Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1546: Strong a bit too much

"How is this possible!"

Seeing that the sharp knife of the synthetic battalion was like a hot knife slicing butter, it instantly tore a two-kilometer-long hole at the junction of the 6th company of the 82nd mechanized infantry battalion of the Guards and the 7th company of the air defense. Those foreign observers who were watching We were shocked at the time.

Colonel Klimdor from Tajikistan bounced directly from his seat, looked at the scene in front of him through the binoculars in disbelief, and then turned his head to look at several other military observers: "This round of artillery fire from the Synthetic Battalion, Are you sure to carry it down?"

The scene was silent.

There is no way for anyone to encounter the kind of rapid artillery attack that will be stable, accurate, and ruthless just now, and they will have to be directly beaten to the north.

Especially the elite troops of New Delhi that Major General Vajpayee often talked about, it won't be long before they collapse.

Because of this, Major General Vajpayee’s face is the most ugly of all foreign military observers. There is no alternative. If a certain country’s force pulls its hips, New Delhi can still be prestigious on the border; but if it is like the round of artillery just now The power and quality demonstrated by the rapid shooting, the so-called elite in New Delhi must not be hanged on the border by a certain country!

However, his face was ugly, but Major General Vajpayee could not lose his face, so he snorted: "The anti-artillery firepower of the 82nd mechanized infantry battalion of the Guards can immediately knock out the artillery of the synthetic battalion. Look at it. In five minutes, the artillery of the Synthetic Battalion will be wiped out!"

It seems that in order to confirm Major General Vajpayee’s thesis, the moment the synthetic battalion's sharp knife broke through the defense line of the 82nd Guards Mechanized Infantry Battalion, the artillery units of the 82nd Guards Mechanized Infantry Battalion, which had just adjusted their positions, poured out and counterattacked like the artillery positions of the Synthetic Battalion. Anger.

However, the paradox is that instead of being defeated, the artillery of the synthetic battalion was not destroyed. Instead, two rounds of rapid fire came in the direction of the 82nd mechanized infantry battalion artillery of the Guards, resulting in 2 2S19 152mm howitzers, 3 guns. The 2S1 122mm howitzer and 4 122mm rockets were completely scrapped. Together with the 7 lost artillery, more than one-third of the artillery force of the 82nd Guards Mechanized Infantry Battalion was destroyed in two rounds of artillery battles.

After the news reached the observation area, Vajpayee’s reaction was the same as that of Colonel Klimdor when the synthetic battalion's sharp knife broke through the position of the 82nd mechanized infantry battalion of the Guards. He almost blurted out subconsciously: "This...this...what is this? Maybe!"

"How is this possible!"

In the same way, Colonel Modric screamed in the 82nd mechanized infantry battalion of the Guards: "Who told me why our anti-artillery firepower was ineffective? Why is there obviously more and the advantage lies in my artillery anti-artillery. Suppressed by the other party? Who can tell me!"

There was silence in the command post, except for the rumble of gunfire, only the uncontrollable breathing of the staff.

No one can give Modric an answer. The reason is simple. According to the results given by the artillery radar of the 82nd mechanized infantry battalion of the Guards, the adjusted artillery unit of the synthetic battalion is unusually weird.

It is not a traditional line-up array, but is arranged in extremely scattered dots around a hill with a radius of 12 kilometers.

The 82nd mechanized infantry battalion command post of the Guards, who first received the news, couldn’t believe this was true. It is important to know that the point arrangement can effectively avoid the damage of anti-artillery firepower, but the corresponding command and organization coordination is also difficult. Times increase.

Because the guns of different positions need different parameters to hit the target, this increases the burden on the front artillery scouts and the rear artillery operators. Because of this, such arrangements are often pre-precise surveys to determine each The gun position fires all the yuan, and can only be implemented after quite careful calibration.

It takes only a few days for the Koshen Battalion to come to this training ground, and even the grounds will be familiar. There is no time to survey the terrain and calibrate the trajectory.

However, the performance of the artillery of the synthetic battalion just now was the same as that of the veteran troops stationed here for more than ten or twenty years.

That’s all, what’s more important is the rapid response speed at the initial stage. The artillery of the 82nd mechanized infantry battalion of the Guards just opened fire. The synthetic battalion seemed to have insight into everything. The adjustment was completed immediately, and the Anti-anti-artillery fire poured out.

The result was that the first round of fire preparation for the 82nd mechanized infantry battalion of the Guards was insufficient, and the head was missing, which did not cause any loss to the synthetic battalion; however, the artillery shells of the synthetic battalion were like eyes, and directly defeated the 82nd mechanized guards. The infantry battalion had nine artillery pieces, forcing its artillery to move again.

What Modric said was that he was a person from the Soviet era. Not only did he have a soft spot for artillery, but he also had an incomprehensible self-confidence for ordinary people. You must know that artillery was their mainstay, whether it was in the Soviet Union in those days or in Russia today. Therefore, it is the world leader in artillery technology and combat effectiveness.

But today, two artillery battles were beaten 2:0 by the opponent. The old face of Colonel Modric, who believes in artillery doctrine, really can’t hold back anymore. It’s hard not to get angry!

However, just as Modric was about to vent his anger at the staff under his hand, the right-wing commander's tired call suddenly came from the radio on one side: "We have been hit by violent fire from the enemy. 4 T-80, 6 BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicles, and 3'Doyle M1' air defense systems have all been destroyed. At present, the opponent’s firepower is still very fierce. We cannot arrive at the designated location on time. Can we postpone the attack?"

Hearing this news, Colonel Modric’s brains were humming. It was obvious that the artillery unit of the Synthetic Battalion took advantage of the favorable opportunity of the 82nd Mechanized Infantry Battalion Artillery of the Guards to shift their positions, quickly shift their targets, and attack the right-wing Russia. The troops came to gather fire once!

Needless to say, the key to UU reading www.uukānshu.com is that the offensive is blocked but the trouble is big. However, before Modric can make absolute determination, the right-wing commander on the radio side exclaimed desperately: "Helicopter It’s the Helicopter Battalion’s helicopter, our tank... Oh my God... the main force of He He Battalion... it’s over, it’s over, the right wing is over...Boom..."

After a harsh explosion, a cold voice from the director's coordinator came through the radio: "Your right-wing commander has been shot to death, and the entire right-wing has completely collapsed..."

Modric only felt that his eyes were dark, and he almost fainted.

No way, the whole process was too fast. From the artillery of the Heshen Battalion, to the only four part-time gunships coming over, to the seamlessly connected Heshi Battalion’s main force left uppercut. It’s so fluent and flowing that it’s not a war, but a show that has been rehearsed a long time ago~~~

Is this NM still the army of a certain country that once inherited from the Soviet Union? It's too strong!

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