Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1586: Emboldened

No way, even ordinary folk gods can see things, Boeing and Airbus, which have so many aviation technical experts, can only see more from the live broadcast of Central TV.

But because of this, the two companies were very angry and immediately contacted China Tengfei through private channels, hoping that -220 could give them an explanation.

We must know that in order to attract Airbus and Boeing's aviation foundry, China Ascendas made a promise when it cut the -2000 project, that is, it will not get involved in the development of mainline airliners.

As a result, a model -220 appeared at this time. What does this regard Airbus and Boeing? Furnishings?

It turned out that the two did not contact China to take off. It was only after contacting that they found out that they really did not regard these two as decorations, but completely regarded them as idiots.

Because China Ascendas’ explanation is very professional: "-220 is not a mainline airliner, but a deeply improved version based on the -200-400 regional airliner. Because of this, the -220 is actually the same as the -200 series. For a regional airliner developed by China Ascendas, I have to say that the two models are different. I can only say that the overall performance of the 220 is better, which redefines the regional airliner..."

After hearing this explanation, the Airbus and Boeing technicians almost didn't get their noses crooked.

I’ve seen shameless people, and I’ve never seen China Ascendas so shameless. A plane with a maximum take-off weight of 60 tons, a length of about 35 meters, a passenger capacity of more than 120 people, and a range of at least 5000 kilometers, dare you Said it is a regional airliner?

If so, Boeing 737 and Airbus A320 can also be downgraded and used as regional airliners.

As a result, China Ascendas took such a typical single-aisle trunk airliner to say that it is a new concept that redefines the regional airliner. How shameless people can do it!

In fact, Boeing and Airbus technicians guessed right. According to China Ascendas' internal data, the -220 passenger aircraft has a length of 34.9 meters, a wingspan of 35.1 meters and a height of 11.6 meters.

The fuselage tissue is 3.7 meters, the cabin diameter is 3.2 meters, and the cabin height is 2.2 meters.

It is arranged in a 3+2 seat mode and can carry up to 125 passengers. The number of first class, business class and economy class can be arranged according to different needs.

The aircraft has an empty weight of 28.75 tons; a maximum take-off weight of 59.15 tons, a range of 5,500 kilometers, a maximum flight altitude of 13,000 meters, and a maximum flight speed of Mach 0.82.

The take-off roll distance is 1,520 meters, and the landing roll distance is 1,340 meters.

The engine uses two WD-72F turbofan engines with large bypass ratio developed and produced by China Ascendas. The maximum thrust of a single unit is 9.5 tons, and its performance is equivalent to that of aero engines used in Boeing 737 and Airbus A320.

Therefore, from the data point of view, the -220 is indeed a genuine trunk airliner, and as far as comfort and performance are concerned, it is in line with the large long-distance trunk airliner.

And this is also a masterpiece of China Ascendas from the TRJ-900 branch line \\ main line passenger aircraft project, but compared with the previous TRJ-900 main branch line, taking into account the difference of the main line, -220 is obviously more ambitious.

Even if China Ascendas still writes the name of the branch line \trunk in its materials, neither the discerning people from the outside nor the inside of China Ascendas does not regard -220 as a branch line.

As for the -220 market positioning, it is even more fruitful, which is to replace the Boeing 737, Boeing 737-200, -300, -400, -600 and Airbus A320 and -200, -400 produced in the 1980s and 1990s. Old model, used for air transportation between major domestic cities.

If this were placed ten years ago, China’s take-off would not be so radical. There would inevitably be a transitional model between -200 and -220. For one thing, I was afraid that the steps would be too big and it would get one's own eggs. Secondly, I didn't want to be too early. Boeing and Airbus have stimulated the two giants.

Therefore, in the original plan there is a -210 project, as a transition as a whole, although the shape of the airframe has been infinitely close to -220, it also adopts the design method of hanging under the engine wing and the traditional aerodynamic layout, the only difference is It is slightly smaller in size to match the identity of a regional airliner.

But technically speaking, it is almost not much different from the -220, it's just that the fuselage is zoomed in and out.

As for choosing which model to focus on development, it mainly depends on market demand.

The demand for air transportation in the domestic market has grown very strongly, especially for regional passenger aircraft. With the economic development of the eastern coastal areas, the demand for regional routes within 1,000 kilometers is very strong. After all, the speed of aircraft is beyond doubt.

Therefore, China's rapid development-210 is understandable.

However, as the high-speed railway project is listed as a key construction project by the country and plans to build a four-vertical and four-horizontal high-speed rail artery in the country, the dominant position of the regional passenger aircraft has rapidly declined.

Although the speed of the regional airliner is faster, the actual efficiency of the regional airliner is combined with the time spent driving to and from the airport, the waiting time for entering the airport, the security check time before boarding, and the time of flight delays due to weather and other reasons. Nowhere is it better than high-speed rail.

In particular, high-speed rail between developed urban agglomerations is more efficient and more convenient than regional passenger aircraft.

As a result, in addition to the transportation needs of small and medium-sized regional passenger planes in the western provinces with sparsely populated areas, the transportation demand of regional passenger planes in the vast central and eastern economically developed regions will inevitably decline.

Under such circumstances, it is obviously unwise to develop regional airliners in Tou Tie. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Different from the dilemma of regional passenger aircraft, the mainline transportation market has not been greatly affected by the construction of high-speed rail, but has further demonstrated a strong realistic demand.

After all, the timeliness of the aircraft is the fastest for 3000 kilometers round-trip or 6000 kilometers long-distance landing on the way.

This has also led to an increase in the coverage of routes between important first-, second- and third-tier cities. Coupled with the fact that the old aircraft produced in the 1980s and 1990s have reached the end of their life, domestic airlines will vacate a large number of mainline airliners focusing on domestic routes. vacancy.

On the one hand, the market is shrinking sharply; on the other hand, it is bucking the market and rising and thriving. As a profit-seeking aerospace and aerospace manufacturing company, how to choose China Ascendas, naturally needless to say, of course it is even bigger-220!

Of course, some people may ask that the consideration of China's take-off is only based on the domestic market, why not consider the foreign market?

We must know that foreign high-speed rail is unlikely to be high, and the demand for regional aircraft is still very strong.

It’s not that China Ascendas does not want to think about it. The problem is that the foreign acceptance of civilian models produced by China Ascendas is poor. Even though the -200 series has obtained European and American airworthiness certificates, under the deliberate suppression of competitors and years of malicious propaganda, foreign Airlines are more on the wait-and-see attitude towards -200, and the sales volume is not high.

As for the main line -220, let alone, it is estimated that even the European and American airworthiness certificates cannot be obtained, so don't mention overseas sales. Fortunately, the domestic market is large enough, and this is also the confidence of China to take off to directly go to -220. Where!

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