because we haven't taken off seriously in China, and that's because Zhuang Jianye didn't treat you as a green onion.

That being the case, it’s okay to be a man with your tail clipped and earn a little money secretly. In the end, you have to be a demon. Okay, it caught the attention of Zhuang, and then China took off and threw the d-71m gas turbine directly. It crushed President Shen's flamboyant operation for so many years.

There is no way, in the face of real **** strength, all Sao operations are cloudless.

Of course Mr. Shen knows this truth. The problem is that they do not have their own hard-core technology. All gas turbine related technologies are purchased from abroad. They do not have their own technology accumulation or their own R&D investment. They look very brilliant, in fact. Just like a castle in the sky, it’s good if you don’t puncture everything. Once the air leaks, you can’t be saved if you want to save it.

For now, even if the d-71m gas turbine is placed in front of Mr. Shen and asked the Hangfa Corporation to copy and copy, they all have a black eye, and they simply don't understand how to do it inside.

On the contrary, just take apart the products of ge and Siemens and show them to the engineers in China to take off. Not to mention that you can have a big fat boy at once. The probability of pregnancy is at least 95%.

No way, after more than 20 years, China’s soaring industrial gas turbine was driven out step by step through its own aero engine. During this period, it has accumulated a lot of experience, cultivated a large number of talents, and created a large number of unique processes and technologies. .

These things are not something you can buy for tens of billions of dollars.

And this is also the core of China Ascendas daring to come here with its newly finalized gas turbine at this moment. I have the ability to keep you from catching up, and you are not convinced to fight!

Others dare not say that even if President Shen wants to fight, he has no courage. There is no way that the gap between their da-80t and their d-71m gas turbine is not so big.

It is even the product of two generations, let alone the Aviation Development Corporation without core technology, even the original Russian Aerospace Power Corporation is estimated to have no such ability!

Because of this, Mr. Shen's old face is not only ugly, but also very depressed!

Of course, Aujin Lake, who was standing next to Mr. Shen, didn't get much better. An old face was just like a cooked crab, and the red one could hardly hang on.

No way, he just vowed to say that the weight per kilogram of a gas turbine is useful. As a result, the words are still echoing in everyone's ears. China's soaring d-71m gas turbine has a super power of 30 megawatts.

I thought it was a sickly weak chicken, but I didn't expect it to be a powerful and explosive king with muscles in his bones.

This makes Aukin Lake, who often holds the ge-2800 gas turbine, talks about the world's leading technology and the world's best thermal efficiency, is almost ashamed.

But there is no way to refute it. It is necessary to know that the numbers on the gas turbine operation control panel can be faked, but the pressure in the test pipeline of the West-East Gas Pipeline Project Team is impossible.

It should be understood that the pipeline transportation of energy management relies on the continuous input of high pressure to force the rapid circulation of oil and gas movement. Therefore, the pressure in the pipeline is usually very large.

Taking the design indicators of the second phase of the West-East Gas Pipeline Project, the average pipeline pressure must reach 10 MPa, and in special locations it can even reach 30 MPa.

At this time, the d-71m gas turbine maintained at a power of 30 MW, and the pressure of the 60-kilometer-long oil and gas test pipeline for the test reached an astonishing 45 MPa.

Thanks to the design pressure of the test pipeline reaching 60 MPa, otherwise the pipe would burst according to the 40 MPa specification of the general pipeline.

But precisely because of this, the leaders of the West-East Gas Pipeline Project team were happy to faint directly.

The large power of the d-71m gas turbine means that the pressure applied to the pipeline is large, and the pressure applied is large, which can push the oil and gas transmission farther.

In this way, the original 74 booster valve stations are redundant, and at least it can be reduced by more than a quarter.

It is important to know that a pressurized valve station with equipment and construction can not be built without a 200 million to 300 million. The budget for some complex locations is as high as 500 million or more. UU看书www.uukanshu.com can be regarded as the largest expenditure for the entire pipeline project. item.

Cut down a quarter at once, and the savings are not as simple as a few hundred million, billions, or even tens of billions.

Still, those who can help the project team save money are their relatives, and they can't wait to give it up directly.

The same is true for the executive deputy team leader, except that he has another important task, so he can't help asking Zhuang Jianye: "What is the maximum stable output power of your d-71m gas turbine?"

"35 megawatts!" Zhuang Jianye replied simply and neatly.

"35...MW!" The executive deputy team leader was really surprised: "It's not a problem to promote a 10,000-ton drive..."

"Leader, where are these words!" Zhuang Jianye waved his hand calmly again: "The 10,000-ton drive is too far from the eye. In fact, four units are connected in parallel to drive a 60,000-ton aircraft carrier!"

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