Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1559: China takes off as a wool

Listening to his grandfather's words, Zhuang Tengqiu couldn't help but burst into laughter. After finally calming down, Zhuang Tengqiu couldn't help but ask: "Then why did my dad start Tengfei?"

"It's not because your grandpa lost power later, and suddenly lost his backing, and had to make a living by himself!"

Before Ning Zhishan could answer, there was a clear and sweet voice outside the house, and then two graceful but noble women stepped in. When Zhuang Tengqiu saw it, a smile appeared on his face: "Auntie, Auntie~ ~~"

It was Lu Ming and Ning Xiaoxue who were not here. They were just different from Lu Ming, who was outspoken just now. Ning Xiaoxue was still very objective: "Your dad is either incapable or a little tired. Fish, it was nothing, but people are not as good as the sky. As a result...there is no way, his salted fish can't even stand up."

"It’s also because Lao Zhuang is so good. Otherwise, how many of us have today, oh~~~ At the beginning, I was reluctant to buy a bottle of vanishing cream. Thank God if I can eat two meals a month. That’s okay, don’t mention that time~~~" Lu Ming was a bit emotional when he mentioned that year.

Ning Xiaoxue also nodded frequently: "Who can say no? I quarreled with your grandpa for three days and three nights for a flowery dress. In the end, she gave me a tablecloth made by your uncle and changed it for me. I'm so angry."

"Okay, you two still have a face to mention..." Hearing this, Ning Zhishan's expression became stubborn: "Don't forget why I came here for you!"

Before Father Ning finished speaking, Lu Ming slapped his chest and said proudly: "Even if you don't have your father to speak, I'm going to be our niece, 6 million yuan is missing, and my aunt will give you 60 million. If it is not enough, I will tell my aunt... "

At the same time, at the seaside, there was only one place for Zhuang Jianye to put the poles, but now there are two more. Ning Xiaodong and Zheng Quanli are sitting on both sides of Zhuang Jianye, looking bored at the fishing rod that has not moved for a long time. Er, I don’t know how long it took. Ning Xiaodong finally couldn’t help it. He threw most of the Cuban cigars in his mouth into the sea, and said impatiently to Zhuang Jianye, "Lao Zhuang, you said In other words, I think Xiao Qiu's idea is pretty good, and I am ready to vote for her. You can quickly give me a price for your technology, 50 million is not enough!"

"Go on one side, I'm still going to do this project myself!" Zhuang Jianye didn't even bother to turn his head back, so he refused.

Ning Xiaodong was not annoyed, but instead said with a smirk: "Okay, you had to do it a long time ago. Since ghosts and elves came out for 2 generations, what else have you done? Others don't know, I don't know? You have too much work on your hands in China Ascendas, and you are top high-end. So, Lao Zhuang, you should give up the low-end things. Xiao Qiu is not an outsider. It is justified to take over your China Ascension’s low-end product line. Time!"

"The key can also reduce costs!" Zheng Quanli also intervened at this moment: "You China takes off regardless of high-end or low-end is a word expensive, now the headquarters and all you love and hate, so, Lao Zhuang, should Let it go, and give it to your own daughters and daughters, not to others, so you don't suffer!"

"Who says no? I didn't see you hesitate when you gave Liszt back. What happened? Liszt has just used consumer drones as a gimmick in the past few years, and has almost given that listed company to that listed company. Hollowed out."

Ning Xiaodong added that, however, in fact, Liszt did more than Ning Xiaodong said. Since taking over the consumer drone business from China Ascendas, Liszt has not put the new style in In terms of technology research and development and business expansion, it started to hype related themes and concepts through the popularity of consumer drones, and then through these hype, it stirred up troubles in the US and European stock markets, buying low and selling high, and harvested Countless leeks.

That's all, the consumer-grade drones cannot be hit and the game is broken, and Liszt has made enough money and dumped related companies.

Coincidentally, Liberty and Beauty indirectly launched the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and exported "best friends and dishes" all over the world, which disturbed the rest of the world. At this time, the domestic military-industrial complex between Liberty and Beauty, Liszt, who was deeply **** with financial capital and high-level military and political leaders, began a new routine of Dafa war wealth and turbulent wealth.

At this time, consumer drones became the key white gloves for Liszt to collect defense procurement funds and money laundering.

For example, related items purchased by the U.S. military can only meet the defense procurement standards after being processed by this consumer-grade drone company. As for the price, the price will naturally rise immediately. As for why it is related to national security, it is inconvenient to disclose to the outside world.

And just in this light and dark, the huge amount of combat funds was put into their pockets by Liszt and others under various formal or irregular names.

Naturally, Ning Xiaodong didn't know about these things, but Zhuang Jianye knew very well that there was no way. The stone army on the other side of the ocean had indeed been fishing with Liszt's back.

So much so that Shi Jun’s occasional text messages would send out such emotions: "Bitch, when will you let me go back to China, otherwise, I will really become a billionaire here!"

Naturally, Zhuang Jianye couldn’t let Shi Jun come back at this time. What's more, with Shi Jun’s worth of tens of millions of dollars now, it would be difficult to arrange for Zhuang Jianye even if he came back, so he could only reply half enviously and half calmly: "Even if I did. Capitalists, have to keep your mission in mind, Comrade Stone, have you forgotten the scandal you did to Playboy magazine in your dorm room? Don’t think that the evidence is gone for so many years. With the current level of technology, it can still be verified. Out of your DNA!"

Generally, such a reply will only receive Shi Jun's boring protest from a "big bitch".

However, it is a joke. The result of the communication between the two is still very effective. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Zhuang Jianye continues to climb the technical peak in the country, leading China to take off and thinking about the top of the industry chain to initiate an assault; and Shi Jun this He has become a well-known freelance writer, financial columnist, and policy authority in the field of aviation industry in the free and beautiful area, and he has been constantly speaking in the domestic media in the free and beautiful area.

While singing praises for the war between Freedom and Beauty, it continues to sing the domestic aviation industry, which leads to the belief that domestic aviation and aerospace companies represented by China’s take-off will not only fail to catch up with Freedom Beauty in a short time. On the contrary, it will eventually become their helper because of the technical and ideological output of the free and beautiful room.

Because of this, Shi Jun called loudly not to worry about the technological breakthroughs that China took off. Anyway, sooner or later, it is the industry of the free and beautiful rooms. Their development is not the development of the free and beautiful rooms, but the embodiment of the values ​​of the free and beautiful rooms.

Similar remarks can be said to be overwhelming, and soon created an illusory illusion in the free and beautiful room, that is, oneself is too strong, so strong that even aliens may be discouraged. In this case, China's take-off is a wool, and then Anything is synonymous with backwardness. If you want to develop, just let him go!

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