Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1619: Talents

   Regarding the issue of the talent team, China has made great efforts to take off, such as subsidizing poor students to study related aerospace majors, training graduates in related disciplines with universities, and funding the construction of vocational and technical schools with the education department.

Although a lot of efforts have been made, the main business of China's take-off is not education, and it is impossible to invest too much energy; the second and most important point is that the aerospace disciplines are too professional and the starting point is too high to be widely popularized. .

   To put it in human terms, this kind of subject has not formed an entry point that is generally recognized by the whole society, so that students and parents don't invest much energy.

   If it can be similar to popular majors such as engineering and construction, financial accounting, and software engineering, you will be snatched as soon as you leave the school. Parents and students will naturally squeeze their heads to rely on this.

   The problem is that the employment scope of aviation and aerospace is too narrow. Except for those few aerospace research institutes and large state-owned enterprises, only China has taken off, and there are no other places that meet this profession.

Among them, China Ascendas has the best treatment and the corresponding difficulty in entering. The remaining few companies are ordinary in terms of basic salary and related benefits, and even the treatment of individual units is not as good as Tony who cuts people's hair in the hair salon. teacher.

  Think of a professional who has been studying hard for more than ten or twenty years. After he comes out, his salary is still closed to a shaver who has not even completed nine years of compulsory education. Who can balance in his heart?

  , of course, I'm afraid to avoid it.

   The reason for this is not because China Ascendas and other domestic companies are not working hard, but because the overall industrial breakthrough in the overall domestic high-end manufacturing field has not been completed.

   In other words, there are too few manufacturers that can produce high profits and high value-added. How many talents can it absorb even if one China takes off? Ten thousand to twenty thousand people died.

If you want the entire industry to rush forward, at least millions of relevant talents will be enough. In this way, under the general innovation, the level of each enterprise can rise to a few big steps, otherwise it can only stay in the same place. Crazy internal friction in an awkward position.

For example, Japan and South Korea, looking at the total GDP is quite large, but the people are generally very tired. The reason for this is because they can’t touch the top high-end products. With those few properties that others have donated, they are changing the law.

On the contrary, the reason why commercial aerospace is in the ascendant in the United States is not because of the charisma of Musk and Bezos, nor how strong the hardware of the United States is. The most important thing is their talent pool in this area. Enough is enough to give full play to comparative advantages and form a virtuous circle.

  Even ZTM-NB space exploration company is hard to beat in this regard, because so far, many key positions are still vacant, because there is no professional talents in related fields.

Of course, Zhuang Jianye can go to other units to dig people with high salaries without talking about martial arts, but in that case, many key models may have to lie down. There is no way. It is true that such talents are scarce to a carrot and a pit. The point where it will damage the country’s heaviest weapon.

This is still the case in China. Needless to say, Russia who has just breathed a sigh of relief. Most of the people who support the Russian aerospace industry today are left over from the Soviet era. The youngest is nearly 60, and occasionally I can see one. Those in their 40s are young people, and there are almost no juniors in their 20s or 30s.

   In this state, Russia is thankful that it can maintain the existing plates without falling apart. What kind of commercial aerospace is still going on? Let’s not talk about the equipment, even people do not do it?

   The same is true in Europe, even not as good as Russia, and it is also not very competitive.

   There is potential in this area in China. After all, the population base is there, but the atmosphere is a bit unsatisfactory. Because of this, Rolls-Royce's establishment of factories in China is a great thing for China to take off.

   At the very least, in the competition for talents, China does not need to be as restrained as before to take off.

After all, the previous competitors were all units within the system. Even if China took off, even if it wanted to raise wages, it would be opposed by these units, so that they had to implement the so-called wage guide price for many years. 15% of salary.

  Zhuang Jianye fundamentally does not want to implement it, but the reality is that it will not work if it is not implemented, because once everyone is attracted, other units may directly collapse, and the model task delivered by the country may be in trouble.

   There is no way, this is a problem of global and local vision. In this regard, Zhuang Jianye has to grasp a certain degree.

   But if Rolls-Royce came in, it would be different. When did foreign companies see Wude?

   Inside the system, outside the system, I want the best, not convinced? Who TM cares!

In this way, China's take-off can justifiably increase the benefits for personnel in the aero-engine-related fields, and such a fight with Luo Luo is just like the high price competition of several Internet manufacturers for programmers, and the benefits can be overturned immediately. .

   Welfare benefits come up, and there is a strong demand. What do parents and students feel after seeing it? It must have cut their heads and drilled into it. Even people in society will probably learn about the introduction of aerospace crazy, because everyone knows that as long as you enter this door, you will not be far from the freedom of wealth and the peak of life.

   It can not only solve the current shortage of aero engine production capacity, but also promote the long-term talent team building. Zhuang Jianye agrees with Luo Luo's establishment of a factory. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

   Not only quickly reached a cooperation agreement with Rolls-Royce, promising that at least one-third of the 220 series passenger aircraft will use Rolls-Royce’s domestically produced V2500 series aero engines.

   And in the future, the larger-240 dual-channel twin-engine large passenger aircraft will also use Rolls-Royce's Trent series of high-thrust aero engines.

Originally, both parties had a very good discussion. Luo Luodu has reached a joint venture agreement with CITIC Group. Luo Luo will invest 4.9 billion yuan, accounting for 49% of the shares; CITIC Group invested 5.1 billion yuan, accounting for 51% of the shares, and jointly build a joint venture outside the city. Modern aero engine super factory.

   Seeing that the boots were about to fall, Rolls-Royce Company lifted the boots that were about to fall again at a critical moment.

The reason is simple. The delayed delivery of China's take-off and reports of serious losses in the production line make Rolls-Royce feel that the prospects of China's take-off are worrying. Once its main model-220 cannot be delivered on time, those urgently need new models to replace the old ones. The airlines of China will definitely abandon China and take off.

   After all, no matter how deep the bond is, the real interests cannot be held up. The survival of airlines is always the first priority. In the face of this top priority, everything is a cloud. Therefore, Rolls-Royce judges that Airbus and Boeing will become big winners in the future.

  Since Airbus and Boeing were the last to carve up the domestic market, didn’t they end up busy and lonely when they came to set up factories?


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