Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1534: Special Edition

In this regard, Okinlake, as the project leader, was also powerless, because he did not expect that there would be such a big gap between theoretical and actual results.

Especially under certain conditions, the power of the wr-21 gas turbine is attenuated, and downtime and overturning are simply normal.

It is precisely because of this that several people in the UK are dissatisfied with the wr-21 gas turbine project, because it not only caused billions of pounds to be floated, but more importantly, the sea combat power that the Royal Navy relied on. The -21 gas turbine stretched its hips and had to continue to shrink, which was considered to have completely lost all the afterglow of the former maritime overlord.

Faced with such a big responsibility, the British politicians of course stayed out of the matter. The senior executives of Rolls-Royce Company also stood on the sidelines, so this pot can only be the director of Aukin Lake.

Dismissal, investigation, litigation, and a series of incidents, the wealth that Aukin Lake had accumulated for more than 20 years was tossed. Only then reluctantly escaped from England. The technical ability and management talent in gas turbines has achieved the position of head of ge China.

Of course, ge’s acceptance of Aukin Lake was not simply because of his talents, nor out of humanitarian obligations. Rather, it felt that Aukin Lake’s inter-gas turbine cold cycle technology could also be used in the industrial gas turbine market in the civilian sector. A squeeze of surplus value.

For example, if ge has eliminated the old gas turbine models for many years, you can install an inter-cooling cycle technology device, repack it, and buy this set of cold rice at a high price.

No matter how bad, you can transfer the intellectual property rights of the indirect cooling cycle technology and earn a long-term meal ticket.

All in all, the things that are free and cost-effective are ge's favorite.

Of course, the target market must be selected well. Western developed countries can never play this way. Once something goes wrong, it is easy to smash the brand, reduce word-of-mouth, and affect the most important long-term profit of ge.

Therefore, you must choose those countries and regions that have a bit of technical foundation, are extremely eager for technological breakthroughs, and value their faces and national sentiments.

For example, New Delhi; for example, Brazil and South Korea; of course, this also includes the country called China!

Therefore, it is self-evident that Aukin Lake is the person in charge of ge China. Its main responsibility is to promote the inter-cooling cycle gas turbine, and to stir up this set of cold rice on the land of China, stir fry, and stir-fry to double the profit!

If it were a normal gas turbine, Zhuang Jianye wouldn't bother to take care of what ge did.

For the market economy, there must always be some competitors. The Aviation Development Corporation does not look at the high jump. To be honest, Zhuang Jianye really does not regard the opponent as a rival.

The reason is simple. An enterprise without any core technology is just like a castle in the air. If Zhuang Jianye didn’t see the face of the old leaders and leaders, he would have crushed the gas turbine business of the Aviation Development Corporation with a single finger. died.

ge is different. It is the real international giant. Although the products launched in China are far from the identity of the international giant, it still occupies a considerable part of the domestic market with its complete product line and rich categories. .

It can be regarded as a good rival of China Ascendas in the gas turbine business.

Of course, if China takes off, it is not impossible to drive ge China out of the Chinese market. The key is to do so. China’s take off is equivalent to a de facto monopoly.

The ancients also had a routine of raising bandit self-respect, advocating market economy, and boasting that Zhuang Jianye, who acted according to the rules, could allow himself to step on the pit of monopoly, so he kept China, and even the two sides played vigorously in certain aspects. Not only do you come and me It can promote the development of the market economy, but also fail. China's take-off will continue to update and iterate in gas turbines, and keep moving forward.

Overall, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

As a result, Zhuang Jianye’s deliberate release of water seemed to give gh China some illusions. He felt that the domestic gas turbine industry, including China’s take-off, was nothing more than this. After so many years of struggle, ge China is still the king, so ge China is floating. , I feel that it is definitely an overestimation of the Chinese market to make some high-performance gas turbines with the technological level of the developed countries.

Should rely on the so-called mature technology to launch some special customized models that meet the actual needs of the Chinese market.

It is commonly said that the Chinese special edition is the right way to further expand China's market share and capture high profits.

Aukin Lake is the active promoter of this theory, coupled with the indirect cooling cycle technology in his hand, so the so-called special version of the ge-2800 gas turbine for the Chinese market is so grandly and freshly released.

As long as the product is formal and does not work, even if the performance is low for one or two generations, Zhuang Jianye does not matter, but ge China actually launched a special Chinese version, and wants to use Western technology to pit domestic money and ruin domestic established ones. Zhuang Jianye couldn't bear the technical route.

After all, Zhuang Jianye is a well-known brother in the gas turbine industry, and he naturally has the obligation to stand up and maintain market order. Therefore, although he smiled when he saw Aujin Lake, his eyes were extremely cold.

The old man was lifted off a clean Aukin Lake. Of course he would not be subdued by Zhuang Jianye in a few words. He wanted to defend himself, but before he could speak, Zhuang Jianye interrupted and said, "It's useless to talk too much, wait. Tomorrow after your ge-2800 is installed, will you dare to run it at full load for 8 hours at an ambient temperature of 36 degrees Celsius. If you dare, even if I didn’t say anything today, if you dare, take your ge-2800 with you. Where did it come back and where did it go!"

"There is no limit on the ambient temperature in the bidding document, only normal temperature!" Aukin Lake was still unsatisfied.

But as soon as this is said, even idiots know that there is a problem with the ge-2800 gas turbine of ge China. It is necessary to know that although 36 degrees Celsius is a high temperature, it is also in line with the realistic ambient temperature. In July and August, the temperature can often reach 36 degrees Celsius, and sometimes even soar to 40 degrees Celsius.

It stands to reason that there is nothing wrong with conducting such a test, but Okinlake obviously resists it. If there is no problem, hell.

Aukin Lake also knew that he had missed his horse's feet, but he had to die. There was no way that the ge-2800 gas turbine could not handle the high temperature. When it exceeds 35 degrees Celsius, the power of the gas turbine will decay in a cliff-like manner. Downtime phenomenon.

Most of the failures of the British Navy’s Type 45 destroyer’s nest are caused by the high temperature inside the Simplified Chinese. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

In desperation, the British Navy could only install refrigeration and air-conditioning for the 45-type power cabin, but it still didn’t help.

How can Aukin Lake agree?

However, Aukin Lake grasped the point very cleverly, that is, there is no clear temperature requirement in the bidding document, but Aukin Lake still does not know what is the essence of flexibility that the living cannot let the urine suffocate. After opening the bidding document, I used a pen to write a few words on it, and then handed it to the helper around me: "Talk to the evaluation expert group and add these points..."

Upon seeing this, Aukin Lake couldn't help but curl his lips: "Can the expert group listen to you?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Mr. Shen on the side said lonely, "I can listen, because two-thirds of the experts in the expert group are from China Soaring..."

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