Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1565: Rocket engine

What can be the problem?

Dare to have any problems!

Even if the executive director had the guts, he wouldn't have the guts to say a few words on this issue. You must know that Ju Tao is a famous tycoon who can tell the truth about life and death in the international channel.

There were indeed people who were not convinced before, but the works they produced can resonate with foreigners, that is, they can inadvertently penetrate the positive image of China into the hearts of ordinary people in the West.

Others can't do this to the extent that they just use their milk.

Precisely because of this, the propaganda department has almost criticized Ju Tao's grace, but there is no way, who is there to let people's skills.

However, the location of the filming is unbelievable, and the executable director is still a little uneasy, looking like he wants to say but dare not say.

"Any other things?" Ju Tao was a little impatient.

"It's mainly the issue of this live broadcast. In terms of details, we did not communicate with China Ascendas very well, so..." The executive director hurriedly expressed his concerns.

Regarding this, Ju Tao waved his hand indifferently: "I know that Ye Ye can talk in front of mainstream Western media. This little scene is nothing. The most important thing is that your departments must cooperate well. The lighting, camera, signal and switching must be strictly implemented in accordance with my previous arrangements.

Leave the rest to Brother Ye. What he says, don’t intervene in what you do. I just want to present the image of a tech madman who wants to dream at all costs, so you have to break the rigid to rigid of previous documentaries and biographies. Routines should give participants full freedom and capture the truest side. This is what foreigners are willing to look at. With a broken manuscript, it is fake. Foreigners are a little stupid. , But not stupid, they don't like that deliberately. "

"Okay, I understand Mr. Ju, I will let all departments follow your instructions. If anyone is disobedient, they will roll their rolls tomorrow..." Although Ju Tao's tone was stern and impatient, the executive director Still humbly and sincerely nodded, there is no way, Ju Tao's meaning is very obvious.

As a backbone of the public opinion and propaganda front, the executive director is still very clear about his responsibilities. It is not difficult to shoot a positive image. The difficulty is how to get foreigners to accept and recognize. In this regard, Ju Tao dare to say second, no People dare to be the first.

So his point of mention is definitely a good word, and if it is missed, it is a loss.

So the executive director, who was relieved of his worries, immediately contacted the person in charge of each department on the walkie-talkie. After confirming that it was correct, he nodded to Ju Tao: "Teacher Ju, the time is almost there, and the departments are ready. Should we start with this? "

Ju Tao raised his hand to look at his watch, and nodded slightly: "Well~~~ I can inform the director of Beijing!"

At the same time, when the hourly news broadcast simultaneously on Central TV4 and Central TV13 was about to end, the anchor inserted a broadcast: "Today’s special program is to lead everyone into a modern factory located deep in the mountains. Where is such a group of people? Their dream is to capture the moon in nine days, their goal is to conquer the sea of ​​stars, and now follow our lens to the rocket production base of the ZTM-NB Space Exploration Company in the Xikang Satellite Launch Center to see where and how many. Untold stories..."

The anchor's voice immediately ended, and with the switch of the screen of the director, the TV screen immediately turned to the vast mountains and the winding motorcade.

At the same time, a voice-over sounded slowly: "This is a mountainous area in the Xikang Satellite Launch Center. Right in front of us is the rocket production base of the ZTM-NB Space Exploration Company. Today we came here with live broadcast equipment to show you this. What kind of existence is the rocket factory in the mountains, well, let’s follow my lens to find out..."

Before the voice was over, as the Ghost Genius II drone with a portable high-definition lens slowly lifted up, a large but rough factory area was faintly included in the lens, and transmitted through the antenna on the live broadcast vehicle. On the three Ascendas NB-3 commercial communication satellites in low-Earth orbit, they are then presented to thousands of domestic audiences.

Of course, if you can, you can also do global live broadcast, but because of the time difference, the effect of doing this is not very good, so the live broadcast is limited to domestic. Wait until the night, the live broadcast during the day will be edited and modified, and it will be recorded and broadcasted. The way is played globally during overseas prime time.

This can be considered as a pilot. If the effect is good, you can also consider broadcasting directly to the world in the future.

However, domestic audiences who are quick to see are still very excited, especially those aerospace fans and technical controllers. In the past, they were excited to see one or two blurry pictures about the production and assembly of the launch vehicle from the pictures and magazines. Now they can follow along. Let's not mention the excitement when you feel the real rocket production base up close with the live camera.

As for those military fans who came after hearing the news, let alone, in their eyes, there is no essential difference between the rocket production base and the missile production base, so all the “rockets” in the voice-over are automatically filtered into missiles.

Of course, some people with ulterior motives are also paying attention to this live broadcast. After all, in the past, this kind of public reporting on a carrier rocket production base is not very few, but unique.

Therefore, by studying the situation of this Xikang factory, it may be possible to roughly analyze some basic conditions and related technical paths of domestic launch vehicles and even long-range missiles.

However, compared with these excited outsiders, those "lizhongke" who are staring at authoritative experts are much more calm, and can even be said to be holding their arms in front of the TV before watching the jokes of China's take-off.

No way, this Xikang factory has long been the laughing stock of the industry with its chaotic management, single product, and no special features. If it weren’t, Xikang factory has been built two or three years ago, but it has not been able to become a regular army in the field of carrier rocket production. The reason is here.

The aerospace products are so meticulous, but Xikang Factory does it like a joke, and of course it is not to be seen.

Among them, the most resolute attitude is the old man Tian Changmao, who has just retired from the leading position of the Aerospace Industry Group a few years ago and is now the honorary chairman of the Aerospace Technology Association.

At this moment, he was sitting next to the TV, pointing to the screen on the TV, and said to his grandson, Tian Luyi, who had just graduated from university: "You are going to a certain aerospace manufacturing plant. The Xikang Factory is almost a large collection of negative teaching materials from all aerospace factories. Summarizing experience from it will help you to better work in the front line."

After that, he pointed to the newly cut picture on TV, and continued to complain: "Look, look, the image of Zhuang Jianye is not what a professional aerospace industry should have. Either ship work clothes or wear formal suits. A tie, even a tunic suit is good, but his T-shirt, jeans, and canvas shoes are all on the official central media program, not a vacation..."


Just when the old man Tian was talking endlessly, Tian Lu interrupted him impatiently: "You are also an old spacefighter. Just look at what other people's clothes are doing and see what the row behind Zhuang Jianye is. It’s the point!"

"What?" Elder Tian was a little angry, and he answered without a good voice, and then squinted his eyes to look at the row of things behind Zhuang Jianye. It's okay if he didn't look at it, his eyes almost stared out: " Rocket engines... So many rocket engines... When did the Xikang factory build so many rockets to launch?"

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