Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1599: Conscience in national enterprises

Of course, for the first Eastern Airlines to order the 220-passenger aircraft, China Ascendas has given great preferential policies.

For example, in terms of the unit price of an aircraft, China Ascendas is very friendly, with an average cost of 300 million yuan per aircraft.

Don't think that the price is too high, it is less than 40 million US dollars based on the exchange rate.

You must know that Boeing and Airbus's aircraft of the same level cost at least US$50 million, so the unit price of 300 million yuan looks high, but in fact it has long been cost-effective to explode.

Compared with the discounts that the -220 passenger aircraft can give, Boeing and Airbus's previous large-scale price reduction promotions to suppress China's take-off are a bit anticlimactic.

Because with the substantial price increase of all Airbus models, this promotion is tantamount to a miscarriage in fact.

Boeing has the ability to continue to persist, but the problem is that with the resumption of cooperation with China Ascendas, Boeing has actually given up its previous promotional activities.

No way, if you insist, Boeing can't hold it anymore.

However, Boeing’s approach is much more cunning than Airbus. They told the major domestic airlines that they still maintain the original offer, but only for bare metal. If you want to adapt the relevant electronic equipment, personnel training, interior decoration, etc., Then you have to add extra money.

As for the extent of the increase, you can know the original price of each model.

In this way, although the major domestic airlines can't fault it, they all feel like eating flies in their hearts, not to mention how disgusting it is.

汜减bxwx. co汜. Of course, in the end, China Eastern Airlines will hand over a large order worth 36 billion yuan to China. The most important thing is the quality of the 220 passenger plane.

If the safety, comfort, and economy of a civil airliner cannot meet the requirements of airlines, even if it is strong at the corporate level and the product prices are favorable, it will not touch the hearts of airlines.

Sacrifice such as xindingdianxsw.net sacrifice such as. After all, airlines are responsible for the safe arrival of passengers, and a slight omission will cause an air crash, which will destroy not only the lives and property of the passengers, but also the future and destiny of the airline.

Throughout the history of aviation development, there are not too many airlines that have fallen because of air crashes.

Because of this, even if China's take-off can squeeze the throat of Eastern Airlines, if the -220 passenger plane fails, then Eastern Airlines will not buy it, let alone buy so much.

After all, pinching the throat is just a bit more uncomfortable to live, but once something happens, China Eastern Airlines is very likely to rush to the street.

If you feel a little bit uncomfortable, you can at least live, but if you hit the street, then play the ball!

Fortunately, in this freezing natural disaster, the —220 passenger plane proved its reliability, safety and economy with practical actions.

For example, the girl who was the first to board the plane with her grandfather, immediately posted the filmed video to the Internet as soon as she arrived in the magic city, and commented excitedly: "I really didn't expect this to be our own plane. It’s super comfortable, it’s awesome, and I don’t accept any rebuttal!"

There was also the mother who refused to board the plane. After the power was restored at the airport, she learned about the situation of the 220 passenger plane and the people around her who boarded and left one after another through the big-screen TV broadcast. After the experience, I immediately praised the -220 passenger plane. Those who bluntly went up were liars, and she had to wait another day at the airport with her child.

For this reason, the unhappy mother even sent a rumor to the first post-the 220 passenger plane crashed, and the netizens with poor safety filed a civil lawsuit, demanding compensation for the loss of work and mental damage caused by listening to the rumors, totaling 120,000. RMB.

By the way, this mother's job is a lawyer.

There are many similar situations in the major cities in the south affected by the disaster. What is even more commendable is the attitude of China's take-off. When a reporter interviewed a staff member of China's take-off, he asked: "This time the -220 passenger plane will perform. With such a big effect, why don't you take the opportunity to promote yourself?" Shi.

This ordinary China Ascendas employee said: "Let’s talk about it when we finish fighting the freezing disaster..."

Before he finished his words, he waved his hand along with the camera, and hurriedly rushed to his post after begging others.

A very common sentence, without embellishment, without exaggeration, and without going online, but it hits the people’s hearts, and only then did people realize that after the storm of arrogant public opinion, China took off except for Lin Guanghua’s live broadcast. The show pointed to the major airlines' inaction, and there was almost no statement to defend themselves.

But even if Lin Guanghua’s accusation was a matter of fact, he did not say a positive word for China’s take-off.

As for the situation of the various models in the process of fighting the freezing disaster, China Ascendas did not use the media to promote anything, that is, when the people needed it most, he spread his wings and silently gave the warmest protection.

Even if you may have been accusing and verbalizing at the moment, the company that called China Tengfei always smiled, forgiving everyone just like forgiving its ignorant child.

This kind of ignorance, silent dedication, and no return, directly penetrated the people's psychological defenses, so the enthusiastic network spontaneously organized and began to denounce the "reposters" who spread rumors and discredited China's take-off some time ago.

Combined with human flesh search and other technologies, the personal information of many "revealers" at UU Reading www.uukānshu.com was made public, followed by overwhelming real abuses and endless saturation attacks.

At the beginning, a few "informers" wanted to resist, and used legal weapons to protect their reputation.

As a result, before they could use legal weapons, the lawyer’s mother’s court summons was smashed into the faces of these "reporters", and then a series of court summons and lawyers’ letters flew in like snowflakes, almost failing to get them. Several people drowned.

These few people finally panicked, and quickly came forward to admit their mistakes, only to find that the several major online platform accounts they used before were all permanently banned, and some of them were the big V accounts they had raised for two or three years.

Now, all of them have become deaf and blind. They can only passively accept wanton ridicule and abuse from netizens all over the country, but they don't even talk about the channels for vocalization, and they have to deal with endless legal proceedings.

Mi He Mi. So much so that a few people have the idea of ​​sitting in prison, no matter how much the prison is cleaner than it is now, there is no way that this type of social death is really not something ordinary people can bear.

For these people, China Ascendas has neither held accountability nor filed any legal proceedings.

In the words of Zhuang Jianye: "China Ascendas is a very tolerant company. For different opinions, China Ascendas has always adopted an attitude of humility, loyalty and rebelliousness, and good medicine. I believe that under the supervision of the broad masses of people, China’s ascension will exceed The better!"

In this regard, the popularity of the people is directly overwhelming. Compared with some companies that cannot have a half-negative public opinion, China Ascendas is simply a model for the industry and the conscience of national companies.

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