Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1603: Just ask eldest brother, isn’t he now?

On the surface, New Delhi, like China, is a populous country with a population of over 1 billion, and it is also actively integrating into the world economically.

It's just that, compared with the reform and opening up implemented in 1978 in China, the economic opening of New Delhi will have to wait until the end of the Cold War in the 1990s, which is more than ten years later than that in China, which has created the current gap between the two.

But it doesn’t necessarily matter how big it is.

After all, New Delhi is very much like the country in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Although it is still very backward, it is full of boundless hope.

Because of this, many European and American observers are very optimistic about New Delhi, thinking that it should be the engine of future world economic development, and it is a virgin land for European and American capital to grab excess profits.

Of course, what makes New Delhi the most attractive to Europeans and Americans is that it is inherently easier to control.

In contrast, China is like a smelly and hard stone in some respects, and it is difficult to completely win the favor of Europeans and Americans. New Delhi is different. Their thousands of years of inheritance are not so much the continuation of civilization. It's better to say that she is a little girl who can be dressed up.

Aryans are here, they are just what the Aryans want; when the Persians come, they are also called the appearance that the Persians like; when the Mongols come, they are transformed and they are not separated from the Mongols; the British are here , Also began to claim to be a successor to the British Empire.

Now that the more powerful European and American consortium is here, New Delhi naturally dressed himself up and shouted that he had finally found his home, wishing to join others with his family.

This is simply better for many Europeans and Americans, because they need someone to provide them with cheap labor in order to produce low-cost industrial products, so as to benefit the developed countries in Europe and the United States, so as to continue to maintain the laziness of the European and American people. Decent life. Sacrifice as xindingdianxsw.com

Originally, this job was entrusted to the domestic work, but after so many years, Europe and the United States suddenly discovered that the country has begun to quietly carry out overall industrial upgrading, from a cheap labor provider to barbarians who want to compete with Europe and the United States.汜 minus bxWx.C*o汜

The most typical example is China's take-off. I thought it was a role that could be knocked out with hands, but the two giants joined forces to suppress it. Instead, there was a look back and half-dead Airbus.

This has made many European and American observers wary, so they have proposed that giants such as Boeing and Airbus move the industrial chain to New Delhi to get rid of their dependence on China's take-off.

Among them, the most popular columnist is the well-known American columnist, senior policy consultant at Goldman Sachs, Celtic Perl Sterei. Of course, everyone is more familiar with the Chinese name, and that is Shi Jun!

On January 20, this man submitted a research report on New Delhi to Goldman Sachs, stating that New Delhi is expected to surpass China in the next ten years and become the most dynamic economy in Asia.

After that, Shi Jun published column articles in major mainstream media in the United States, and began to trumpet the development potential of New Delhi, calling on American manufacturing giants to move their industrial chains to New Delhi.

By the beginning of February, Shi Jun’s remarks became more direct and explicit, he did not hesitate to name Boeing publicly, hoping that this century-old aviation store and the mainstay of the American manufacturing industry can play an exemplary and leading role, and try to integrate its parts industry chain. Moved to New Delhi to disperse the risks caused by too much concentration on China's take-off.

Boeing originally had this intention. I didn’t expect Shi Jun to agree with his ideas so much. In addition, Shi Jun was confused with Liszt in the early years, and he was considered his own. So Boeing hired Shi Jun as Boeing’s special policy adviser. , I hope he can help Boeing develop a practical industrial chain transfer plan.

Shi Jun flew to New Delhi without saying a word. He traveled a few times in the major cities of New Delhi. The process during this period is beyond description. Anyway, he went up to the beautiful Bai Fumei of the high caste and the beautiful female star in Bollywood. Down to the low-caste female college students who can be eye-catching, Shi Jun has actually caused a lot of misfortune.

And the days when there are servants surrounded by beautiful women in the warm bed, to eat, drink, and wipe the **** without having to do it yourself is no different from the decadent emperor's life.

In order to be able to "investigate" New Delhi in more detail and learn more about the "facts", Shi Jun simply applied to Boeing for a year of research.

In other words, Shi Jun, who is reluctant to think about Shu, is ready to experience this imperial life in a "critical" attitude for a year.

Anyway, the expenses are all from Boeing, not in vain.

What's more, in addition to Boeing, New Delhi also does not hesitate to hold precious foreign exchange reserves. In the name of consulting fees, the amount can be as little as several hundred thousand U.S. dollars and as many as millions of U.S. dollars.

No way. Compared with the observation and understanding of Europe and the United States, New Delhi has to use urgency to describe it.

Because there is a living example of a certain country, undertaking processing from developed countries, taking advantage of human resources, and then producing cheap industrial products for Europe and the United States, realizing the original accumulation of their own wealth, and then seeking breakthroughs in one or two key areas to be one of the best. Realize the real prosperity of the country.

Although New Delhi was a bit confused when it was forced to integrate into the world economic system in the 1990s, I don’t know where to go. After more than ten years, I suddenly discovered that the homework of a certain country is not difficult. There are so many people, is there any difference in this regard in New Delhi?

Because of this, when Europe and the United States began to move the industrial chain to New Delhi, the people in New Delhi only felt that their opportunity had come, and they began to create public opinion frantically to cater to the views of certain people in Europe and the United States. For this reason, they did not hesitate to create fake news and claim New Delhi. It is a unique investment destination in the world today.

At this time, Shi Jun advocated Boeing to transfer the aviation industry chain to New Delhi and came to New Delhi for inspection as a Boeing policy consultant.

When I heard the news, New Delhi almost didn't like to smoke. I thought it would be good to come to a few toy factories or home appliance assembly factories. I didn't expect it to be so high-end, atmospheric and high-end when it came up.

What does this show? New Delhi is about to develop!

Therefore, the standard of reception for Shi Jun is high, almost comparable to that of the head of state.

Want a high caste Bai Fumei? Give!

Bollywood female celebrities taste good? No problem, just taste it!

Beautiful female college students of low caste have sentiment? That's easy to handle. As long as you can get into the eyes of your Lord Strei, even in broad daylight, you will never see it in New Delhi.

If you want to play, you need to be happy, exciting and cool!

Of course, in addition to making Shi Jun a lot of fun, New Delhi is not doing everything right. After all, Boeing’s investment is very important. Naturally, we can’t just be drunk and do something business, so it will be a long time for New Delhi. The executives of Shi Jun often visit the Hindustan Aviation Manufacturing Complex, known as the Light of New Delhi Aviation, and fully open the Su-30MKI fighter jet production line to it. Mi He Mi

That means it’s obvious. Did you see that we can even produce Su-30MKI, so I asked the eldest brother, is the younger brother now a cow?

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