Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1592: Comfortable cabin experience

In the successive "I believe in the country" voices, many people stood up from their seats, then squeezed away those who were hesitating in the line, took out their tickets and handed them to the staff of Ascendas Airlines, and then boarded the plane with their hands. Brand strides towards the boarding gate.

Soon there were more than a hundred people in the waiting hall.

At this time, some observant people suddenly realized something was wrong, and hurried to ask the staff of Ascendas Airlines: "No, isn't it that the FB-220 passenger plane has a maximum passenger capacity of 125 people? It's not just that who entered the boarding gate just now. Count, there are almost 150 people."

"Oh, it's like this..." The staff of Ascendas Airlines at the boarding gate explained patiently: "125 people are the standard passenger capacity of our FB-220 passenger plane, in order to better implement the maximum transport capacity of the Civil Aviation Administration. Based on the requirements of stranded passengers, our Ascendas Airlines reduced the distance between the middle aisles and added 25 temporary seats on the basis of the 3+2 seat layout, forming a 3+3 seat layout, thus realizing the maximum carrying capacity of 150 people. Passenger volume..."

In the same explanation, the flight attendant on flight L8742 also took the trouble to use the cabin broadcast to explain, because the first feeling of the passengers who came in was that the 3+3 seat layout was much crowded, which was different from the 3+2 that China took off before. The layout is significantly different.

However, the passengers didn’t have any complaints. The trains could add seats temporarily, but the planes weren’t. So most of the boarding passengers were more curious than questioning. Look, look at the difference between this domestically produced Big Grey Girl and foreign ones.

In fact, most people can't find any difference. After all, they are all low-cost economy class seats. There is not much comfort. The only thing that stands out is the large amount of work.

However, some careful passengers found that the cabin settings of the FB-220 passenger aircraft are indeed fundamentally different from those of the Boeing 737 and Airbus A320, such as the ceiling on the top of the cabin. The Boeing 737 and Airbus A320 are ordinary lighting settings. At most, the brightness of the light is a little softer.

After all, it is an entry-level trunk airliner that focuses on low-cost airlines, so it is naturally how simple it is.

The ceiling on the top of the FB-220 passenger plane is different, showing an unusual artistic atmosphere and ergonomic design. Two curved light blue light strips extend from the front of the cabin to the rear of the cabin, and the middle one The blank space is the switching light like clouds.

It can be switched to different brightness and dynamic lighting styles according to different environments and different time periods.

For example, when passengers board the plane, the natural light is like a clear sky, with two blue light bands, so that the passengers who have been stranded for three or five days have a long-lost sense of tranquility and comfort.

The seats are also different from the fixed ordinary seats used on the 150 seats on the Boeing 737 and Airbus A320, but are functional seats with higher comfort.

Although it is incomparable with the premium seats of the first class, it is comparable to the seats used in the business class on the Boeing 737 and Airbus A320.

Then there is the luggage compartment. The biggest feeling is that it is integrated and particularly convenient. It is different from the luggage compartment on Boeing 737 and Airbus A320. Below is the air-conditioning vent and passenger travel lights. Above is the hatchback luggage compartment. The layered design of the top ceiling is different.

The FB-220 passenger plane uses a semi-arc and streamlined design from the ceiling down, which is not obtrusive but also more modern. More importantly, the opening method of the trunk is the pull-down type. That's right. Female passengers with weaker physical strength are very friendly, because they can easily put the things in their hands without lifting their luggage too high. As for the buckle and the help of a booster, they don't have to use too much effort.

Snaking downwards are the air-conditioning outlets and passenger travel lights. Although the space is a bit of a smile, both the air outlets and the lights are designed very ingeniously, which fully meets the needs of passengers.

There are also the portholes of the FB-220 passenger aircraft, which are significantly larger in size than the Boeing 737 and Airbus A320, so even passengers sitting by the aisle can slightly tilt their heads to see the outside from the portholes on both sides view.

Of course, there are many similar differences, but the passengers who have just boarded the plane have limited time, and there is no way to find them one by one, but the only ones have made the passengers who experience the FB-220 for the first time feel what is called warmth and warmth. Comfortable!

"Grandpa, the feel of this airplane is not bad!"

The girl who was chasing her grandfather on the plane looked around for a good time, so she leaned comfortably on the seat and patted the good handrails on both sides.

But the old man sitting next to him did not speak, just smiled, and continued to look at the world outside through the porthole like a frozen world.

The girl naturally knew her grandfather’s temper, and she said a lot without seeing a response. Instead, she took out a camcorder from her shoulder bag and said with a grin: “Fortunately, I save money these days. It saves more, and there is more than half of the electricity, just to record the different ride experience this time!"

When he said that he clicked the switch, UU read www.uukanshu.com pointed the camera at his grandfather and asked: "Grandpa, let's talk about how you feel about taking a domestic airliner next time!"

"It's okay!" The old man didn't turn his head back, but he said so hard.

"Leave a souvenir, really!" The girl complained, and then pointed the camcorder at herself, and then a bright smile appeared on the pink face: "I am currently flying on the Ascendas FB-220 passenger plane. The post on the Internet said that this aircraft has many shortcomings. This time I took the FB-220 passenger plane because of the freezing disaster. I found that it was different from what was said on the Internet. From the perspective of the cabin configuration, it can be regarded as the top configuration of the same class of aircraft. .

Especially the light that can be changed above, I really like it; and the large porthole next to it is really sweet. It is simply the favorite of people like me who love to watch the scenery..."

Just as the girl was taking pictures with a camcorder so that she could talk about it, the announcement in the cabin slowly sounded, announcing that the plane was about to take off, and the passengers were asked to wear their seat belts. Then a few tall and beautiful flight attendants started. Check the riding conditions of the passengers and remind passengers who have no seat belts to fasten their seat belts.

After all inspections were over, the aircraft started slowly, and then under the guidance of the temporary ground command until it landed just now. After getting permission to release, the pilot pushed the throttle and the FB-220 passenger plane quickly rolled off. Rushing to the sky again in the wind and snow.

The girl in the cabin with a camcorder recorded this scene completely from her perspective, and sincerely praised: "Very stable, very fast, and the most important thing is that the sound is very small. Yes, you can see that FB-220 The airliner as a whole is very attentive, so it seems that the above statement is not correct..."

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