Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1569: What is tens of thousands

The fact is indeed the case.

In terms of the technical difficulty of starting aviation and aerospace, aerospace is much smaller than aviation.

This is also an important reason why Qian Lao advocated the development of aerospace first and then aviation in the 1950s. However, with the development of aerospace technology, especially deep space exploration, the promotion and application of reusable spacecraft and manned spaceflight, The simple methods of sending objects into orbit in the past obviously can no longer meet the needs of reality.

Therefore, the rising tide of space technology is an indisputable fact.

So it’s really not difficult to get started in the aerospace field, but it’s not easy to do it well. There are too many interdisciplinary subjects in it. If you don’t have long-term accumulation and experience, you won’t be able to play.

In this regard, China Ascendas can be regarded as a wonderful work in the industry. While others are busy making quick money, they invest the bulk of their profits in research and development, and have been implementing it for more than a decade, never slacking off.

For many years, China's take-off has been regarded as an outlier by bigwigs from all walks of life, and Zhuang Jianye has been described by many entrepreneurs as a crazy fool.

Because of the investment of so much money, the market value of China's take-off has doubled several times, but the bottomless pit has been filled in. No effect can be seen for a few years or even more than ten years. What is the difference with the water drifting?

But when the hustle and bustle dissipated and the tide ebb and flow, many people realized that those who laughed at Zhuang Jianye back then were nowhere to be seen, but Zhuang Jianye, just like that boy back then, is still expanding his business territory.

The reason for this is simple. He has broken through technical barriers one after another and completed the technical integration of aviation and aerospace.

With this in mind, Tian Changmao sat on the sofa and couldn't help feeling: "This Zhuang Jianye is really amazing."

Tian Luyi also nodded, and immediately asked a question that made Tian Changmao a little surprised: "Indeed, so, grandpa, I want to work at ZTM-NB, what do you think..."


The live broadcast of CCTV continues. In the past 20 minutes, the ratings of the live broadcast are very impressive, especially when Zhuang Jianye introduced the DPZ-2D liquid oxygen-kerosene rocket engine in all directions and without blind spots in front of the camera lens. The ratings set off a small climax.

Because this is the first time in China to show its own advanced liquid rocket engine in a panoramic view, the kind of high-definition uncoded.

This can make aerospace fans, military fans and a lot of ordinary viewers who are not aware of the excitement in front of the TV set. There are even many enthusiastic viewers who call CCTV directly to ask if all this is true.

Because many viewers have learned about similar technologies from foreign media, it is clear that only the former Soviet Union has broken through the technical shackles of the liquid oxygen-kerosene rocket engine, and finally became the gods on the RD-170 model.

Even the United States has to rely on Russia in this field to go on, because they have stopped the development of the liquid oxygen-kerosene rocket engine since the Saturn V F-1, and switched to liquid hydrogen-liquid oxygen, which is more suitable for the space shuttle. Rocket engine.

However, there was no similar research in China before, why suddenly the liquid oxygen-kerosene rocket engine came out.

Not only is it unscientific, it is also absurd.

Originally, these doubts were only raised by some aerospace enthusiasts, but it didn’t take long for many public intellectuals to join in and begin to take the rhythm to question the tone of Apollo’s landing on the moon, proving that Zhuang Jianye was faked in front of the live camera, whether it was a forklift. The ones above are still gantry cranes, and they are all posing models.

Even some people who are not too big to watch the excitement are clamoring on the interactive Internet platform and SMS platform opened by CCTV TV, taking out one and two sprays.

As if this clamor was a signal, soon the screens of such clamors on various interactive platforms were swiped.

Ju Tao, who was coordinating the live broadcast, looked at a series of screen-swiping words on the monitor of the intercommunication group next to him, and a layer of fine sweat was leaking from his forehead.

This is a small crisis of confidence.

If it is handled well, the effect of the program will naturally not be said, and it can even become a signboard of international channels in the future; but if it is not handled well, it will lose the trust of the audience. When it comes to special live programs of international channels, it will be marked by the audience. With fake and deceptive labels, the ratings can naturally be imagined.

If this is in his own studio, that's okay. Ju Tao has a way to let the audience in front of the TV know what seeing is not necessarily true.

But the problem is, it’s not in the Xikang factory now, or in my own site. I really don’t have many ways to do it. So after thinking for a few seconds, Ju Tao decisively picked up the walkie-talkie: “Brother Ye, there’s something wrong with the interactive side. The situation, if the engine can be ended immediately, let's move to another factory..."

Zhuang Jianye, who was telling the camera about his DPZ-2D liquid oxygen-kerosene rocket engine, suddenly heard the voice of Ju Tao dispatching from the hidden earphones. Although he was shocked, Zhuang Jianye is also a master of this kind, and there is no strangeness on his face. , But naturally opened his arms, with the help of the engine in front of him, as if guiding the audience to check the details of the parts, he made a few gestures that seemed normal to the TV audience, but made Ju Tao clear to his chest.

Soon Ju Tao dispatched a camera to give a close-up close-up of the DPZ-2D liquid oxygen-kerosene rocket engine, and then asked the staff to move the interactive display in front of Zhuang Jianye, and then briefly talked about the current situation with the drone.

Zhuang Jianye glanced at the monitor, and after listening to Ju Tao's words, he simply gave an OK gesture to Ju Tao who was looking at the monitor not far away, and immediately ended the endless technical introduction. Turning, he said with a bit of ridicule: "I just looked at the interactive platform, but I didn’t expect the audience friends to be so enthusiastic. This surprised and moved me. There are so many enthusiastic friends who care and love. We ZTM-NB space exploration company, from now on, you are not only friends of ZTM-NB, but also our family...

Family members, just say what you want to do directly on the interactive platform...Wait, these old irons said...I hope Mr. Zhuang will pick two DPZ-2D liquid oxygen-kerosene rocket engines behind him and start them. See if you can spit out fire? "

After reading this sentence, Zhuang Jianye's face hesitated, and then he said with dissatisfaction: "What are these gods talking about, ah? Mr. Zhuang~~~~ are all family members, and he called me Mr. Zhuang~www. wuxiaspot.com~Don’t I have a name? Zhuang Jianye, or Know Wang, everyone remember, Mr. Zhuang’s name will never belong to this show, I will always be your Zhuang Jianye and the lovely Wang Wang, well, old folks Do you guys want to see the shocking scene of the rocket engine running? If so, you don’t have to write a long paragraph, just deduct 1 and send it to me. I see how many people want to see..."

As soon as the words came out, the interactive screen was directly swiped by a series of 1s.

Zhuang Jianye didn't talk nonsense, pointing directly to a DPZ-2D liquid oxygen-kerosene rocket engine and instructing the staff on the side: "Put it on the test bench and ignite it directly!"

"Mr. Zhuang, this engine is worth 4.5 million yuan. Once you light it, millions of dollars will be gone!" A person with the appearance of an executive quickly stopped it.

However, Zhuang Jianye's expression was stern: "What are millions of people? As long as the family wants, hundreds of millions of factories can be ordered. Besides, can the family treat me badly? They want to jointly boycott the poisonous rockets, for the sake of environmental protection and For the health of the Chinese people, for the well-being of thousands of astronauts, what are millions of people? Click~~~~"

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